Group Settings Subscribe to RSS Feed Group Public URL Group Post Visibility Show in Latest Posts Send Email/SMS Updates Teachers' College Reader Writer Workshop MS group for teachers of the Lucy Calkin's workshops. This group is specifically for Middle School teachers Grades 6-8.Abena
*12 Literacies for Today's Students LuscreResources for teaching the 12 - Literacies- Language/Textual,
Information & Digital,Media,News & Opinions, Visual, Mathematical/Analytic, Scientific,
Arts & Music, Cultural, Historical, Geo & Spatial, Political/Governmental & Mechanical/Engineering. Visit for more information & Resources
Anthony Luscre
*1st - 3rd Teachers MavrosEducators teaching grades 1-3 interested in sharing ideas, getting some new ones and having quick resources available to youKristina Holzweiss
*20% Project Group WoodsThis group is designed to allow educators to share ideas, resources and successes with implementing the 20% Project in their classrooms. All are welcome.Ms. Woods
*21st Century Administrators TolandAdministrator discussion group to support new and experienced administrators as we face the new demands of the 21st Century. Christie Toland
*21st Century Educator focus is to share ideas, experiences and help fellow educators with technology in the classroom.
*21st Century Skills LuscreWe have been talking about 21st Century Skills in education for over 20 years. One of the problems is that we are not doing it! Technology has changed drastically in the last few years; making most of the dreams of the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's a reality. We focus on 12 things educators need to be doing for today's students.mo_luscre
*21st Century Tools for Elementary Teachers BondThis group allows elementary teachers to share ideas about 21st Century Learning in elementary classrooms. Jennifer Bond
*3rd Grade Teachers SandersThis is a group for third grade teachers to exchange ideas, challenges, and resources from around the world.Amy Sanders
*4th Grade Music Kari PetersonSomerset 4th Grade Music Wiki Kari Peterson
*4th Grade Teachers DaveyGroup for 4th grade teachers to share and collaborate on 4th grade related materials. Especially related to flipping the classroom and innovative teaching.Ian Davey
*5th Grade UnderhillA group designed for 5th grade teachers to collaborate and share ideas.Gary Davis
*6th - 8th Grade LA and Gifted Resources AlvarezFolders for many different topics related to Middle School Gifted and LA.
*6th Grade Math HunterOne place to go for 6th grade math resources. This was originally created for my county, but I think opening it up to all 6th grade math teachers would be more beneficial. Ashley Hunter
*6th Grade Ontario Teachers Strong It's purpose is to share ideas and resources suitable for the Ontario curriculum at the grade 6 level.Jim Strong
*6th Grade- Share GordonThis group is for teachers to share content/ideas specific to 6th grade.Sandy King
*7th Grade Math HardinThis is a group for 7th grade math teachers to share resources and ideas.Jennifer Hardin
*7th Grade Social Studies Georgia BeardWelcome to the group dedicated to all things 7th grade Social Studies in Georgia. This is a great group to find and share GPS resources. If you are a 7th grade Social Studies teacher in Georgia, this is the group for you!Jennifer Beard
*8th Grade Educators have started a group for ALL educators who teach 8th grade to share, explore, interact, etc with one another. I hope you will join and find it a useful partnership with peers.Kristina Holzweiss
*9th-12th Erin VranishIf you are an educator in a Catholic high school teaching religion, theology or campus ministry, join us! We'll share ideas, resources, the joys (and challenges) of working in a faith based environment, teaching strategies, implementing the bishop's framework.Erin Vranish
*K-12 Dance PenuelK-12 Dance Ed resources, assessments, and support.Sabrina Penuel
#edmodochat via edmodo King#edmodochat topic discussed during the whole weekSandy King
A+ STEM Educators SpearOpen to all educators involved in creating and/or teaching a STEAM program at all grade levels. Share ideas and resources that work for you. Have support available to discuss how to improve instruction and learning in a "hands-on" environment.Debbie Spear
Academic Learning Mentoring Nic EdwardsA space where mentors can share experiences, resources and ideas.Nic Edwards
Achieving with Student Growth Objectives SGOs EscaleiraSo many educators are searching for help understanding how to realize greater student performance through the practice of setting rigorous Student Growth Objectives (SGO’s) / Student Learning Objectives (SLO's). Let's help each other out...John Escaleira
ACSE - Association of Computer Studies Educators McAshAssociation of Computer Studies Educators. A group supporting teachers of Computer Science and Computer Technology in schools in the province of Ontario (Canada). The group is open to anyone with an interest in this subject area.Peter McAsh
ACT prep classN. King
Administrator CCSS Resources TolandFocuses on how administrators are supporting their teachers during the transition to Common Core Standards.
Advanced Functions group is designed for high school students and will be containing video and resources for Advanced functions. Most resources are harvested from Khan Academy.Bobbie Combs
Advanced Web Searching LuscreGroup devoted to advancing practices in effective and efficient web searching for both staff and students. Find What You Want & Know What You Have Found! Includes information literacy, digital literacy and "Recursive Web Searching".Anthony Luscre
