Exceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsApproaching ExpectationsBelow Expectations
ResearchTopic shows strong research, and has well-edited and relevant reseponses from experts, enhancing the product in an innovative way. A variety of types of supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that significantly supports the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/ authority on the topicTopic shows good research and has relevant responses from experts, enhancing the product in an effective way. Supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that generally supports the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/ authority on the topicTopic shows little research or has few or irrelevant responses from experts, hindering the quality of the product. Supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make appropriate reference to information or analysis that partially supports the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the topicTopic is not researched and has no responses from experts, distracting from the qualilty of the product. Insufficient supporting materials (explanations, examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies, quotations from relevant authorities) make reference to information or analysis that minimally supports the presentation or establishes the presenter's credibility/authority on the topic0
Personal ComparisonThe work is clearly and insightfully connected to your own life and learning with ideas, research findings, and/or conclusions drawn from researchThe work is connected to your own life and learning with ideas, research, and/or conclusions, but could be more insightfully or clearly doneThe work is minimally connected to your own life and learningThe work is not connected to your own life and learning0
GeneralPresentation has a catchy and clever introduction that establishes a clear purpose and engages the audience quickly. There is also a conclusion that presents an opinion in response to the research and summarizes/explains key information to support the opinion. In addition to At Standard criteria: has a memorable introduction andconclusion, connects introduction and conclusion(returns to a story, theme, or metaphor), effectively uses humor, stories, or metaphorsPresentation has an introduction that describes the topic and engages the audience. There is also a conclusion that presents an opinion in response to the research that is mostly supported by the research. Meets all requirements for what should be included in the presentation. Selects the right amount and kind of information to present. States main idea & moves from one idea to the next clearly, in an order that makes sense. Time is well spent; no part feels too short or too long. Has a clear and interesting introduction and conclusionIntroduction is present and somewhat engaging, but not necessarily relevant to the project. A conclusion is present, but it presents a vague response to the research and/or provides little support for the opinion presented. Meets most requirements for what should be included in the presentation. Sometimes selects too much or too little information, or the wrong kind, about some topics. Some ideas are connected, but not all. Some parts feel too short or too long; too much or too little time is spent on one topic, slide, or idea. Has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not clear or interestingIntroduction is not present, irrelevant, or inappropriate. There is no conclusion. Does not meet requirements for what should be included in the presentation. selects too much or too little information or the wrong kind of information. Gets ideas mixed up. Time is not used well; the whole presentation, or several parts of it, are too short or too long. Does not have an introduction and/or conclusion0
DeliveryPresentation is well rehearsed or edited with a smooth delivery that makes sense for the type of project. Presentation length keeps the audience interested and engaged. Clearly speaks off the cuff and from the heart.Presentation is rehearsed or edited with a few problems for a mostly smooth delivery that makes sense for the type of project. Product length keeps audience interested. Presenter speaks off the cuff and is personal.Presentation is rehearsed or edited but there are several problems that create an uneven or not prepared delivery. Product length is somewhat too long to keep audience interested or too short to clearly communicate the ideas. Presentation does not seem "internalized"Presentation has not been rehearsed or edited. Delivery is distracting. Product is either too long to keep audience interested or too short to communicate ideas20
Written ProductAll ideas and data that are not your own are properly summarized, paraphrased, and/or quoted
with properly formatted citations.
Works Cited page is complete and properly formatted using MLA. URLs are provided for each resource.

All media that are not your own are Creative Commons, royalty-free, and/or licensed for
Most ideas and data that are not yourown are properly summarized, paraphrased,
and/or quoted with citations.
Works Cited page
is complete and formatted with few errors or omissions, using MLA.

Most media that
are not the learner’s own are Creative Commons, royalty-free, and/or licensed
for reuse
Few ideas and data that are not your own are summarized, paraphrased, and/or quoted with
Works Cited page is included, but has many errors or omissions.
Few media that are not your own are Creative Commons, royalty-free, and/or licensed for
No ideas and data that are not your own are summarized, paraphrased, and/or quoted with
Works Cited page is not included, or is completely formatted incorrectly. It may appear as a list of URLs.

No media that are not your own are Creative Commons, royalty-free, and/or licensed for
Time on TaskStudent always spends provided class time toward the progress of the 20% project.Student usually spends provided class time toward the progress of the 20% project.Student sometimes uses class time toward the progress of the 20% project.Student rarely uses class time toward the progress of the 20% project.20
Reflection Blogging (Taken as a whole, for the course of the project)The blog post is thoughtful, original, relevant, and provides insight to your learning and your engagement with your classmates, the activities, and course content. It also provides feedback and suggestions on how and what would improve the project and your own learning. Four point posts are reflections on your learning process during the project and that also reflect, apply, report, explain, defend, refute, question, self-assess, summarize, synthesize, and analyze your engagement withyour learning. Posts clearly document the learning process and demonstrate a semester's worth of work on the projectThe blog post lacks at least one of the above qualities, but is above average in quality. A three point post makes a significant contribution to our understanding of you, your learning process, your feedback, and your thinking about the course contentThe blog post lacks two or three of the required qualities. Comments that are based upon personal opinion or personal experience often fall within this category. Posts overall might not demonstrate a clear picture of weekly learning or that a semester's worth of effort went into the project.The blog post presents little or no reflection or insight. Too many posts are missing to reflect the learning that was present over the course of a semester.15
Rubric largely from