TimestampWhat was good about the technology pieces the assignment?What needs improving about the technology pieces of the assignment?Name and BlockIf you were responsible for locating places to examine in Canada on google map, which places would you choose and why?Were you able to describe your place well using google map tools?Were you able to determine what makes a place significant?What are your suggestions for ways we might use google maps again in World Cultures?
1/6/2012 12:53:35it made it so we were able to explore the world further and learn more about it.i didn't really see anything major that needed to change. i enjoyed it. i like learning more about our world and the landmarks that are on it.Dylan 6i would choose niagra falls because i have been there before and it is a natural landmark.yes it was very easy.yes you could tell the size very easily.if we have a big project on a country on continent we could use google maps to help us with the project.
1/6/2012 12:55:43Everything was all in one place unlike doing it by hand where you have pictures and writing on a different piece of paper and you have to put it on paper but on here you have everything easy to get to and all in one place.Well i couldn't get on my account the first time so i didn't get all the instructions which delayed me from finishing it.Hannah Maloy- Block 6Maybe a gulf or something because i would want to look at it with the satellite thing in the right hand corner because you can actually see the physical features.I didn't get to finish but im sure if i got all the directions i would have been able to describe it all.
I don't knowStudying, same map type things, maybe a project or plan a trip for a project.
1/6/2012 12:58:23i think that some kids who haven't experienced too much technology got a chance to explore and look at one aspect of technology.the transfering of the flickr photos was a little confusing and it could be made simplerVictor Pearce block 6i would choose places of historical and geographical importance and interest such as the great lakes, some taller mountains, and landmarks.i was able to look at the surrounding geography and observe how it might have been created.yes, there was significant amount of information on gros morn. it was easily accesable and informative
to study geography and topography
1/6/2012 12:58:33we learned how to use google maps to find places, we also used flickr which gave us high resolution pictures, they were also the one we wanted and and not other pictures that we dont want.typing on the pictures. the box to type in need to be bigger so we can see the pic and type at the same time.Cainin Griffin 6the same place i used now athabasca canada and newfoundland. i would choose athabasca again because i liked what i learned about. also i want to learn about newfoundland like victor did.yesyesmake the hanges i talked about in question 2
1/6/2012 13:08:24Well we got to learn some new tools for school and I am glad to have a safe place to get images and it allows us to cite images easier. Nothing it seems like it is full proof and well done it was also a pretty simple process. Ridge Barnes 6Lake winnipeg because it was a interesting place and it was looked like a very nice place. Also gross morn because it was a very natural and beautiful place that i would like to visit. Not really the map didn't provide much information even with the satellite view i would like to search it a little more if i could.The beauty and the natural parks that surround the lake make it a natural and beautiful place that I would like to visit. For each continent we maybe can pick 10 places we like and write about each and show a picture of it.
1/6/2012 13:36:59I like the fact that we were able to use the computer in general. I like flickr a lot better then just going to google images as well because it feels more authentic then just going to google images and picking and image and having it improperly downloaded. I think that we just need more practice using some of the technology because even like a couple weeks ago when we were being taught how to use it I know a lot of us were confused. So if we just have more practice I think we will be fine. Dylan 7I would choose the St. Lawrence seaway because I know that it is a major canal that allows us to travel from the great lakes to the ocean. If not that I would choose Nunavut because I do not know much about the are and would like to learn more. I was not able to describe it that much because google maps did not give you a really clear visual description of the area. Although you are not going to get a real feel for the place you can still make some basic notes. From the google maps themselves not really. I had to go on other sites completely unrelated to google and research the St. Lawrence Seaway to get my information. I would use it anytime we had a benchmark and we had a certain country. Perhaps we could actually do our benchmarks on them instead of like on a word document.
