CharacterRace/ClassAccount #Basic DescriptionRoleplay Possibilities
Krilari DawnsendBlood elf Paladin1An old-as-dirt blood elf with an obsession for History, the Light, and Blacksmithing. Author of the Miscellany of the Mythological and Matter-of-Fact collection.Fellow history junkies unite! Open to learning and teaching from anyone who would feel like sharing a story. Otherwise he's always open to anything from a good philosophical discussion to a light-hearted chat. For anyone in search of some quality smithing, Krilari is always open for business.
Matharius WintersWorgen Warlock3Self-made nobleman from Lordearon. Retired Demonologist, now novice mage with a thirst for the taboo. Patron of House Winters and Married to Valda Bennett.Being a recently-crowned nobleman Matharius is in search for faithful servants to fill out his family's ranks. Anyone from skilled scribes to scrappy warriors are welcome!
SareenTroll Tinker4An enigmatic, eccentric, and energetic tinkerer of a Troll with a near unhealthy obesession with Squrriel, particlarly those of the mechnical variety. Well-inteded and relaxed she's more inclined to try to peddle off wonders of engineering than anything else.Trolls looking for friendship, rivalries, or anything of the like are open to join with this free-thinking Troll. Of course Engineers are a welcome sight, though those who are looking to buy her works are just as well! Being a Scout for the Love Exchange she's also more than able to set you up with a Love Profile if it's what you so wish.
Victoria FeranosHuman Paladin3A Knight-Captain of the Stormwind Military. Spends most of her off-time on a borderline unhealthy obsession with Tailoring.When not clad in her imposing armor Victoria is a rather respectable woman, one who frequents the cathedral of the Holy Light with hope of simply conversing with those of similar belief. In terms of profession she is not known for her tailoring, but whispers and mutters could easily lead some to her.
Krona WhiteclawOrc Leywalker3One of the few survivors of the Whiteclaw clan slaughter at the beginning of the Draenic Slaughter. Despite her arcane teachings she has a thirst for a balance in intelligence and wisdom.Students and teachers all alike are encouraged! Krona is open to both learning of the old cultures of Azeroth as well as teaching those about the way of the Runemaster or the Ley Walker.
Duron BloodaxeOrc Spirit Champion 2Having lost his Spirit Champion's calling after a tragic run-in with cultists Duron now travels about when he can to rekindle his connection with the spirits he has so faithfully served.Duron is a wandering soul. The best opportunity is to simply run into him when he makes his way around the world.
Anthrion IronravenNight Elf Warden2A rare sight- a male Warden. Since a willfull disbanding of his 'Ashwatch' the young Warden has taken to waging a one-man war on those who threaten Ashenvale.At the moment Anthrion is best found in Ashenvale given his current charge. However given his position as a figure of authority there's an opportunity to train as a Watcher beneath him. On the opposite side of the spectrum, he can always chase after your criminals if you want the added tension.
Adget ThundercestusGnome Enchanted Warrior2Engineering meets magic to keep this radiation-poisoned gnome chugging along. Alchemy and enchanting is her trade, and she'll sell just about anything if it'll make a buck for her.Given her traveling tendencies, Adget's easiest caught on the road, bouncing between Alliance and Neutral settlements selling anything from erotic oils to professional-quality weapon enchantments.
Yatana MosshoofTauren Sunwalker2An'she's following has gathered those young and old. Filled with youth and vigor Yatana treks Kalimdor to protect her people and spread the glory of the Sun to every darkened corner.Yatana is best off finding compatriots and companions to travel with. While she is a proud Sunwalker, she doesn't have much to defend at the moment.
Ro'gosh of the Pale FlameOrc Blademaster3Blademastery is second to breath in the nature of a Burning Bladesman. Born of his clan briefly before being taken captive by the humans in the second war, Ro'gosh fiercy serves the Horde in any means possible- though most take him out to the fields of battle.The Earthworks have been kind enough to take up Ro'gosh as a member of their own, however that's far from a limiting factor! Ro'gosh is still well and able to scour the world. He'll find friendly company mostly amongst his own Horde, though his kidness can extend past the boundaries of faction from time to time.
Tok'zi the MaskmakerDrakkari Warlock3A deserter to the now-dead Drakkari tribe, Tok'zi is one of the remaining paragons of the old Troll mentality. In secret hideaways and dark corners he practices his dark rituals, binding spirits to masks and cannibalizing the flesh of lesser men to bolster his own strength.Approachers beware, Tok'zi is a far cry from kindness. The youthful darkcaster finds the races of Azeroth more as tools to greater his purpose rather than allies to share a drink with. Still, if you come across him within his jungle hideaway prepare for a fight in one manner or another.
