Technology as a tool
We would love feedback about working as Technology Integration Coaches in a K-12 International School. MERCI!
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What advice would you give brand new Technology Integration Coaches in a school rolling out a 1:1 program?
iPads in our case, but advice does not have to be device specific. Also, this tech coaching position is brand new in our school.
What advice would you give to three Tech Coaches working with each other as a team?
How does everything get done in a fair manner while staying productive & professional? Note: Two of the three coaches are husband & wife.
What advice would you give for collaborating and communicating with teachers?
What advice would you give for Tech Coaches working (as a team) in a K-12 environment?
Although the school is separated by divisions (elementary, middle, high), our position are not.
What advice would you give for collaborating and communicating with admin?
What advice would you give us to help teachers manage workflow?
What are the best/easiest tools for students to turn assignments in, teachers to grade them and then return them...all on the iPad?
Is there anything else you can tell us that will help us meaningfully integrate technology at our school?
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