Questionnaire on the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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Section 1 of 8
Please provide your opinions on the following phrases contained in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

"We the People of the United States..."
1. The phrase “We the People” refers to
Check all that apply
What comments, if any, do you have about this question?
2. The fact that “We the People” established the U.S. Constitution means that
Check all that apply
What comments, if any, do you have about this question?
Section 2 of 8
The next phrases refer to the purposes of government created by the Constitution.

" order to form a more perfect Union..."
1. To what extent do you think the United States today is “a more perfect Union” compared to what it was in the past?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
2. To what extent do you believe that United States’ society today is divided in an unhealthy way?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
3. If the nation could be perfectly united in all ways, would this be a good or bad thing?
Clear selection
4. Would an absolutely united nation be a free country?
Clear selection
What comments, if any, do you have about these questions?
Section 3 of 8
The next purpose of government is to

 “…establish justice…”
1. To what extent did the Constitution establish a just society after it was put into practice?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
2. To what extent do we have a just society today?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
3. To what extent do all people have equal opportunities today?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
4. To what extent are the benefits and burdens of society distributed fairly among people?
a. To what extent is each of the following benefits of society distributed fairly?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
political rights (such as voting)
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
health care
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
child care
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
elderly care
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
 b. To what extent is each of the following burdens of society distributed fairly?
taxes (such as income, property, and sales taxes)
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
jury duty
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
military service
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
5. To what extent are the procedures used by government to gather information and make decisions reasonable and fair?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
6. To what extent does the government respond reasonably and fairly in dealing with people responsible for wrongs or injuries?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
What comments, if any, do you have about these questions?
Section 4 of 8
The next purpose of government is to  

“…insure domestic Tranquility…”
1. To what extent do you think the government has succeeded in ensuring “domestic Tranquility”?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
2. Would you expect a perfectly tranquil country today to be a free country?
Clear selection
What comments, if any, do you have about these questions?
Section 5 of 8
The next purpose of government is to

 “…provide for the common defence…”
1. To what degree do you think the government has succeeded in providing for the “common defence”?
Clear selection
2. To what degree do you think the government’s involvement in the following actions is necessary to provide for the common defense?
a. the war on terror
Clear selection
b. Iraq
Clear selection
c. Afghanistan
Clear selection
d. Libya
Clear selection
What comments, if any, do you have about these questions?
Section 6 of 8
The next purpose of government is to

 “…promote the general Welfare…”
1. To what extent do you think the government has succeeded in promoting the general welfare?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
2. To what extent do you think the following are related to the general welfare?
a. education
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
b. employment
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
c. housing
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
d. pure food and drugs
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
e. health care
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
f. environment
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
g. security
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
h. freedom
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
i. equality
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
j. justice or fairness
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
k. privacy
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
3. Should Congress have the power under the Constitution to adopt all public policy that it believes promotes the general welfare of the nation?
Clear selection
What comments, if any, do you have about these questions?
Section 7 of 8
The next purpose of government is to

" the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."
1. Which of the following would you consider to be a blessing of liberty? The right to
Select all that apply
2. To what extent do you think the government has succeeded in securing the blessings of liberty?
Low extent
High extent
Clear selection
3. In your opinion, are Americans today too concerned with their own liberties and not concerned enough with the liberties of future generations?
Sselect one
What comments, if any, do you have about the above questions?
Section 8 of 8
The final phrase of the Preamble does not state a purpose of government, but completes the opening phrase.

“We the People…do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

1. To what degree do you feel you are a part of “We the People” who support the Constitution?
Clear selection
2. To what degree do you agree with the purposes of government as they are set forth in the Preamble?
Clear selection
Would you like to add any comments about the questions we have asked about the Preamble?
Please print before submitting if you would like a copy of your answers.
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