URGENT! Stop the Spreading/Burning of Tsunami Rubble that contains FUKUSHIMA fallout ~ We MUST Protect Children and Future Generations Worldwide!


汚染がれき受入れ自治体リスト&マップ ーーーwww.stopspreadingradiation.org

Ten things to know about the Japanese Government’s plan to spread tsunami rubble around the country:

1: Japanese Government is requesting ALL local governments in Japan located outside of the disaster stricken area to incinerate tsunami rubble and landfill the ashes.

2: On the one year anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi accident, the national government reinvigorated its campaign to push local governments to accept tsunami rubble using personal letters and phone calls, the promise of financial assistance for rubble processing, and a taxpayer-funded mass media campaign (website, commercials, posters, and a nation-wide road show—videos from Kanagawa and Kyoto). Many cities which originally did not accept the rubble in 2011 suddenly changed their minds.

The new deadline for local governments to accept/reject the national government’s request is Friday, April 6, 2012 (less than one month after its large scale campaign).

3: Following March 11, 2011, the government increased its safety level for disposing of radionuclide contaminated debris from 100 becquerels per kilogram (bq/kg) of cesium-137 to 8,000 bq/kg for the entire country without any explanation of the reason or safety repercussions. Concerning rubble, so far only cesium-137 is measured as an indicator of safety.

4: The government is in charge of testing the rubble, and although data on the Environmental Ministry’s website indicates that the debris contain radionuclide contamination (Original Japanese, English Translation) politicians continue to say the debris are radiation free. Measurements shown to the public in commercials, roadshows and other exhibitions on the safety of the debris are done using geiger counters, which only measure atmospheric gamma rays and cannot calculate the total amount of radionuclide activity in the debris (measured in bq/kg). Also, the government is only measuring cesium-137, disregarding the presence of other dangerous radionuclides and pollutants.

5: Although the disaster stricken area contained many toxics-producing industries (pharmaceutical plants, chemical companies and oil refineries), the government is only testing the debris for the one radionuclide, cesium-137. There are currently no tests being done to identify other toxic persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including dioxins and asbestos, which pose great public health and environmental risks when incinerated.

6: Tokyo was the first city to accept rubble. 1,000 tons of contaminated rubble was brought to Tokyo by train on Nov 4th, 2011 which has been burnt and dumped into Tokyo Bay. A total of 500,000 tons of rubble will come to Tokyo in the next two years. While the government continues to say processing the rubble is safe, experts have been warning people about the high levels of radionuclide pollution in Tokyo city which could be a result of Fukushima fallout, or the incineration of rubble. In addition, Even the filters which the government promised
would prevent 99 percent of radionuclides from escaping in the air during incineration only successfully contained 60 percent of radionuclides when tested.

7: Despite large number of protesters in Kyoto, Governor Yamada from Kyoto prefecture said he may dispose of the disaster rubble without informing the people about where and when it is done (Original Japanese ; English Translation ).

8: Many local government officials who announced to accept rubbles are related to industrial waste industries.

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To Whom This May Concern:
[日本語は下へ、↓ Korean, French, Italian ↓ German ↓ ]
(note : Only English version of the letter has updated in April 2nd, 2012).

To whom it may concern,

We are writing this letter in support of a network of thousands of mothers and citizens across Japan and around the world that are concerned about the devastation from the tsunami on March 11, 2011 and fear the grossly negligent government policies since its occurrence. We believe the government's negligence in caring for its people and environment will have more adverse consequences than the already catastrophic impact of the tsunami and resulting radiation exposure. An almost certain rise in cancer rates for millions of people is the best case scenario from the continued leakage from Fukushima Daiichi reactors No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. It is our intention to limit the exposure of human beings to this risk to the greatest extent possible.

Statement of Purpose
It is the belief of the undersigned that the tsunami rubble in Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi prefectures must be left at the site of the disaster as it is contaminated with not only radionuclides, but also persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as dioxins and asbestos which cause long term harm to people and the environment. Efforts must be focused on ending the ongoing disaster at the Daiichi nuclear power plant, and people should be evacuated from the immediate area in accordance with radiation levels set before March 11, 2011.

According to many experts, Tokyo is already highly contaminated with radionuclides and an accident related to reactor No. 4’s spent fuel pool could heavily contaminate northern Japan and require an evacuation of the Tokyo area. Efforts need to focus on preventing further catastrophes. We recommend moving people, not contaminated rubble, to areas not yet or less contaminated with Fukushima fallout. All recent Japanese Government policy changes to increase allowable radiation levels must be overturned to pre-disaster levels.

The risk of large-scale and long-term pollution
Today the Japanese government is using taxpayer money to systematically spread contaminated tsunami rubble throughout the country, from Hokkaido to Okinawa. The contaminated rubble will be transported by boat, truck and train around the country to be burnt in incinerators not designed to handle such dangerous elements. These incinerators will become coated with radionuclides and will become sources of nuclear waste. Even the filters which the government promised would prevent 99 percent of radionuclides from escaping in the air during incineration only successfully contained 60 percent of radionuclides when tested.

