Teen Pregnancy Study
All your answers will be kept annoynmous.  Please answer questions honestly.  You may quit the survey at any time.  Only take the survey once.
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How old are you? *
What is your gender? *
Are you currently, or have you ever been, sexually active? *
Have you ever concieved or fathered a child? *
Concieved= Been Pregnant even if you didn't have the baby.
How often do you use some form of protection during sexual intercourse? *
If on birth control, Check the first answer.
Which of the following expresses your use of illegal drugs? *
illegal drugs include: Marijuana, non prescribed pills, etc.
Do you drink alcohol, if so how often? *
How many times a week do you eat dinner with your family? *
Family= People you live with
How often does your family talk with each other about personal issues? *
Family = people you live with; personal issues would include things such as school, friends, relationships, etc
Have your parents/guardians talked with you about sex? *
conversations about any of the following: safe sex, their expectations of you, abstinence, etc
Do your parents/guardians know where you are all the time? *
Do you have an older brother or sister?  If so, how many? *
If you have an older brother or sister, is he/she sexually active and/or a parent? *
If you have an older brother or sister, do you look up to him/her? *
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