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Bedford Twp Road Resolution (October 2011)
38 responses
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Include your name, or Bedford Now user name if you desire.
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What road do you live on? include major cross streets.
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Rate your road condition
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Please select the services you feel should be funded if put on a new millage.
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What would you rate the current road conditions (Fall 2011) in Bedford township?
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If you had to pick a mile of road to repair in the township what road would it be?
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Select the 3 major roads you use the most
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Do you support the current 1mil proposal being put on the ballot in November?
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Would you support a 1.5mil proposal in an effort only to resurface about 20 miles of road over the next 10 years?
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Would you be more likely to support a road millage if the resurfacing projects were given bid to private companies?
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Do you feel that the Township has addressed the ongoing road conditions properly?
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Do you trust the Township board (to use properly) handling the current funds or and addition millage funds?
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Would you support a major retailer (box store)  in Bedford township?
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Would you support an additional millage for increased Law enforcement in Bedford twp?
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