DateSource IDTypeMLASummary
9/6/20121ENCYPolice. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 June 2012. Web. 06 Sept. 2012. <>.An overall summmary of law enforcement throughout the world. Includes many links and information that I can follow up on.
9/6/20122ARTL"History of Law Enforcement." - Police History. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Sept. 2012. <>.A history of law enforcement from pre-civilized age to the middle ages detailing the origins of some of the foundations and policies of modern police.
9/6/20123ARTLImportant Dates in Law Enforcement History. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund:. N.p., Mar. 2009. Web. 07 Sept. 2012. <>.Important dates of law enforcement in the U.S. starting from the 1600s to the modern 2000's. Contains some points to further research.
9/12/20124ARTLO'Neill, Lindsey. "Common Criminal Offense Definitions." Consumer Law Blog. Law Info, Fall 2008. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. <>.Contains detailed definitions of the most common crimes/felonies in the U.S. The definitions of misdemeanors is not included in this article.
9/12/20125ARTLMyths/Facts About Police Work. - City of Cambridge, Massachusetts. City of Cambridge, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. <>.Though geared towards women interested in entering law enforcement, this article contains important general information and debunks some myths about law enforcement.
9/12/20126ARTLDiscover Policing. Types of Police / Law Enforcement Agencies -. Discovering Policing, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. <>.Articles offers information on the types of law enforcement agencies at both the state and federal level.
9/13/20127INTSanchez, Jaycon. Personal Interview. 13 September 2012I asked mostly basic questions that gave me better insight of my topic of law enforcement and some more personal questions relating to my mentor's daily routine as an officer.
9/20/20128ARTL"Rodney King Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <>.Article containing information about Rodney King and the incident he was involved in where police officers were caught on tape beating him. It is mostly relevant to police brutality.
9/20/20129ARTLBellis, Mary. "Police Technology and Forensic Science." Inventors. The New York Times Company, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <>.Article details the date of key technologies introduced into police work and a description of their use.
9/20/201210ARTL"LAPD." LAPD. Los Angeles Police Department, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2012. <>.Article contains extensive definitions of all terms used in the official LAPD manual and other sources. It is important for understanding all LAPD terminology.
9/24/201211ARTLWriting, Alexis. "Arrest Procedures." EHow. Demand Media, 24 Sept. 2009. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. <>.Article contains a step by step description of how arrest procedures are suppose to take place. This article is important for investigating police brutality as the article also details the rights of the person being arrested and when force can legally be used.
9/24/201212ARTL"Understanding Police Procedures." Understanding Police Procedures. City of Portland, n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. <>.Article contains information about police procedures for arresting and the times when a police officer can initiate an arrest (i.e, probable cause) and also details the extent of police authority.
9/24/201213ARTLMangan, David. "Police Brutality: The Use of Excessive Force"" Police Brutality: The Use of Excessive Force" Drury University, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <>.Article investigates a few cases of police brutality where it attempts to understand the patterns and reasoning for police brutality in the U.S.
10/10/201214AJOURNALSchott, Richard G. "Double Exposure: Civil Liability and Criminal Prosecution in Federal Court for Police Misconduct." Legal Digest (2008): 23-32. Google Inc. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.Journal article points out instances when an officer is violating 4th Amendment rigth and thus commiting misconduct.
10/10/201214BJOURNALSchott, Richard G. "Double Exposure: Civil Liability and Criminal Prosecution in Federal Court for Police Misconduct." Legal Digest (2008): 23-32. Google Inc. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. <>.Journal looks at the history and evolution of laws the protect against police misconduct and examines police misconduct incidents, their court decisions, and how the influenced future law.
10/10/201215JOURNAL"Fourth Amendment - Excessive Force - Ninth Circuit Holds Female Plaintiffs Brought Valid Excessive Force Claims Against Police Officers Who Tased Them." Harvard Law Review 125.7 (2012): 1844-851. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Oct. 2012.Journal article investigates differences between misconduct conducted against women and men and how these cases are reviewed.
10/18/201216ARTLChildress, Sarah. "Where Police Misconduct Is Still A Problem." PBS. PBS, 18 June 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.PBS article that takes a deeper look at where police misconduct is still prevalent and why.
10/18/201217ARTLWhite, Stuart A. "Controlling Police Corruption." Controlling Police Corruption. EDGE, 4 June 1999. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <>.Report that explores the origin of police corruption and makes a few inferences about why those sources are what they are.
10/18/201218U.S. Department of Justice. Addressing Police Misconduct. N.p.: U.S. Department of Justice, n.d. Google Inc. Web. <>Brochure that discusses addressing police misconduct and explains a few terms.
10/25/201219ARTLT, Buddy. "Alcohol, Violence and Aggression." Alcohol, Violence and Aggression., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.Very broad overview of alcoholism and violence's correlation to each other. May be useful for science fair.