Dragomir Draenei Novice2Only a few hundred years old he as much to prove to his people who have been plagued by warfare and death. Ever-boastful he's constantly on the lookout to train himself for the better.A lovely little blank slate of a character. Given his youth and eager personality he's easily impressed upon by the world around him, this leaves him open to a number of possible routes including class changes, profession changes, or simply growing familiar with this new world.
AndraDraenei Priestess3After thousands of years spent fighting, losing, and fleeing Andra has retreated from the battlefield to live a more peaceful life. With repentance she's turned away from arcane practice and it's corrupting influence in favor of serving as a matron to the poor and a priestess to the Light.Andra makes her home in Shattrath for the most part, tending to her bakery as well as the nearby orphanages. Feel free to stop by for some simple chitchat, motherly advice, and magical muffins!
Camillia FirescribeBlood Elf Warrior3Living a lonely life after the death of her parents Camillia has only recently taken to trusting once more. Most of her time is spent between her wife, Merewen, and her passion for self-improvement.Camillia has long since cooled down from her days of traveling the world, instead she roots herself in the Eversong Woods until opportunity presents itself for her to go traveling once more.
Tina DuFreyGoblin Toymaker1If there's profit to be had, then leave it to a goblin to make it. Nikka lives her life in Bogpaddle settling high-quality toys to those with the proper coinage. In her off time she likes to play warrior.At the moment Nikka is best reaches in her small little shop where one could by anything from a new Tyrandre doll to a Garrosh Action figure with human-chopping action grip!
Anklin Grimun Human Sailor1A child of Kul Tiras, Anklin spent most his life on the seas fighting orcs, drinking booze, and cooking up meals. Now he's landlocked without a ship in the middle of the world ravaged by the Cataclysm.For the moment Anklin is dry docked over in Stormwind City with his lovely little interest, Avaria. However this wouldn't keep him from going out and about with rough-and-tumble adventurers if they can tempt him in just the right way!
Malorak LeafwindNight Elf Druid of the Pack1Once a free man now forever corrupted by the Pack form Malorak formed the original Worgen of the world. Since his awakening from the dream he's made a point to repent in a way, taking up students of any walk to be sure they don't repeat the same mistake he has.Students! Malorak is a character geared towards interaction with druids, specifically Worgen Druids and Harvest Witches who are still finding their grasp upon the druidic arts. Of course those who wish to wipe the Worgen curse off the face of Azeroth are also welcome to present their case, but it might not end so peaceably.
Faedea BloodscryBlood Elf Warlock3After a few hundred years life just turns into a game. With hedonistic ways and a curious mind Faeda works with the Solheim Society to better herself and the world.Faedea is a rather laid-back character that can fit into most scenes with ease, though more often than nought she'll fill in with one of the crowds- Either Blood Elves or the Solheim Sociey.
Beth StormsqualHuman Mage1For years she's swindled her way into people's pockets. Now she's aligned with the Defias and ever-eager to plague Stormwind with her tricky ways.Be careful for what you wish for, the defias are tricky folks after all. Most times they're either after your purse or your life.
Ausar, Son of TauTol'vir Novice2A mysterious Tol'vir who has made his escape from Uldum and it's civil War, Ausar spends his days exploring the new world that has been sealed away from his people for eons.Travel is Ausar's bread and butter. Portals, ships, zepplins and the like are all available to him, however he still prefers to trust his own four feet. Being a novice he doesn't have much potential in the ways of fighting, but perhaps he could be taught.
Modi ThaimsonWildhammer Windwarrior4Born and raised in Aerie Peak, Modi lives more in the sky than anything else. This shamanistic windwarrior is not often home, nor has he been often for many a year since he had been lost behind the Dark Portal. Ever since his return to his home Modi's been in search of some greater purpose beyond fighting, even if he won't admit it.From drinking to flying to fighting and far beyond Modi can easily make an appearance! As it stands he's more inclined to remain in the Khaz Modan or Aerie Peak regions though I'm certain a good cause could draw him from his shell.
Yasrin StargazerBlood Elf Astronomer (Mage)1A youth amongst the researchers of House Senn'raethi, Yasrin has never the less grown as a fugure of fair repute in the secluded scientific community thanks to his peculiar interest in studying the stars, the philosophies that rest around them, and especially the possible worlds that lay beyond reach. Yasrin is a sort to get himself in trouble over his field studies. While he can ocassionally be bound to locations thanks to his responsabilities to the House he's also one to wander about in a desperate pursuit of knowledge.