Fall 2017 Literacy Institute sponsored by Delaware Literacy Coalition and Diamond State Reading Association
October 25th
Dover Downs, Dover Delaware


Maximum attendance: 300
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First Name: *
Last Name:
Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Phone Number (Home): *
Phone Number (Work): *
E-mail Address: *
District: *
School: *
Position: *
Membership: *
Please check the council that you are currently a member of or the council you intend to join with your new membership
Registration: *
Please make the appropriate choice (registration includes lunch)
Do you have a disability that requires special assistance or a special dietary need?
Please indicate in the space provided below
Will your school be paying for your registration via purchase order?
Please indicate PO #:
Registration payments:
Make checks payable to: Diamond State Reading Association (DSRA).

Delaware Vendor ID # 29324

Mail To:
181 Maple Shade Drive
Magnolia, DE 19962
Attn: Fall Literacy Institute

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