 The long-lived radionuclides (ex. cesium-137 with a hazardous life of 300 years) and other dangerous pollutants will finally be buried in landfills located on land and in the ocean. Most landfills are designed to last no more than 100 years and are easily damaged by earthquakes, which should be a great concern for government officials in Japan.

The environmental and health risks from transporting and processing the rubble extend to areas far beyond the borders of the cities that accept the rubble. Radionuclides on the debris can fall off of trucks, trains or boats, or travel by wind or water to places far from the city processing the rubble. Radionuclides from the Daiichi plant have already been found throughout the northern hemisphere, so the burning of rubble also has the potential to pollute areas outside of Japan. All of these possible risks are being greatly ignored by most government officials who seem to overlook long-term health and environmental protection in favor of short term economic gains.

This negligent behavior must be stopped or an already devastating event will turn into an historic environmental disaster with international reach. Local governments must take the responsibility of protecting their local citizens, air, water, soil and food from contamination. If safety cannot be
1 See attachment 1 (in Japanese) guaranteed, then the precautionary principal must be used by local government officials to protect their own people and environment, as well as those downstream and downwind from them.

Lack of urgency and transparency
The Japanese Environmental Ministry estimates 23.82 million tons of rubble resulted from the March disaster in the coastal areas of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. 20 percent of this is to be burnt in localities around the country. This low quantity makes people question the urgency of such a plan which has the potential to pollute an entire nation for thousands of years. Additionally, the national government’s recent attempt beginning March 11, 2012 to hastily spread the rubble around the country without proper environmental impact assessments or honest explanation to the public makes its motives very questionable and the politicians who support it appear untrustworthy.

Radionuclide contamination of rubble is real and the government must appropriately test it.
In November, 2011, the Iwate Prefectural government estimates indicated that the rubble contained 133 bq/kg of radioactive material. This would have been illegal before March but the Japanese Government changed the safety level for waste disposal from 100 bq/kg to 8000 bq/kg in July, 2011, then again to 10,000 bq/kg in October, 2011. On August 12th, 2011, 1130 bq/kg readings were detected on firewood (bark surface) from Iwate prefecture, and the Kyoto local authority who was going to burn it during a popular religious event decided not to do so because of the contamination.

Although data on the Environmental Ministry’s website indicates that the tsunami debris contain radionuclide contamination,2 politicians continue to say they are safe and radiation free. Measurements shown to the public in commercials and street shows by the Environmental Ministry measure radiation using geiger counters, which only measure atmospheric gamma rays and cannot calculate the total amount of radionuclide activity in the debris (measured in bq/kg). Also, the government is only measuring cesium-137, disregarding the presence of other dangerous radionuclides and pollutants.

Do not gamble with our future: use the precautionary principle
It is difficult to accurately speculate about the consequences of these government actions, but no one can argue that a huge environmental gamble is being waged on the entire country of Japan. Following the national government’s plan to burn rubble will result in the contamination of air, soil, water and food in areas which have not yet been directly impacted by Fukushima fallout.

We are asking all local government officials and involved parties in Japan to use the precautionary principle and NOT spread, burn or dump tsunami rubble anywhere outside of the contaminated areas. The rubble should be left on site and people should be evacuated from contaminated areas according to the standards which were in place before March 11th. All profits from rubble disposal should be paid to the disaster-hit areas.

It is the opinion of the undersigned that, if local governments proceed to process the rubble, we will witness a historic error conducted by the Japanese government that will negatively impact human lives and our environment for hundreds of years. Few will prosper economically, while the rest of the country suffers from the pollution their actions have caused.

Please use the precautionary principle.
Protect your people, air, soil, water, plant-life, wildlife, food and culture. Do not accept rubble unless you can prove it is safe for current and future generations.

Humbly Signed,


私達は、 原発震災にはじまる被害、日本政府の怠慢によるさらなる被害を危惧する全国の何千人もの母親たちを支援する事を、ここに声明いたします。政府の怠慢は、津波による破滅的な影響をさらに悪化させ、人々の放射能被曝に繋がると私たちは危惧しています。 福島第一原子力発電所の第1、2、3、4号機からは今もなお、放射能が漏れており、何百万もの人々がガンの発症率を高めるというシナリオは容易に想像できます。


日本政府により引き上げられた 被曝許容線量基準値は、震災前の基準値に戻すべきす。 今日、日本政府は、 福島県産の食品を食べるイベントを 公に開催し愛国心を強調し、食品と瓦礫における放射線量基準値をひき上げることで組織的に放射性物質を日本中に広げています。例えば食品は(暫定基準値の 500 bq/kg以下であれば)499 bq/kgであったとしても何の表示もなしに合法的に流通する事が許されます。同様に、政府は瓦礫における許容基準値を2度にわたり引き上げ、被災地の瓦礫を日本各地に運び、焼却し、東京湾を始めとする海に埋め立て、又は廃棄する予定です。このような政府のおろかな行為は直ちに止めなければいけません。さもなければ、この度の悲惨で破滅的な事故が、歴史的な国際環境汚染に発展してしまいます。

