2013 Guthrie CSD Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Guthrie Common School District (GCSD) is on a journey of continual improvement.

Our stated goals are to:
1) Optimize learning
2) Ensure safe and nurturing learning environments
3) Practice exemplary stewardship

We strive to provide a WORLD CLASS education to our students, second to none other on the planet. Consequently, we regularly examine our programs and offerings, very deliberately and through multiple perspectives, in order to best determine their effectiveness and efficiency.

Please take a few minutes to view relevant data shown prominently on the GCSD web site, titled "GCSD Current Data."

After reviewing the data, please provide your feedback by responding to the questions below.
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The category below that best describes my association with Guthrie CSD is... *
The questions below pertain to enrollment data and trends related to student groups and staffing.
In relation to the level of service GCSD provides to all student groups, my personal response is... *
In relation to the staffing levels at GCSD, my personal response is... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
Student Achievement
GCSD exists for the sole purpose of causing learning to happen in our students. From your knowledge of the student performance data please respond to the questions below.
 Having seen the student achievement data for GCSD, my personal response is... *
 With GCSD's efforts to help struggling students, I am... *
In relation to GCSD's efforts at preparing students for success in college, my personal response is... *
With GCSD's efforts at preparing students to be productive citizens, I am... *
In relation to GCSD's attempt to help each student achieve their full potential (i.e., optimize their learning), I am... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
School Culture and Climate
GCSD strives to foster an environment that is focused on learning and one that is premised on service.  We want every student who attends school at GCSD and every person who enters our buildings to "feel" that focus and know that they are welcome in our sanctuary of learning.
In relation to the receptiveness I feel when at the Guthrie school or when interacting with school employees, I am... *
As to GCSD's efforts to make every student feel valued and supported, my personal response is... *
With GCSD's efforts to foster a culture of learning among both staff and students, I am... *
With the way GCSD provides a secure and nurturing learning environment, my personal response is... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention
GCSD is committed to hiring, retaining, and developing only the highest quality professionals to serve our students and community.
In relation to the quality and professionalism of the teaching faculty at GCSD, I am... *
As to the quality and professionalism of the support/clerical staff at GCSD, my personal response is... *
With the administrative team at GCSD, I am... *
In relation to the GCSD's ability to attract and retain high quality professionals, I am... *
With GCSD's efforts to provide staff with meaningful and relevant professional development, my personal response is... *
Relevant to GCSD's commitment to continuous improvement, I am... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
GCSD constantly seeks to improve the tools and methods by which we cause learning to happen.
In relation to the quality and viability of the curriculum taught to students at GCSD, my personal response is... *
In relation to the strength and effectiveness of instructional delivery at GCSD, I am... *
With the assessments used to measure student learning at GCSD, I am... *
Relevant to the strength of alignment between curriculum, instruction, and assessment at GCSD, my personal response is... *
As to GCSD efforts in equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need for success in the 21st Century, I am... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
Family and Community Involvement
GCSD understands that our school can only be as strong as the connections it has with its stakeholders.
In relation to the extent to which parent involvement is sought/encouraged by GCSD, my personal response is... *
Relevant to the level of community engagement by GCSD, my personal response is... *
With GCSD's efforts to communicate with parents in a timely and effective way, I am... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
School Organization
GCSD is committed to exemplary stewardship.  Using wisely the resources we have been given is one of our highest priorities.
As to GCSD's efforts to ensure exemplary stewardship (i.e., effective and efficient operations), I am... *
With GCSD's processes and systems being easy to manage/engage, my personal response is... *
Relevant to the way GCSD is organized for effective and timely decision-making, I am... *
In relation to the way GCSD provides all stakeholders with "voice" in the decisions/direction of the school, my personal response is... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
GCSD is committed to providing our students and staff the most current and robust tools available to ensure WORLD CLASS learning and service.
As to the way GCSD uses technology to improve its ability to serve stakeholders, my personal response is... *
With the way GCSD uses technology to enhance student learning, I am... *
In relation to the way GCSD provides and maintains quality technological tools, I am... *
What suggestions do you have for improvement in this area?
We appreciate your taking the time to help GCSD pursue the goal of providing a WORLD CLASS education to our students.
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