I am interested in MyRevelstoke2030
Please provide your contact information below. We will not share this information with the City of Revelstoke or with anyone outside the UBC research team. All information will be stored securely but if you prefer to provide your contact information over the phone, please call Dr. Maged Senbel at 604-822-9158
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What is your full name *
We want to make sure you are a real person and not a computer program. We would also like to be able to send you a personal invitation
What is your home address? *
We'd like to have a balanced representation from different parts of town.
Please indicate your age *
This helps us make sure we have good age representation
Will you be able to attend a 2-Hour workshop during the following times *
What is your preferred time for the above dates? *
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
we want to be able to reach you in the way that you prefer
Based on your preferred contact method please give us your mailing address, email or telephone number
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