日本政府の環境省によると、3月の震災により、被災した岩手県、宮城県、福島県の沿岸地域には推定2380万トンの瓦礫があるそうです。この瓦礫が被災地復興に立ちはだかる深刻な問題の一つです。 大量の瓦礫があちこちに山積みになっている上に 、その瓦礫の多くには放射能が付着しているのです。

東京都は岩手県からの1000トンの瓦礫受け入れを正式に表明しました。これらの瓦礫は、2011年10月下旬から電車で運ばれ、焼却処理の後、東京湾の埋め立て地に使われます。岩手県は、これらの瓦礫には133 bq/kgの放射性物質が付着していると発表しています。この数値は、3月の震災前の基準では違法にあたりますが、日本政府は震災前の100 bq/kg から、7月には8000 bq/kg、そして10月には10,000 bq/kgと、基準値を引き上げました。東京都は今後、合計50万トンの瓦礫を受け入れると表明しています。

同じ岩手県で、2011年8月12日、薪の表皮から1130 bq/kgの放射能が測定されています。この薪を使って人気の宗教行事を計画していた京都府は、その薪の使用を中止しました。

政府のこの様な対策と行動がどのような結果を生み出すか、正確に予測する事は困難です。しかしながら、日本政府が環境に対して大きなギャンブルをしていると言う事は誰の目にも明らかでしょう。 これは、原発事故現場から地理的にさほど遠くない東京周辺だけの問題ではありません。東京都知事は、東京都による今回の瓦礫受け入れが、日本各地の地方自治体による瓦礫受け入れ促進に役立てば、とコメントしています。細野環境大臣は、2011年9月4日の会見で、「 福島の痛みを日本全体で分かち合うことが国としての配慮ではないかと思っている。」と述べ、 福島県外に最終処分施設を設け、福島県の瓦礫や汚泥を焼却処分する意志を改めて表明しています。もし、日本各地の自治体が、東京に続いて瓦礫の受け入れを始めると、現在、放射の漏れの影響を受けていない地域にまで、土壌や水の汚染を広げる事になります。


汚染瓦礫は汚染地域から持ち出さず、 3.11以前の基準値に従い、人々を汚染地域から避難させるべきです。 もし日本政府がこの計画を続行すれば、今後何百年、何千年にも渡り人類に被害を及ぼす歴史的な過ちを犯す事になると 私たち署名者は考えます。住めなくなってしまったのは福島第一原発の周辺地域だけであったと歴史に残すために、他の汚染されていない土地を守るために、今こそ行動する時なのです。

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관계자 여러분께

우리는 원전사고와 대지진으로 인한 피해 그리고 일본 정부의 태만으로 인해 더욱 커질 피해를 우려하는 전국의 수천명의 어머니들을 지원할 것을 성명합니다. 일본 정부의 태만으로 인해 막대한 해일 피해가 더욱 심해지고 많은 사람들이 방사능에 피폭될 것이라고 우려하고 있습니다. 후쿠시마 제1원자력발전소의 제 1,2,3,4호기에서는 지금도 여전히 방사능이 새어나오고 있어 수백만명의 사람들이 암 발병률을 증가시킨다는 것은 충분히 상상가능한 시나리오입니다.

성명문의 목적: 인류를 위협하는 리스크를 최대한 줄이기 위해서는 피폭을 최소한으로 줄여야 합니다. 이러한 노력을 하지 않는다면 이는 범죄입니다. 우리 성명자들은 후쿠시마 원전 주변과 피해 지역에서 방사능에 오염된 위험한 잔해물들은 오염지역에 남겨둬야 한다고 강력히 주장하는 바입니다. 여전히 수습될 기미가 보이지 않는 원자로 문제 해결에 온 힘을 쏟아야 합니다. 또한, 후쿠시마 원전 주변 주민들은 3.11 대지진 발생 전 피폭허용량 기준에 따라 방사능오염지역으로부터 피난시켜야 합니다.

일본 정부가 끌어올린 피폭허용량기준치는 지진 발생 전 기준치로 되돌려야 합니다.
오늘 일본정부는 후쿠시마산 음식 먹기 이벤트를 공식적으로 개최하여 애국심을 강조하고
식품과 지진 잔해물의 방사선량기준치를 끌어올림으로써 조직적으로 방사성물질을 일본 전국으로 퍼트리고 있습니다. 예를 들어 식품은 (잠정기준치의 500bg/kg 이하일 경우) 499bg/kg이더라고 아무런 표시 없이 합법적으로 유통할 수 있습니다. 또한 정부는 지진 폐기물의 허용기준치를 2번에 걸쳐 끌어 올려 피해지역의 지진 폐기물을 일본 각지로 운반시키고 소각처리한 후 도쿄만(東京湾)을 기점으로 바다를 매립하거나 폐기할 예정입니다. 이처럼 정부의 어리석은 행위는 당장 막아야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 엄청난 피해를 가져온 참담한 이번 대지진이 사상최악의 국제적 환경오염 사태로 이어지게 될 것입니다.

