IT Infrastructure Comment Form

1. Download and review documents currently in their specified public comment phase using the link listed above. (Comments on all other documents can also be submitted using this form.)

2. Designate Submitter Name, Document Name, Volume, Section and Line Number for each comment (or designate as "general").

3. Specify the Issue concisely and provide any new or replacement text in the Proposed Change section.

4. Designate the Priority of each comment as High, Medium, or Low:
     High:  Important issue where there is major issue to be resolved. Requires discussion and debate.
     Medium:  Significant issue or clarification. Requires discussion, but should not lead to long debate.
     Low:  Typo or other minor classification that an editor can manage. Requires no group discussion.

5. After completing form, click submit

6. Comments on all documents can be submitted at any time.

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Submitter Name *
Submitter's Email Address
Providing this information enables us to contact you for clarification or to follow up with resolution to your comment.
Submitter's Organization
Providing this information provides us context on your comment.
Document Name *
Documents currently in their public comment phase (if any) are preceded by an *
Section Number
Shows in which section the issue occurs (e.g., 4.1.2)
Line Number
Shows exactly where in the original document the issue occurs, and is useful for sorting.
Describe your issue.  Don't write a book, but do include enough to indicate what you see as a problem. If you need to write an extensive entry (more than 100 words or so) please use the downloadable spreadsheet linked above.
Proposed Change
Propose a resolution to your issue (e.g., suggested new wording or description of a way to address the issue). The committee might simply accept your suggested text. Even if they don't, it gives a good sense of what you are looking for. Leaving this blank means you can't imagine how to resolve the issue, which makes it easier for the committee to admit they can't imagine how to resolve it either and leave it unresolved. If your need to write an extensive entry (more than 100 words or so) please use the downloadable spreadsheet linked above.
 High:  Important issue where there is major issue to be resolved.  Requires discussion and debate.          Medium:  Significant issue or clarification.  Requires discussion, but should not lead to long debate.       Low:  Typo or other minor classification that an editor can manage.  Requires no group discussion.
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