10/25/201220AARTLD' Angelo, Joseph. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Rep. New York: Nassau County Police Department, n.d. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Nassau County Police Department. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.A study looking at the forces and influences that have an impact on a police officers personal life and can lead to domestic violence at home. May be useful for science fair
11/2/201221INTSanchez, Jaycon. Personal Interview. 2 November 2012
10/31/201220BARTLD' Angelo, Joseph. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Rep. New York: Nassau County Police Department, n.d. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Nassau County Police Department. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.A report on domestic abuse done by police officers and the dangerous cycle it can lead to.
10/31/201220CARTLD' Angelo, Joseph. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Rep. New York: Nassau County Police Department, n.d. Addicted to Violence: The Cycle of Domestic Abuse Committed by Police Officers. Nassau County Police Department. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.A report on domestic abuse done by police officers and the dangerous cycle it can lead to. continued...
10/31/201222JOURNALUnited States. Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice and Office of Community Policing Services. Public Integrity: Public Service With Honor. N.p.: n.p., n.d. National Institute of Justice. Department of Justice, Jan. 1997. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>.Journal piece on law enforcement in the public's eye today, what has changed, and problems facing it today.
10/31/201223ARTL"How Police Officers Deal With Stress." In The Line of Duty. Line of Duty, n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2013. <>.Article containing indepth information on the stress officers face that is unique to their work and how they face it.
10/31/201224ARTL"Five Ways Police Cope With Stress." Essortment. Essortment, n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2013. <>.Article containing 5 methods/ways that officers can use to keep their day to day work stress under control and in safe levels.
10/31/201225 AJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 BJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 CJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 DJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 EJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 FJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
10/31/201225 GJOURNALDrzewiecki, Steve. Survival Stress in Law Enforcement. Rep. Traverse City: Traverse City Police Department, 2002. Emich. Web. 9 Jan. 2013. <,%20%20Stress,%20%20Wellness/Survival%20Stress%20in%20Law%20Enforcement.pdf>.Very information journal about survival stress, which is the stress faced during emergencies that causes people to freeze up, to feel fear, and react in bad ways to situations.
2/6/201326INTSanchez, Jaycon. Personal Interview. 6 February 2013I asked questions that answered my EQ, primarly about the best way to handle deadly situations, what are the deadliest types of situations, and how he personally handles them.
1/29/201326ARTL"Effective Police Communications Systems Require New "Governance"" National Institute of Justice. National Institute of Justice, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. <>.Explains the importance of the police being able to effective communicate with other responders such as ambulances and fire departments in order to improve public safety as a whole.
1/29/201327ARTLHumes, Charles E., Jr. "Good Communication Skills." Law Offier. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>.A Sgt explains how he came to understand why and how important effective communication was to his daily work as he progressed through the ranks.
1/29/201328ARTLMakandi, Puriry. "Types of Communication." EHow. Demand Media, 15 Dec. 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>.Article explaining the type of communications that are present in law enforcement: Internal, police and community, and communication with other enforcement agencies.
1/29/201329ARTLTapscott, Kenneth. "Police and Effective Communication by Kenneth R Tapscott -" ArticleCitycom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. <>.Article explaining why an officer needs to be able to effectively communicate.
2/21/201330 AARTLMiller, Christa. "The Art of Verbal Judo." Cygnus Public Safety Group, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.Article explaining the science behind police communication.
2/21/201330 BARTLMiller, Christa. "The Art of Verbal Judo." Cygnus Public Safety Group, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.Article explaining the science behind police communication and how to be more effectve in communication with suspects and bystanders.
2/21/201330 CARTLMiller, Christa. "The Art of Verbal Judo." Cygnus Public Safety Group, 1 Aug. 2008. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <>.Article explaining the science behind police communication and how to be more effectve in communication with suspects and bystanders cont.
2/28/201331 AARTLPittman, Elaine. "Real-Life Police Technology Catches up With Science Fiction." Real-Life Police Technology Catches up With Science Fiction. Government Technology, 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.Article detailing new technology coming out to benefit police.
2/28/201331 BARTLPittman, Elaine. "Real-Life Police Technology Catches up With Science Fiction." Real-Life Police Technology Catches up With Science Fiction. Government Technology, 29 Apr. 2010. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.Article detailing new technology coming out to benefit police cont.
2/28/201332 AARTLBasich, Melanie. "Improving Officer Driving Skills." Police - The Law Enforcement Magazine. Police Magazine, 1 May 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.Article detailing the importance of becoming more adapt at driving as a police officer and the new vehicles coming out to aid in this.
2/28/201332 BARTLBasich, Melanie. "Improving Officer Driving Skills." Police - The Law Enforcement Magazine. Police Magazine, 1 May 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.Article detailing the importance of becoming more adapt at driving as a police officer and the new vehicles coming out to aid in this.