After Effects Forum After Effects Forum - Talk about anything related to Adobe After Effects
Agile Mind WeberThis group is for those that are using the Agile Mind math program. Share what you have created for more practice or projects to extend learning. Maybe you have a question how to maximize the tools and functions of the program. Share frustrations. Seek pep talks. Share successes and challenges. This is not about defending a program but rather supporting teachers who are using Agile Mind. Mr. Weber
Agriculture Educators BrownA group for agriculture educators to come together and collaborate about methods, resources, units and topics covered in courses.Amanda Brown
AIMMrs. MisianoSpanishspanish
AIM Language Learning MisianoFrench, Spanish and English teachers interested in the Accelerative Integrative Method for Language Learning. We will collaborate, connect and share resources created entirely in the TL.Audrey Misiano
Algebra Common Core RobertsA collaborative group of Algebra teachers developing Common Core lesson plansDawn Roberts
American Sign Language Cabe
Anatomy/Biology Teachers Unite Case
Android devices for learning JamesA group which loves to learn more about how Android devices can support student (and teacher) learning! Jeannette James
Animation AdamsA discussion, collaborating and sharing area for those teaching Animation or Advanced Animation.Karen Adams
AP Biology Jackson This is a group for teachers that teach AP Biology! We can share ideas and help each other develop new curriculum's to fit the new AP format! Desaree Jackson
AP Economics Teachers AckermanThis is a forum for teachers of AP Economics to collaborate.Melissa Ackerman
AP Govt (US and Comparative) For Teachers Jennifer HenleyFor teachers of AP Government Politics, both Comparative and US.Jennifer Henley
AP Human Geo for Teachers HenleyA group for sharing resources and lesson ideas for AP Human Geography. Jennifer Henley
AP Lang. and Lit. Teachers Zavadsky This group was AP Lang but members requested that it would be for both AP Lang and AP lit. teachers. Victoria Zavadsky
AP Literature Teacher HackettExchange for strategies and materials focused on Advanced Placement Literature Courses.
AP StatisticsRobert MayneThis group is created for educators teaching the AP Statistics courses to communicate with one another and share resources and strategies.Robert Mayne
Aperture Daniel New Group - Aperture is a new group for photography teachers and students to show off their photographs, participate in useful critiquing, and meet new people. This group is for any forms of photography - digital or darkroom. Tabitha Daniel
APES (AP Environmental Science BlennauGroup created for the collaboration and support of AP Environmental Science Teachers.Matt Blennau
Apple (For All Things Apple) Haynes
Apple Motion Forum motion graphics tools for creating eye-catching titles, transitions and effects.fazzalari
Art Teachers Middle & High KabatArt Teachers for Middle School and High School TeachersDorene Bates
Assessment for Learning TomassiFocus on the use of formative and summative assessment with students to improve student engagement and growth - also called AFL.
Astronomy and Planetary Science TeachersI have created a collaboration group for Astronomy and Planetary Science Teachers. If you would like to join, the URL is . Melissa RayCollaboration for Astronomy and Planetary Science teachersMelissa Ray
Atomic Learning Users MulartrickLet's share ideas on how to use this robust tool with staff, students, and parents! Kristina Holzweiss
Audience Response Systems HurstDiscussions about clicker type response systems like: Socrative, PollEverywhere, PollDaddy, GoSoapbox, iClicker, and eClicker.
Aussie Teacher Librarians Kirren WilsonGroup for Australian School Librarians and Teacher LibrariansKirren Wilson
AVWE The Association of Virtual World Educators BeardWelcome to The Association of Virtual World Educators (AVWE) Edmodo Group! We are a professional, non-profit organization dedicated to the identification, promotion and implementation of best practices in virtual worlds technology for K12 education. Our vision is to re-design online K12 school for the 21st century through 3D virtual worlds technology. A virtual world is a simulated environment where avatars, graphical images that represent people, interact with objects in the virtual world and with other avatars. Join us and help shape the future of education! Jennifer Beard
Back to School Best Practices (EdmodoCon) HermansenKristina Holzweiss
Basal Alignment Project of freely-available, revised questions and tasks for widely used 3rd-5th grade texts in basal reading series.Linda Reid
Beginning Teachers VouroudisIt is aimed as a platform for beginning teachers to help each other out, chat to each other and swap resources. Kristina Holzweiss
Behavior HegerTeachers can come discuss and advise classroom/school behavior concernsAmy Heger
Best Practices for High School AdamsThis group is for teachers to share specific ideas for Best Practices for high school students. Kimberly Adams
Bilingual Children PadulaEs un grupo de estudiantes de 4to a 7mo grado de escuelas primarias en Argentina que practican inglés por medio de mensajes,compartiendo experiencias e información cultural con niños de edades similares ( 9 a 14 años) que estén aprendiendo Castellano/ Español,de manera que ambos puedan enriquecerse con el intercambio de lenguas y culturas.

