39th Multiple District 308 Leo Forum Feedback Form
thank you for interesting on our event, we hope you will fill this form and help us improve it.
Please be noted, we have separate feedback to three section: RESORT, PROGRAMME and ADMINSTRATION
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Name *
fill in your name
Club *
fill in which Leo Club you from.
Please rate about this year's Resort
No Opinion
Hangout Spaces
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Please give the RESORT an overall rating
I never want to go back
Let's book it next year
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Give us thoughts and suggestions about how can we do things better regarding the RESORT
What was missing for you, what should we look for, how can we improve next year?
Please rate the following items from this year's PROGRAMME
Not Helpful at all
Could've be better
No opinion
Extremely Helpful
Day Trip at Geopark
Fellowship Night
Special Project
Workshop / Seminar
Sub District Forum
Banquet Night
School of Incoming Key Officer
Closing Celemony
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Please give the PROGRAMME an overall rating
There was nothing valuable about the programme
The programme was prefect
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Give us thoughts and suggestions about how can we do things better regarding the PROGRAMME
What was missing for you, what should we add or estimate, how can we improve next year?
Please rate the following items from this year's ADMINSTRATION
Not Helpful at all
Could've be better
No opinion
Extremely Helpful
Pre-Forum Communication
Communication at Forum
All incusive price of Forum
Organizing of events
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Please give the ADMINSTRATION an overall rating
There was nothing valuable about the adminstration
The adminstration was prefect
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Give us thoughts and suggestions about how can we do things better regarding the ADMINSTRATION
What was missing for you, what should we add or estimate, how can we improve next year?
Other thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc
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