2/28/201332 CARTLBasich, Melanie. "Improving Officer Driving Skills." Police - The Law Enforcement Magazine. Police Magazine, 1 May 2012. Web. 28 Feb. 2013. <>.Article detailing the importance of becoming more adapt at driving as a police officer and the new vehicles coming out to aid in this.
3/28/201333ARTLSpaulding, Dave. "Firearms: Training for Close-Quarter Combat." Print Story : - Law Officer Magazine, 12 Jan. 2007. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. <>.Article details the importance of close quarter combat training and its use.
3/28/201334ARTLSpaulding, Dave. "The GLADIUS: New LED Police Light Offers Multiple Tactical Advantages." Print Story : - Law Oficer Magazine, 20 Sept. 2005. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. <>.Details on the GLADIUS, one of the new technologies being implemented to improve officer safety.
3/28/201335ARTLFriedman, Debra. "TECH COPS: How Technological Advances Are Changing Police Work." GreenwichTime. Hearst Communications Inc., 7 Sept. 2010. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. <>.Article overviews how technological advances are changing how police operate and having their safety increased.
4/10/201336 AJOURNALKralicek, Mike, and Carrie Kralicek. "Preparing for the What If's." Journal of Law Enforcement 1.3 (n.d.): 1-5. Web. 09 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on the what ifs the occur in police work and how families of officers must prepare for them because of what the line of work entails.
4/10/201336 BJOURNALKralicek, Mike, and Carrie Kralicek. "Preparing for the What If's." Journal of Law Enforcement 1.3 (n.d.): 1-5. Web. 09 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on the what ifs the occur in police work and how families of officers must prepare for them because of what the line of work entails.
4/10/201337JOURNALHill, Brian, and Olivia Johnson. "Law Enforcement: Off-Duty Preparation." Journal of Law Enforcement 2.4 (n.d.): 1-3. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on preparing for incidents beforehand, even when off duty, as an officer because the life they live demands it.
4/15/201338 AARTLBasich, Melanie. "Training Sims Help Officers Use Appropriate Force." Police Magazine. Police Magazine, 11 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article about how realistic training sims are being made and utilized in order to provide rookies with an experience as close to the real thing and help them with communication skills and knowing when to pull their gun.
4/15/201338 BARTLBasich, Melanie. "Training Sims Help Officers Use Appropriate Force." Police Magazine. Police Magazine, 11 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article about how realistic training sims are being made and utilized in order to provide rookies with an experience as close to the real thing and help them with communication skills and knowing when to pull their gun cont.
4/15/201339 AARTLSmith, Rick. "Why Is Public Safety Behind the Tech Curve?" Police Magazine. Police Magazine, 09 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on how modern day police are falling behind the tech curve and need to catch up in order to properly battle criminals.
4/15/201339 BARTLSmith, Rick. "Why Is Public Safety Behind the Tech Curve?" Police Magazine. Police Magazine, 09 Apr. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Previous article continued with an excerpt on cell phones as an example of the type of technology that has evolved that older officers need to learn how to use, handle, and properly catalog as evidence.
4/15/201340ARTLJohnson, Bob. "Bob Johnson's Toughbook Stuff." : How Police Technology Has Changed... Bob Johnson, 6 Jan. 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on police technology over the years, how it changed law enforcement, and an excerpt on a new technology that was used recently in the capture of the Boston Bombing suspect.
4/15/201341AARTLSchultz, Paul D. "Technology in Police Departments." Police Chief Magazine - View Article. Police Chief, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on how police tech is evolving to meet the tech curve and descriptions of some of the newer techs and their uses and applications in saving lives.
4/15/201341 BARTLSchultz, Paul D. "Technology in Police Departments." Police Chief Magazine - View Article. Police Chief, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on how police tech is evolving to meet the tech curve and descriptions of some of the newer techs and their uses and applications in saving lives cont.
4/15/201341CARTLSchultz, Paul D. "Technology in Police Departments." Police Chief Magazine - View Article. Police Chief, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Article on how police tech is evolving to meet the tech curve and descriptions of some of the newer techs and their uses and applications in saving lives cont.
4/15/201342 AREPORTMumola, Christopher J. "Arrest Related Deaths in the United States 2003-2005." Bureau of Justice Statistics. U.S. Department of Justice, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Report and statistics on arrest related deaths in the United States from a fairly recent year and study.
4/15/201342 BREPORTMumola, Christopher J. "Arrest Related Deaths in the United States 2003-2005." Bureau of Justice Statistics. U.S. Department of Justice, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. <>.Report and statistics on arrest related deaths in the United States from a fairly recent year and study.
4/23/201343INTTaylor, Joe. Personal Interview. 23 April 2013Asked questions about my EQ, about police technology and how useful being proficient in it is and about communication skills.