일본 정부의 환경성에 따르면 3월 대지진으로 인해 피해를 입은 이와테현, 미야기현, 후쿠시마현의 연안지역에는 2,380만 톤으로 추정되는 지진 잔해물이 있다고 합니다. 이 잔해물들이 피해지역의 복구를 방해하고 있는 심각한 문제 중 하나입니다. 대량의 잔해물들이 여기저기에 산처럼 쌓여 있는데다 대부분의 잔해물은 방사능에 오염되어 있습니다.

도쿄도는 이와테현에서 1,000톤의 잔해물을 수용하겠다고 정식적으로 표명했습니다. 이 잔해물들은 2011년 10월 하순부터 전철로 운반되어 소각 처리한 후 도쿄만 매립용으로 사용됩니다. 이와테현은 이 잔해물에는 133bg/kg의 방사성물질이 묻어있다고 발표했습니다. 이 수치는 3월 지진 발생 전 기준치를 적용하면 위법에 해당하나 일본정부는 지진 발생 전 100bg/kg 에서 7월에는 8000bg/kg 그리고 10월에는 10,000으로 기준치를 올렸습니다. 도쿄도는 앞으로 총 50만톤의 잔해물을 수용하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

도쿄도는 이와테현에서 1,000톤의 잔해물을 수용하겠다고 정식적으로 표명했습니다. 이 잔해물들은 2011년 10월 하순부터 전철로 운반되어 소각 처리한 후 도쿄만 매립용으로 사용됩니다. 이와테현은 이 잔해물에는 133bg/kg의 방사성물질이 묻어있다고 발표했습니다. 이 수치는 3월 지진 발생 전 기준치를 적용하면 위법에 해당하나 일본정부는 지진 발생 전 100bg/kg 에서 7월에는 8000bg/kg 그리고 10월에는 10,000으로 기준치를 올렸습니다. 도쿄도는 앞으로 총 50만톤의 잔해물을 수용하겠다고 표명했습니다.

이와테현에서 2011년 8월 12일 장작나무 표피에서 1,130bg/kg의 방사성물질이 검출되었습니다. 이 장작이 사용되는 인기 종교행사를 계획하고 있던 교토에서는 장작 사용을 중단했습니다.

정부의 이 같은 대책과 행동이 어떤 결과를 낳을 지 정확하게 예측하기는 힘듭니다. 그러나 일본 정부가 환경을 두고 엄청난 도박을 하고 있다는 것은 누가 봐도 극명한 사실입니다. 이것은 원전사고 현장에서 지리적으로 그리 멀지 않은 도쿄 주변만의 문제가 아닙니다. 도쿄도 지사는 도쿄도의 이번 잔해물 수용이 일본 각지의 지방자치단체의 잔해물 수용을 촉진시키는 계기가 되었으면 한다고 말했습니다. 호소노 환경부 장관은 2011년 9월 4일 기자회견에서 '후쿠시마의 아픔을 일본 전체가 나누는 것이 국가로서의 배려'라고 말해 후쿠시마현외 지역에 최종처분시설을 마련하여 후쿠시마현의 잔해물과 방사성 물질에 오염된 오니(汚泥.슬러지)를 소각, 처분하겠다는 의지를 재차 밝혔습니다. 만약 일본 각지의 자치단체가 도쿄에 이어 잔해물을 수용한다면 현재 방사능 누출의 영향이 미치지 않았던 지역에까지 토양과 수질 오염이 확산될 것입니다.

여기에 일본정부에 호소하여 오염된 잔해물을 지방으로 확산시키고, 소각 폐기처분을 저지하는 데 부디 협력해 주십시오.

오염 잔해물은 오염지역에 둔 채 3.11지진 발생 이전의 기준치에 따라 사람들을 오염 지역으로부터 피난시켜야 합니다. 우리 서명자들은 만약 일본 정부가 이 계획을 그대로 진행시킨다면 향후 몇 백년, 몇 천년에 걸쳐 인류에 피해를 끼칠 엄청난 실수를 하는 거라 생각합니다.

사람이 살 수 없게 된 곳은 후쿠시마 제1원전 주변 지역뿐이었다고 역사에 남기기 위해, 오염되지 않은 타 지역을 지키기 위해 지금이야말로 움직여야 할 때 입니다.

겸허히 서명합니다.


Stiamo scrivendo questa lettera a sostegno delle migliaia di madri in tutto il Giappone che temono ulteriori devastazioni derivanti dal maremoto del 11 marzo e le gravi responsabilità a livello governativo istituzionale. Crediamo che la negligenza del governo causerà più danni che l'impatto già catastrofico dello tsunami e la conseguente esposizione alle radiazioni in emissione continua da Fukushima Daiichi reattori n ° 1, 2, 3 e 4, dove lo scenario, nel migliore dei casi, è un quasi certo aumento dei tassi di cancro per milioni di persone.

