White Wolf's Therian Census (redone by Sherlawk)
Because Google Docs gives you virtually unlimited responses AND let's you do data-mining in the spreadsheet.

All answers will be made public.  You only have to answer the ones you want to (leave them blank if you don't, but we hope you'll answer them all).  Data-mining operations will be done on all answers EXCEPT the long responses (those can't be mined effectively, but will be published on their own)

Note that this is an in-development version, and that we will be working on it for a while to make it work better before releasing a finished version to be taken again.  As such, feel free to submit multiple answers.
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Genetic Heritage
What is your ethnicity?
Check all that apply
What country/province were you born in?
Please use "State, Country" with abbreviations. (ex: "FL, USA")
What country/province do you currently live in?
Please use "State, Country" with abbreviations.
From when you were younger to now.
Your age when you first realized you were "different"
(as in therianthropy)
Your age when you "discovered" the therian community:
Your current age (in years)
Gender and Sexuality
Which of the following describes your gender
Are you TRANS gendered?
As in, are you physically one sex but mentally the other?
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Which of the following describes the gender of your (first) theriotype?
Answer "N/A" if you don't feel that it's a real trait of your theriotype.
Which of the following describes the gender of your (second) theriotype?
Answer "N/A" if you don't feel that it's a real trait of your theriotype.  Leave it blank if you don't have a second one.
Which of the following describes the gender of your (third) theriotype?
Answer "N/A" if you don't feel that it's a real trait of your theriotype, or if you don't have a third one.
What sex/genders are you attracted to? (Sexual Orientation)
Check all that apply.  Note: unchecked responses will be treated as Aesexual
Animals and Theriotypes
What are your favorite kinds of animals?
Not your theriotype, just animals you think are cool.  Check as many as you want...
What kind of theriotype(s) do you associate with?
Specific Theriotype (First)
Note: these are going to be datamined, so please don't go into any descriptions. (eg "Velociraptor" and "Husky" are fine, "I'm a cat!  Meow!" is not.)
Specific Theriotype (second, if applicable)
Note: Order does not matter, they will be compiled with the same weight.  Leave these blank if you don't have one.
Specific Theriotype (third, if applicable)
Please select which best describes the frequency of each type of shift for you.
If you don't know what one of these means, they are described at: http://therian.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Shifting_types
Less Often
Mental (mild)
Mental (strong)
Aural / Spiritual
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Elaborate on shifting?
If you want to.
Related Communities
Do you consider yourself to be an "Occultist"?
Hint: it's whatever you think it is.
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Do you practice some form of "magic"?
Hint: it's whatever you think it is.
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Do you suffer from vampirism?
This is a related community.  Vampirism is an spiritual-disorder where individuals need to feed on the energy of others.  It is described at: http://therian.wikia.com/wiki/Vampire
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Do you speak with what is known as a "Daimon"?
This is a related community.  Daimon's are like an internal spirit guide.  This is described at: http://therian.wikia.com/wiki/D%C3%A6mon
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How would you describe your religious affiliation?
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How passionate about that are you? (devout)
Even if you're an Atheist/Agnostic, this still applies as "how much does that play a role in your life?".
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Elaborate on those last two answers?
If you want to.
How much do your religious beliefs play into your behavior/beliefs on therianthropy?
Even if you're an Atheist/Agnostic, this also still applies.
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How much does your therianthropy play into your religious beliefs?
Even if you're an Atheist/Agnostic, this also still applies.
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Elaborate on those last two answers?
If you want to.
Disorders and Disabilities
Have you been diagnosed with any of the following mental/neurological disorders?
Check all that apply.
Have you been diagnosed with any of the following kinds of physical disorders?
Check all that apply. (note: this part needs some work... Feel free to use the "other")
Your Highest Formal Education
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Your Socio-Economic Class
Hint: It's whichever one you think you're in
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(Entirely Optional) What (screen) name(s) (or "were-names") are you known by in the therian community? (eg: "Sherlawk Dragon")
Notice: this is basically your signature and WILL be publicly visible with your responses.  If you DON'T want it known, just leave this blank when you answer.
One last thing: How can I improve this survey?
Were any questions hard to understand?  Is there anything we should add?  Feedback plz!
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