Energy Efficient House Project Self Evaluation
Grade your project using the rubric that was passed out in class.
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What is your name? *
Enter your name below
Title Page *
Select the answers that best describes your title page
Description of Project *
Select the answers that best describes your Description of Project Slide
Home Location and Site Analysis *
Select the answers that best describes your Home Location and Site Analysis Slide
Home Orientation and Configuration *
Select the answers that best describes your Home Orientation and Configuration Slide
Type of Insulation and R-Value *
Select the answers that best describes your Type of Insulation and R-Value Slide
Insulation (creating an envelope) *
Select the answers that best describes your Insulation (creating an envelope) Slide
Type of Windows and Location *
Select the answers that best describes your Type of Windows and Location Slide
Proper use of Windows (Light, Heat, and Ventilation) *
Select the answers that best describes your Proper use of Windows (Light, Heat, and Ventilation) Slide
Type of Water Heater *
Select the answers that best describes your Type of Water Heater Slide
Water Usage *
Select the answers that best describes your Water Usage Slide
Type of Heating System *
Select the answers that best describes your Type of Heating System Slide
Type of Cooling System *
Select the answers that best describes your Type of Cooling System Slide
Temperature Control *
Select the answers that best describes your Temperature Control Slide
Appliances and Electricity Use *
Select the answers that best describes your Appliances and Electricity Use Slide
Conclusion *
Select the answers that best describes your Conclusion Slide
Media Enhancements and Creativity *
Select the answers that best describes your level of creativity and how you used media (pictures, fonts, links, etc.)
Spelling and Grammar *
Select the answers that best describes your spelling and Grammar
What is your total score? *
Add up the points from each checkbox to get your total score (Maximum of 68)
What grade did you give yourself? *
Use the total score to determine your grade
Do you feel like you used your time in the computer lab wisely? *
Answer yes or no and please explain why you feel this way.
Did you enjoy this project? *
Please rate this project on a scale of 1-5
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