Dichiarazione di intenti:

Abbiamo bisogno di limitare l'esposizione degli esseri umani a tale rischio nella maggior misura possibile. Non farlo è criminale.

I sottoscritti ritengono che le pericolose macerie radioattive della Centrale di Fukushima e le aree circostanti devono essere lasciate sul luogo del disastro. Gli sforzi devono essere invece concentrati e volti alla fermata degli incendi in corso presso lo stabilimento. Le persone dovrebbero essere evacuate dalla zona circostante, secondo le norme che regolavano l'esposizione alle radiazioni prima dell'11 marzo.

Tutti i recenti cambiamenti politici del governo giapponese per aumentare i livelli di radiazione ammissibili devono essere rovesciati ai livelli pre-disastro.

Oggi il governo giapponese sta sistematicamente sostenendo la diffusione di materiale radioattivo, promuovendo eventi nazional protezionistici volti al consumo di cibo e "prodotti" provenienti dall'area di Fukushima come "atto patriottico", e manipolando gli standard di sicurezza da radiazione per il cibo e e vari prodotti. Per esempio, prodotti alimentari fino 499 bq / kg possono essere legalmente distribuiti sul mercato senza alcuna etichetta. Allo stesso modo, il governo ha sollevato due volte i livelli consentiti di radiazioni per detriti e macerie, che hanno in programma di spedire in tutto il paese per essere "trattati" e gettati in mare in vari luoghi tra cui Tokyo Bay.

Questo comportamento negligente deve essere fermato, impedire che un evento già devastante si trasformi in un disastro storico ambientale internazionale. Il Ministero dell'ambiente giapponese stima in 23.800.000 di tonnellate le macerie provocate dal disastro di marzo nelle zone costiere delle prefetture di Iwate, Miyagi e Fukushima .

Il problema delle macerie è uno dei tanti ostacoli di fronte ai giapponesi, perché devono rimuovere quelle macerie per ricostruire le loro vite. Se le macerie ammucchiate ovunque non erano un problema abbastanza grande per il governo, s'è aggiunto il fatto che molte di queste macerie sono radioattive ...

Il Governo locale di Tokyo ha ufficialmente accettato di accogliere 1.000 tonnellate di macerie da Iwate, con il trasporto dei detriti sui treni, che saranno poi smaltiti ed inceneriti ed i residuati collocati in discarica nella baia di Tokyo a partire dalla fine di ottobre del 2011. Da Iwate si stima che le macerie contengono 133 bq / kg di materiale radioattivo. Questo sarebbe stato illegale prima di marzo, ma il governo giapponese ha cambiato il livello di sicurezza per i detriti da 100 Bq / kg a 8000 Bq / kg nel mese di luglio, poi di nuovo a 10.000 Bq / kg nel mese di ottobre. Funzionari di Tokyo hanno annunciato che accetteranno 500.000 tonnellate di macerie in totale.

Nella stessa prefettura di Iwate, il 12 agosto 2011, 1.130 Bq / kg sono stati rilevati sulla legna da ardere (corteccia e/o superficie), l'autorità locale di Kyoto che per un evento religioso popolare si apprestava ad ordinarne grandi quantità ha quindi deciso di non farlo. Rinunciandovi.

E' difficile prevedere con precisione le conseguenze di queste azioni del governo, ma nessuno può sostenere che il governo giapponese stia azzardando una scommessa enorme a livello ambientale.
Il problema non è limitato alla zona di Tokyo, che è geograficamente vicino alle zone di impatto del disastro.

Il governatore di Tokyo ha dichiarato di sperare che ciò possa incoraggiare altri enti locali ad accettare rifiuti e macerie. Il Ministro dell'Ambiente, il signor Hosono, ha dichiarato, il 4 Settembre 2011 in una conferenza stampa, che "è intenzione del governo nazionale [o il "Giappone come nazione"...] di condividere il dolore di Fukushima con tutti [o ovunque] in Giappone , "ribadendo la sua intenzione di creare un impianto finale di trattamento, al di fuori della prefettura di Fukushima, per detriti e rifiuti provenienti da Fukushima per essere bruciati e smaltiti.

Se altri governi locali in Giappone, decidessero di seguire l'esempio di Tokyo, le aree che non sono state colpite dalla marea nera andranno a contaminare il proprio territorio e le falde acquifere.
Invitiamo il governo giapponese a fermare la diffusione di macerie contaminate. Devono essere lasciate in loco, e le persone dovrebbero essere evacuate dalle aree secondo le norme in vigore prima del 11 marzo.
I sottoscritti ritengono che, se il governo autorizzera tali procedure, commetterà un errore storico che danneggerà la vita umana e l'ambiente per centinaia, se non migliaia, di anni.

Cerchiamo di agire immediatamente, in modo che la storia ricorderà per tutto questo tempo che solo la regione di Fukushima Daiichi è stata resa inabitabile.


