The Less Wrong Survey

Thank you for taking the Less Wrong Survey. It should take no more than fifteen or twenty minutes, and provide helpful data on the demographics and opinions of Less Wrong community members.

(There are a few floating checkmarks below the section headers, because I couldn't figure out how to make section headers without them officially being a question. Please ignore these. Thank you.)

******************************SECTION 1: DEMOGRAPHICS**********************************
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Professional Field
Select the field(s) in which you are a student or professional
Professional Status
Select your current professional status
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Degree Status
Select the highest degree you currently have / are working towards
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Are you an active member of other communitiesbuilt around...
Do you consider yourself fairly knowledgeable on the following topics? Define "fairly knowledgeable" as feeling comfortable having a heavy discussion about it with the local experts on Less Wrong without worrying that you're competely out of your depth.
Relationship Status
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Political Views
Please select the best description of your political views.
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Religious Views
For the last two options, define "spiritual" as "believing in some guiding force or power to the universe beyond that currently considered scientifically proven."
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Religious Background
How religious was your family when you were growing up?
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Religious Background 2
If you answered that your family was religious, what religion were they?
If unsure or decline to answer, please leave blank. Please give as precise an answer as you have available, but please use only respectable tests (ie no amateur Internet IQ tests, please)
OB posts
What percentage of the Overcoming Bias posts do you think you've read? (Eliezer has about 700, and Robin probably around the same. If you've read all of Eliezer's but none of Robin's, or vice versa, please mention that in the answer)
Time in Community
How long, in months, have you been following Overcoming Bias and Less Wrong?
Time per day
In an average day, how many minutes do you spend on Overcoming Bias and Less Wrong?
LW Karma
If decline to answer, please leave blank. Be aware it may be easy to identify you from this information. Feel free to add or subtract a few points to make your answer less recognizable; just don't change it significantly.
******************************SECTION 2: PROBABILITIES**********************************
Probability: MWI
For this and the following questions, please give your probability estimate for the related propositions, on a scale from 0 (definitely false) to 100 (definitely true). You may (and are encouraged to) use decimals for values less than 1 or greater than 99. The values 0 or 100 will be interpreted as epsilon or 100 - epsilon, for your convenience. If you don't know enough about the proposition to have an opinion, please leave the box blank. For this question, please estimate the probability that the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics is more or less correct.
Probability: Aliens
What is the probability that nonhuman intelligent life exists in the observable Universe?
Probability: Aliens 2
In our galaxy?
Probability: Supernatural
What is the probability that supernatural events, defined as those involving ontologically basic mental entities, have occurred since the beginning of the universe?
Probability: God
What is the probability there is a God, defined as a supernatural (see above) intelligent entity who created the universe?
Probability: God 2
What is the probability that any of humankind's revealed religions is more or less correct?
Probability: Cryonics
What is the probability that an average person cryonically frozen today will be successfully restored to life at some future time?
Probability: Anti-Agathics
What is the probability that at least one person currently alive will reach an age of greater than 1000?
Probability: Simulation
What is the probability that our universe is a simulation?
Probability: Global Warming
What is the probability that significant global warming is occuring or will soon occur, and is primarily caused by human actions?
Probability: Existential Risk
What is the probability that the human race will make it to 2100 without any catastrophe that kills more than 90% of humans?
Probability: High IQ
If you gave your IQ above, what is your probability that your IQ will be above the median IQ of people who responded to this survey?
Singularity: Year
By what year do you think the Singularity will occur (answer such that you think there is an even chance of the Singularity falling before or after that year. If you don't think a Singularity will ever happen, leave blank.)
******************************SECTION 3: MISCELLANEOUS**********************************
Are you signed up for cryonics?
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Robin vs. Eliezer Singularity
Which vision of the Singularity do you consider more likely?
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Classic Prisoner's Dilemma
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Eliezer's "True" Prisoner's Dilemma
See (second payoff matrix on this page)
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True or false: the marginal effect of extra money being given to aid in Africa through charity is generally positive.
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Existential Risk 2
Which of these potential risks do you think is most likely to cause a catastrophe wiping out >90% of humans before 2100?
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Moral Views
How would you best describe your interpretation of morality?
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Moral value
Which of the following do you believe have significant moral value for their own sake? In particular, which of these would you go out of your way to protect from things you consider bad? A checkmark does not necessarily imply that you believe they have equal moral value, merely some positive moral value.
Three Worlds Ending
Which ending of Three Worlds Collide did you prefer (morally, not in terms of literary value)?
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Calibration 1
In what year did Thomas Edison patent the light bulb?
Calibration 2
On a scale of 0%-100%, how confident are you that you got within 5 years of the correct answer on the above question?
Check this box to make your responses private; ie exclude them when this data is made public. Keep in mind that although it should in theory be very difficult to identify you from your survey results, it may be possible if you have an unusual answer to certain questions, for example your Less Wrong karma. Please also be aware that even if this box is checked, the person collecting the surveys (Yvain) will be able to see your results (but he will keep them confidential)
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