Research Guide: Wanted Outlaws! Glogster
Fill out this form to keep track of all the information you will need about your outlaw to complete your Glogster Wanted Poster. Once you have gathered all the information and written your outlaw's life summary, notify one of the teachers and have them check over your work. Your Glogster will be considered incomplete if it does not include each of these elements! Then get started on your Glogster!
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What is your NAME? *
What is the name of your Outlaw? Include their nickname if they had one. *
Date of Birth of your Outlaw *
Date of Death of your Outlaw *
Type the link to a photograph of your Outlaw that you want to use here. *
What is your Outlaw most famous for? Why is he/she famous? *
Write a summary of your Outlaw's life. Include details about where they were born, how they died, what they did to become an Outlaw, etc. This must be a minimum of five sentances. *
Copy and paste the links to the website you got your information from. Include their rating from our reliability sheet. (Some # out of 15) *
Remember you must submit a Resource Guide for each of the three resrouces you used. Then hit SUMBIT! Then move on to the next TASK and get started on your Glogster!
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