St Joseph's Primary School Ballymartin Pupil Questionnaire
Read each statement and tick one of the options below.
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Which class are you in? *
Q1 *
I like going to school.
Q2 *
I feel safe in the playground.
Q3 *
My teacher is fair.
Q4 *
My school work is interesting.
Q5 *
If I am worried about something I tell a teacher.
Q6 *
I get to do things I am good at.
Q7 *
I get plenty of homework.
Q8 *
I feel happy at school.
Q9 *
My school work is just about right for me.
Q10 *
I think my work is very good.
Q11 *
I do my best at school.
Q12 *
I feel safe at school
Q13 *
My teacher thinks my work is good.
Q14 *
I like answering questions in class.
Q15 *
My favourite subject is
Q16 *
I am not a bully.
Q17 *
Children in my class behave well.
Q18 *
I go to school unless I am sick.
Q19 *
I do not get bullied.
Q20 *
I think I am clever.
Q21 *
Grown-ups at home think I behave well.
Q22 *
I behave well in school.
Q23 *
My teacher thinks I behave well.
Q24 *
My teacher tells me how I can make my work better.
Q25 *
My teacher tells me I can do well.
Use this box to add any other comments you would like to make about your school.
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