Emilse Padula
Biology PLC HooperIt is a group for biology teachers to share lesson, project and classroom innnovation ideas. Kristina Hooper
bra LuscreGroup devoted to "12 Things You Should Know to be Computer/Tech Literate". Discussion of Technology Scope and Sequence, Technology Instruction & Technology Integration.Anthony Luscre
Brain name is Ron Hyde :-)Hello,

I am a (SC, BD) teacher in middle school. From time to time throughout the day the kids and I need a little break. All work and no play can make for a very hard day. My district introduced the idea of Brain Breaks to me about two years ago and ever since I have been trying to make this a quick and simple fix so not to take too much time from our day. As a result I have put together a page with embedded links for fast, funny, and school ready clips to ease the day when things get a little hot under the collar. Sometimes I use them as a reward for a job well done. These breaks never seem to disappoint and at times it can bring some positive energy back into the room.

You are welcome to join and enjoy what I have found. I do ask that you not post on this site for the simple fact that too much can make it hard to find what it is that you are looking for. I update the page from time to time and some have sent me some suggestions for future posts.

So, if you are looking for something fast, funny and interesting to take a break from a seemingly regular day, feel free to join today.

My name is Ron Hyde :-)
My name is Ron Hyde :-)
Brain Pop Educators LewisShare resources and ideas for using Brain PopBrian Lewis
Bring Your Own Device Thomas
Brunswick County Grammar Gurus AdamsAn ELA group for middle and high school teachers to share ideas and resources. Check out the folder collection!Kimberly Adams
Buchan Project GroupJunita LyonWe are implementing a community ICT program for Far East Gippsland funded by the Victorian Government and Library's Victoria.Marithe Benavente
Business Studies Resrouces CarleThis group is for Business Studies teachers to share resources going towards the new curriculum so as we aren't all recreating the wheel.Ben Carle
CA Independent Study Teachers BryantThis is a place for teachers of Independent Study schools or programs to share ideas, issues, lessons, and questions. My hope is that Edmodo will recognize Independent Study as a community which deserves its own community page! Gina Bryant
California-National Middle School NGSS WittsThis group is for fellow California (and National) Middle School NGSS teachers to share ideas, best practices, resources, etc. to help us better grasp the NGSS.Hilary Witts
Catholic Educators Juanita MelansonIf you are an educator in a Catholic elementary or high school or other faith based private school, join us! We'll share ideas, resources, the joys (and challenges) of working in a faith based environment, teaching strategies, implementing the Common Core, spirit Week or Catholic Schools Week celebrations, you name it. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THIS PLACE!Juanita Melanson
Catholic Educators Group Juanita MelansonIf you are an educator in a Catholic elementary or high school or other faith based private school, join us! We'll share ideas, resources, the joys (and challenges) of working in a faith based environment, teaching strategies, implementing the Common Core, spirit Week or Catholic Schools Week celebrations, you name it. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THIS PLACE!Juanita Melanson
CBSE Board SinghCBSE Board group is specially for CBSE based school. As CBSE Board is different from other boards, this group will provide teacher new Activities, Question banks for FA's and SA's. Jaspal Singh
ccGlobal Dunphy
CCSS Math Resources and PLC SpearInitially set up for a summer 2012 CCSS Math training. Expanded to allow for additional opportunities to share and support each other through this process.Debra Spear
CEFR for English EOI Teacher"The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" has become a must-know for language teachers. Its guidelines affect and shape our teaching and assessing methods. My school has been using it as a reference material for a decade now and this group is created with the idea of connecting English teachers who follow the principles therein contained.
What sort of activities do you use in your lessons? Which ones do you find more effective during the evaluation process? Do your students like the European Portfolio?
I hope this group can help us all to understand and implement the principles of CEFR better.
Ms EOI Teacher
Chemistry Teachers CrewsThis group is for All Level Chemistry teachers who would like to share resources/ideas, ask questions, or just chat about what works well/not so well in your Chemistry class.Delicia Crews
Chrome and Google BelprezInitially started as a group to aid the professional development of educators seeking to integrate Google, Chrome, and Web 2.0 resources in the classroom. Welcoming new members and ideas.Robert Beprez
Chromebooks MassConnecting students from around the world to work collaboratively on global projects.Liam Dunphy