[ Scroll up for English, Korean,日本語は上へ]


À la personne concernée


Nous vous écrivons cette lettre à l'appui d'un réseau de milliers de mères à travers le Japon qui craignent la dévastation résultant des tsunamis du 11 Mars 2011 et depuis sa survenance de négligence grave des politiques du gouvernement . Nous croyons que la négligence du gouvernement aura des conséquences plus néfastes que l'impact déjà catastrophique du tsunami et de l'exposition aux radiations résultant. Une hausse presque certaine dans les taux de cancer pour des millions de personnes est le meilleur scénario de la fuite continue des réacteurs n ° Fukushima Daiichi 1, 2, 3 et 4. Il est de notre intention de limiter l'exposition des êtres humains à ce risque autant qu'il sera possible.


Déclaration d'intention. C'est la conviction du soussigné que les décombres radioactifs dangereux dans des centrales de Fukushima et les autres zones autour doivent être laissés sur le site de la catastrophe. Les efforts doivent être concentrés pour mettre un terme incendies à la centrale nucléaire, et les gens devraient être évacués de la zone immédiate conformément aux niveaux de radiations qui étaient bien définis avant le 11 Mars. Tous les changements de politique japonaise récente du gouvernement d'augmenter les niveaux de radiation admissible doivent être annulés pour revenir aux niveaux admissibles définis d'avant la catastrophe.


Aujourd'hui le gouvernement japonais systématiquement propage les matières radioactives, encourage publiquement l'organisation d'événements où manger des aliments provenant de Fukushima est montré en example d' acte patriotique, éleve les normes de radiation pour les aliments comme pour les gravats. Par exemple au Japon aujourd'hui de la nourriture ayant 499 Bq / kg peut être légalement distribuée sur le marché sans aucune étiquette pour les consommateurs. De même le gouvernement japonais a augmenté par deux fois les niveaux admissibles de radiation pour les gravats qu'ils livrent maintenant à travers tout le pays pour être brûlés et jetés dans l'océan à différents endroits, y compris la baie de Tokyo. Ce comportement négligent doit être stoppé ou un événement déjà dévastateur va se transformer en une catastrophe environnementale historique avec une portée internationale. Le ministère japonais de l'environnement estime à 23.820.000 tonnes de gravats résultant de la catastrophe de Mars dans les régions côtières d'Iwate, Miyagi et Fukushima préfectures. Cette décombres est l'un des nombreux obstacles auquels les Japonais sont confrontés, car ils doivent retirer les gravats afin de pouvoir reconstruire leurs vies. Comme si le fait de ces gravats n'étaient déjà pas un problème assez grand pour le gouvernement, il y a en plus le fait que beaucoup de ces décombres contiennent des matières radioactives provenant de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima.


Le gouvernement local de Tokyo a officiellement accepté 1.000 tonnes de gravats en provenance

d' Iwate, ils devront acheminer jusqu'à Tokyo ces débris sur des trains, les brûler afin d'utiliser leurs cendres comme matière de remplissage dans la baie de Tokyo à partir de la fin de Octobre, 2011. Les estimations du gouvernement préfectoral d'Iwate indiquent que les décombres contiennent 133 Bq / kg de matière radioactive. Cela aurait été illégal avant Mars, mais le gouvernement japonais a changé le niveau de sécurité pour les gravats de 100 Bq / kg à 8000 Bq / kg en Juillet 2011, puis de nouveau à 10 000 Bq / kg en Octobre. Les représentants du gouvernement local de Tokyo ont annoncé qu'ils acceptent 500.000 tonnes de gravats au total.


Dans la même préfecture d'Iwate, Le 12 août 2011, des mesures de 1 130 Bq / kg ont été détectées sur le bois de chauffage (sur écorce de surface), et les autorités locales de Kyoto qui allait le brûler pour un événement religieux populaire ont décidé de ne pas faire en raison de la contamination.


Il est difficile de spéculer sur la précision des conséquences de ces actions du gouvernement, mais personne ne peut contester qu'un énorme pari sur l'environnement est en train d'être joué.


Le problème n'est pas limité à la région de Tokyo, qui est géographiquement à proximité des zones touchées. Le gouverneur de Tokyo, a déclaré qu'il espérait que cela encouragerait d'autres autorités locales à accepter les décombres elles aussi. Le ministre de l'Environnement, M. Hosono, a déclaré le 4 Septembre 2011 lors d'uneconférence de presse que "c'est la considération du gouvernement national [ou le Japon comme la nation] pour partager la douleur de Fukushima avec tout le monde [ou partout] dans Japon ", réitérant son intention de créer une usine de transformation finale en dehors de la préfecture de Fukushima où les débris et les ordures divers à proximité de l'accident nucléaire seront brûlés. Si de nombreuses autres collectivités locales au Japon décident de suivre l'exemple de Tokyo il en résultera la contamination totale des terres et de l'eau des zones pas encore directement atteinte par les émissions radioactives.


Nous vous demandons s'il vous plaît de dissuader le gouvernement japonais de propager, de bruler et de déverser les gravats provenant des zones contaminées. Ces gravats devraient être laissés sur place et les gens eux devraient être évacués de ces zones selon les normes en place avant le 11 Mars.


