Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire*
Please rate the following items based on your behavior in this class. Your rating should be on a 7- point scale
where 1= not at all true of me to 7=very true of me .

*Pintrich, R. R., & DeGroot, E. V. (1990). Motivational and self-regulated learning components of
classroom academic performance, Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 33-40.
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I prefer class work that is challenging so I can learn new things. *
Compared with other students in this class I expect to do well *
I am so nervous during a test that I cannot remember facts I have learned *
It is important for me to learn what is being taught in this class *
I like what I am learning in this class *
I’m certain I can understand the ideas taught in this course *
I think I will be able to use what I learn in this class in other classes *
I expect to do very well in this class *
Compared with others in this class, I think I’m a good student *
I often choose paper topics I will learn something from even if they require more work *
I am sure I can do an excellent job on the problems and tasks assigned for this class. *
I have an uneasy, upset feeling when I take a test. *
I think I will receive a good grade in this class *
Even when I do poorly on a test I try to learn from my mistakes *
I think that what I am learning in this class is useful for me to know. *
My study skills are excellent compared with others in this class. *
I think that what we are learning in this class is interesting. *
Compared with other students in this class I think I know a great deal about the subject. *
I know that I will be able to learn the material for this class. *
I worry a great deal about tests. *
Understanding this subject is important to me. *
When I take a test I think about how poorly I am doing. *
When I study for a test, I try to put together the information from class and from the book. *
When I do homework, I try to remember what the teacher said in class so I can answer the questions correctly. *
I ask myself questions to make sure I know the material I have been studying. *
It is hard for me to decide what the main ideas are in what I read. *
When work is hard I either give up or study only the easy parts. *
When I study I put important ideas into my own words. *
I always try to understand what the teacher is saying even if it doesn’t make sense. *
When I study for a test I try to remember as many facts as I can. *
When studying, I copy my notes over to help me remember material. *
I work on practice exercises and answer end of chapter questions even when I don't have to. *
Even when study materials are dull and uninteresting, I keep working until I finish. *
When I study for a test I practice saying the important facts over and over to myself. *
Before I begin studying I think about the things I will need to do to learn. *
I use what I have learned from old homework assignments and the textbook to do new assignments. *
I often find that I have been reading for class but don’t know what it is all about. *
I find that when the teacher is talking I think of other things and don’t really listen to what is being said. *
When I am studying a topic, I try to make everything fit together. *
When I’m reading I stop once in a while and go over what I have read. *
When I read materials for this class, I say the words over and over to myself to help me remember. *
I outline the chapters in my book to help me study. *
I work hard to get a good grade even when I don’t like a class. *
When reading I try to connect the things I am reading about with what I already know. *
Please feel free to add any comments or suggestions.
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