Request for Fairy Godmother Volunteers
We are so glad you found us! We provide domestic support to families with a child in treatment for pediatric cancer. We provide services until one month post treatment.
 Please fill out the form to give us an idea of what type of support your family needs. We will then search our database to find volunteers in your area ready to assist!

Please note: We require this form, a signed liability waiver and a completed treatment form before services will begin. This is not a guarantee of services!
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Child's Name *
Tell us a bit about your child and your family *
Email address *
Street Address
Zipcode *
to help us find volunteers in your area
Parent or Guardian Name *
Best way to reach you *
Please include email, cell , home phone or whatever is the best way to reach you.
Person to contact to set up services *
Please include email, phone, etc
Are there any food allergies or dietary restrictions? *
Please include if your child is neutropenic
If your child is going through treatment and neutropenic, can our volunteers bring raw fruits and vegetables for the rest of the family?
Is there anything our volunteers need to know about your family? *
We know all families handle cancer differently. This area is to share things like if your child and his or her siblings are unaware of the cancer or anything similar.
When would you like services to begin? *
Please include month and year
Does your family have a website/caringbridge site or similar?
If you are willing, please share below.  We will not share it with the public only with those FGP volunteers that are directly involved in helping your family.
How many times a month does your child receive treatment?
Where does your child receive treatment?
What type of support would be helpful at this time? *
This is not a guarantee of services. Service is dependent upon volunteer availability
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Thank you for your submission! We look forward to working with you!
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