C'est l'opinion du soussigné qui, s'il leur est permis de continuer, nous assisterons à une erreur historique menée par le gouvernement japonais qui aura un impact négatif sur des vies humaines pendant des centaines d'années à venir. L'alternative est que nous agissions immédiatement pour empêcher de telles conséquences, et l'histoire se souviendra que Fukushima Daiichi région a été rendue inhabitable plutôt que d'une pire alternative.

Humblement Signé,

[scroll up for ENGLISH, ITALIAN, 日本語は上へ]

Wir schreiben diesen Brief zur Unterstützung von Tausenden von Müttern in ganz Japan, die durch den Tsunami am 11. März und die grob fahrlässige Regierungspolitik darauf weitere Zerstörungen fürchten. Wir glauben, dass die Regierung durch ihre Fahrlässigkeit mehr Schaden anrichtet als die bereits katastrophalen Auswirkungen des Tsunami und die daraus resultierende aufgedeckte Strahlung. Durch die weiteren Lecks der Fukushima Daiichi Reaktoren N r. 1, 2, 3 und 4 wird die Krebsrate für Millionen von Menschen fast sicher ansteigen. Zweck dieses Statements: Wir müssen dieses Risiko weitestgehend reduzieren. Alles andere ist kriminell.
Die Unterzeichneten glauben, dass der gefährliche radioaktive Schutt der Fukushima-Kraftwerke und der umliegenden Gebiete am Ort der Katastrophe belassen werden sollte. Die Bemühungen müssen sich auf die Beendigung der laufenden Brände in der Anlage konzentrieren. Die Menschen sollten entsprechend den Standards für die Strahlenbelastung, die vor dem 11. März galten, aus der näheren Umgehung evakuiert werden. Die Anhebungen zulässiger Strahlung, die von der japanischen Regierung erlassen wurden, müssen wieder aufgehoben werden. Die japanische Regierung verbreitet systematisch radioaktives Material. In öffentlichen Veranstaltungen wird der Verzehr von Lebensmitteln aus Fukushima als patriotischer Akt publiziert und der radioaktive Sicherheitsstandard für Lebensmittel und Schutt gleichermaßen reduziert. Zum Beispiel gelangen Lebensmittel mit einer Strahlenbelastung von 499 bq/kg ohne Label legal in den Markt. Ebenso hat die Regierung zweimal die zulässige Strahlenbelastung für Bauschutt erhöht der im ganzen Land verbrannt und im Ozean versenkt werden soll, z.B. an der Küste Tokios. Dieses fahrlässige Verhalten muss gestoppt werden bevor dies zu einer internationalen Umweltkatastrophe führt.
Das japanische Umweltministerium schätzt die Menge an Bauschutt aus der Katastrophe im März in den Küstengebieten von Iwate, Miyagi und Fukushima auf etwa 23,8 Millionen Tonnen. Diesen Schutt zu entfernen ist nur eine von vielen Hürden um Japan wieder aufzubauen. Nicht nur die Anhäufung der Trümmer ist ein großes Problem für die Regierung, dieser Schutt ist zum Teil auch radioaktiv. Die Regierung plant Ende Oktober 2010 etwa 1000 t Schutt aus Iwate in Zügen zu transportieren, zu verbrennen und die Asche als Mülldeponie an der Küste Tokios zu lagern. Die Regierung Iwates schätzt dass diese Trümmer 133 bq/kg radioaktives Material enthalten. Vor März wäre dies illegal gewesen, aber die japanische Regierung änderte im Juli das Sicherheitsniveau für Bauschutt von 100 bq/kg auf 8000 bq/kg und im Oktober auf 10.000 bq/kg. Tokio hat angekündigt insgesamt 500.000 t Schutt zu übernehmen. In der gleichen Präfektur Iwate wurden am 12. August 2011 bei Brennholz (an der Oberfläche Rinde) 1.130 bq/kg gemessen. Dieses sollte im Rahmen einer beliebten religiösen Veranstaltung verbrannt werden, man hat sich jedoch entschlossen dies nicht zutun.
Es ist schwierig die Folgen dieser Maßnahmen der Regierung vorauszusagen aber diese Regierung geht ein hohes ökologisches Risiko ein. Das Problem ist nicht auf den Raum Tokio und die geografisch in der Nähe betroffenen Gebiete beschränkt. Der Gouverneur von Tokio hofft dies würde andere lokale Behörden ermutigen den Bauschutt anzunehmen. Der Umweltminister, Herr Hosono, erklärte am 4. September 2011 in einer Pressekonferenz „die Rücksicht gebiete es das Leid von Fukushima in ganz Japan zu teilen“ und bekräftigte seine Absicht eine Verbrennungsanlage außerhalb Fukushimas für Schutt und Schmutz zu schaffen.
Wenn andere Kommunen in Japan Tokio folgen werden Boden und Wasser in Bereichen, die nicht betroffen waren, kontaminiert. Wir bitten Sie die japanische Regierung am Verbrennen und Versenken von kontaminiertem Bauschutt zu hindern. Es sollte vor Ort belassen werden und die Leute aus diesen Gebieten sollten nach den Standards vor dem 11. März evakuiert werden. Die Unterzeichner sind der Meinung es wäre ein historischer Fehler der Regierung dieses Vorgehen weiter zu erlauben und über Hunderte wenn nicht Tausende von Jahren Leben zu schädigen. Lassen Sie uns sofort handeln, damit Fukushima lediglich als Ort in die Geschichte eingeht, in der dieses Gebiet unbewohnbar wurde.
Demütig unterzeichnet…(nach unten scrollen um zu unterzeichnen)

