Recommendation Letters
If you would like a recommendation letter from me, please fill out the form below. AFTER filling out and submitting the form, please send me ONE email with the following as separate (nonzipped) attachments in PDF (not Word) format: 1) Your resume or CV; and 2) A copy of any documents you are submitting to the organization for which you need a reference. I will let you know when I have received all of your materials. Best of luck with your application!
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Your Name *
Last, First
Name of the organization for which you need the recommendation letter (and expected degree, if applicable) *
e.g., University of Michigan School of Law, J.D.
Mailing address of the organization(s) to which you are applying *
e.g., 625 South State Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-1215 USA
Email of the organization for which you need the recommendation letter
Where should Dr. Christenson send the letter of recommendation *
What is the full title of the position that you are applying for? *
Biography *
Write a short biography that talks about why you are a political science major/minor/PhD and your aspirations after graduation. Tell me why you are a good candidate for the position/job/grad school – i.e. "why you are better than sliced bread..." Don't be modest. Discuss your relevant volunteer activities, work and academic accomplishments. (Hint: for the following essays, rather than composing your response below, I recommend that you write and edit the response in your preferred document editor and then paste the final version into the space below.)
Academic Writing & Research Experience *
Discuss your academic writing and course performance, particularly in my courses. Focus on any articles, honors theses, PhD dissertations, and/or term papers - what motivated them, what was found, what techniques were utilized, why is the topic important? If you worked in my lab, what kind of work did you do and what did you find?
Which year of study are you in?  *
e.g., second year undergraduate student; fifth year graduate student, ABD 
What is your GPA?
Which kind of academic honors have you received? *
How do you know Dr. Christenson? *
List the course number(s) and grade(s) for all classes you took with Dr. Christenson. If you worked on a thesis with me or if you worked in my lab, which semesters/years did you do so and what did you accomplish?
Recommendation Letter Due Date *
When is the deadline for submitting the recommendation letter?
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