Cracking Matters Survey
Thank you for taking the time to give us your opinion of Cracking Matters.
The survey consists of seven short questions and should only take a minute to complete.
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1. Do you read Cracking Matters?
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If yes, please continue to question 2. If  no, would you like to receive a sample copy?
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2. Which sections are of most interest to you?
Please rate from 1 to 5 (where 1= not of interest and 5 = Very interesting)
CRA articles & news
Guest articles
Allen’s observations
Industry developments
Industry Grapevine
Current member list
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3. Is there anything you would like to see in Cracking Matters that is not currently included?
4. How would you rate the design?  
Please rate from 1 to 5 (where 1= poor and  5 = excellent)
Page size
Overall appearance
Use of colour
Ease of reading
Ability to find information
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5. How would you prefer to receive Cracking Matters?
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6. Have you ever placed an order or sought more information about a company based on information you have seen in Cracking Matters?
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7. Would you recommend Cracking Matters to a friend, colleague or customer?
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