[scroll up for ENGLISH, ITALIAN, FRENCH, KOREAN, 日本語は上へ]
Please add your name below and share the letter with others as you see fit.

The first round (6,202 signatures!) was submitted to Japanese Embassy in NY, SF, DC, and London, Shiga, Wakayama, Osaka on Nov 2nd.
Details : www.oneworldnonukes.org

The closing date for the second round will be March 5th. We will submit the letter again on March 11th, the first anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster.

If you would like to be a part of this effort by submitting the letter to Japanese Embassy in your country, or being an endorser, please email us.

Thank you for your voice.

Initiator : One World No Nukes[NY,USA] --www.oneworldnonukes.org

Endorsers :    
Bianca Jagger [UK]
Helen Caldicott Foundation [AUSTRALIA]
Todos Somos Japon [NY,USA]
Save Fukushima Children [Hokkaido, JAPAN]
KansaiFuture [Osaka, JAPAN]
RadiationTruth.org [NY, USA]
Team Coco [Fukushima, JAPAN]
C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes [USA]
Protection of Children from Radiation Daito Network [Osaka, JAPAN]
Green Action [Kyoto, Japan]
Rete Nazionale Antinucleare [ITALY]
Abolition 2000 NY Metro [NY, USA]
DiaNuke.org [New Delhi, INDIA]
Rock The Reactors[CT, USA]
Nuclear Information and Resource Service [Washington DC,USA]
Shut Down Indian Point Now! [NY, USA]
Street Corner Resources [Harlem NY, USA]
Beyond Nuclear [MD, USA]
Ecological Options Network [CA, USA]
Joanna Macy, PhD [CA, USA]
Time's Up! Environmental Organization [NY, USA]
Natural Coast Foundation [Wakayama, Japan]
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament [London, UK]
National Secretary CND Cymru [Welsh, UK]
Milky Surf Shop [Wakayama, Japan]
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network [San Francisco/Washington DC, USA]
Wakayama Ladies against Nukes [Wakayama, Japan]
www.sortirdunucleaire75.org [Paris, France]
www.sortirdunucleaire.org [Paris, France]
Together N Love [Hawaii, America]
Restorative Schools Vision Project [CA, USA]
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee [CA, USA]
Chilla [Kerala, India]
Teens Turning Green + Search for the Cause [CA, USA]
Action & Passion for peace [Italy]





発起人 : One World No Nukes[NY州、アメリカ] --www.oneworldnonukes.org 

賛同団体 :  
ビアンカ ジャガー[イギリス]
Helen Caldicott Foundation [オーストラリア]
Todos Somos Japon [ニューヨーク州, アメリカ]  
Save Fukushima Children [北海道]
RadiationTruth.org [ニューヨーク州、アメリカ]
Team Coco [福島]
C.A.N. Coalition Against Nukes[アメリカ]
Green Action [京都]
Rete Nazionale Antinucleare [イタリア]
Abolition 2000 NY Metro [ ニューヨーク州、アメリカ]
DiaNuke.org [インド]
Rock The Reactors [コネチカット州、アメリカ]
Nuclear Information and Resource Service [ワシントンDC、アメリカ]
Shut Down Indian Point Now![ニューヨーク州、アメリカ]
Street Corner Resources [ハーレム、ニューヨーク州、アメリカ]
Beyond Nuclear [メリーランド州、アメリカ]
Ecological Options Network [カリフォルニア州、アメリカ]
Joanna Macy, PhD [カリフォルニア、アメリカ]
Time's Up! Environmental Organization [ニューヨーク州、アメリカ]
Natural Coast Foundation [和歌山]
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament [ロンドン、イギリス]
National Secretary CND Cymru [ウェールズ、イギリス]
Milky Surf Shop [和歌山]
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network [カリフォルニア州/ワシントンDC, アメリカ]
原発いらない和歌山の女たち [和歌山]
www.sortirdunucleaire75.org [パリ、フランス]
www.sortirdunucleaire.org [パリ、フランス]
Together N Love [ハワイ、アメリカ]
Restorative Schools Vision Project [カリフォルニア州、アメリカ]
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee
Chilla [ケララ、インド]
Teens Turning Green + Search for the Cause [カリフォルニア州、アメリカ]
Action & Passion for peace [イタリア]

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