Fun Travel Survey
For the 23 Things Program I thought that I'd make a fun survey that will get us thinking about our favourite vaction spots.  Of course the survey isn't scientific and it only reflects the answers of the small group of people who decide to take the survey but it will be fun to think about all of cool places we could be.... not that sitting at our desks isn't cool, of course.
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If you have a choice, you'd take a holiday in
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I most enjoy taking a holiday
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I prefer to take my vacations
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When I go on vacation, I really love to (check as many as are relevant)
When I vacation away from home, I tend to go to (check as many as apply)
When you go on vacation do you typically
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Favourite Holiday
If you were going to go on a holiday and there were absolutely no limits on time, money, what you are phsically able to do or anything else, what would your dream vacation be?
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