Audience Feedback
After watching our music video for 'The Girl' please feel free to fill out this survey and let us know what you thought!
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Are you: *
What age are you? *
The genre of the music video was Indie/Folk. Was this obvious? *
If no, why not? What genre did you think it was?
Did you enjoy watching the video? *
What was your favourite aspect/moment of the video? *
What was your least favourite aspect/moment of the video? *
Would you like to see anything changed or added to the video? *
Who do you think the intended audience is for this music video? Please explain why. *
Did you understand the storyline of the video? *
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the editing of the music video? *
Lastly, what would you give the music video overall, on a scale of 1-10? *
Loved it!
Hated it!
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