1/6/2012 13:40:23Flickr I found was good and bad. Flickr didn't have as many choices as Google Images would have. It was a little difficult transferring pictures from flickr. I learned more about Google Maps though.Flickr needs more choices I thinkMason Whitaker Block 7Vancouver Island, because I really like this island I think it is a fun island full of enough wildlife and people. PEI because I have experience here, my grandparents go all the time and it sounds cool.Yes, I liked the little caption things.Hey :PYes, it can be many things like geography, location, culture, and the peopleJust use the same things except maybe do like a scavenger hunt! That'd be fun!
1/6/2012 13:41:09What was good about the technology of this assignment was learning something new. Even though I found it all very challenging and confusing to figure it out, I am happy we did this assignment. I am happy we did it because it seems like we will be using Google Docs for a lot more in the near future. I just think that I would have liked more class time on it instead of figuring it out myself at home. I spent a while trying to figure out how to do simple things. I also cannot remember how we got the picture in etc, so i think that I need practice on that. I hope that we do it more times together, as a class so that I can really get it figured out and become confident using Google Docs.Miranda McIntire, Block 7I don't know a ton about the geography or cities in Canada, so I guess I would choose any long rivers or mountains or lakes that had something initially interesting about them. Such as tallest or longest. I would choose these because they are easy to find, but then when you do you are able to find out more about what makes them truly interesting and maybe unique. I didn't really use man tools on the Google Maps. I put in a flag with a text box. I wrote in the text box and inserted a photo. As I said before I was kind of confused and wish I were in class when I did it all so that I could have asked questions and done more with the program. I did describe my place well using info from other websites. Yes I was. But I did not determine these things from Google Maps. I mean, I looked around on the map and tried to look for places I had been. Most of my info came from things I already knew or found on other informational sights. MORE CLASS TIME! I tend to get confused with sites/technology i have never used, and like to ask about a bazillion questions. So I would suggest more trial and error time in class, where we can ask questions and work out the kinks.
1/6/2012 13:42:23I thought that how google maps was set up was very neat and you could find your things like the point you plotted easily. I also could figure out how to make a shape without being shown where to go because it was set up so I could understand it easily enough. I do not like Flickr because most of the pictures are not exactly what I am looking for and are just photos of the area but some even had people in the shots. I can't use those pictures because I am trying to get a picture of the area not these random people. Also the google apps does not have a very user-frendly setup and even though I do not have trouble using it I know a lot of classmates do. Maeve Carlson Block 7I would choose places that were very easily recognised geographically, like water/land boundries or a mountain because the google maps sometimes makes it hard to understand what you are seeing. I might also pick things that have specific titles like oldest city or biggest lake. Things that do not have only to do with cities would probably be my biggest interest. No highways.I was not able to describe the Bay of Fundy because if i didn't know already that it was a tidal pattern thing I would probably have thought that it was just a point off of these two little islands because that was where the google maps put the point. Also there was nothing around in the area to hint that it was a tidal pattern. It just looked like a little inlet where there were some islands. hello!I was only able to know about the Bay of Fundy because I looked up what it was in google. The map was not helpful for me. If we are looking at geographical landmarks ONLY! No cities or highways or anything industial because I do not think that the google maps does anything that is helpful when you are trying to look at an area for the first time unless it is geographical. Then you can understand what you are looking at.
1/6/2012 13:42:39I liked that we could incorporate pictures from flickr of our choice and use it in a map. I think that google maps is a relatively easy piece of technology to figure out that I could use again for another assignment. I also like how you could write about the place put it in the location that we were exploring.At first I had troubles getting the picture from flickr into google maps. I also didn't really like how flickr has a limited amount of pictures for this assignment. I sometimes had trouble saving my writing, but I figured it out. I think we could have used some practice with google maps before we used it. Hanna Foye; Block 7Probably the more modern cities or large bodies of water that are in Canada. Places that would be easy to find information about.Yes, google maps made it easy to find out what was surrounding the Lake that i chose. CANADA EHH!I was able to find out what the latitude and longitude was for my place, I was also able to find what surrounded the lake that i chose, which was forest land and where it was located.
1/6/2012 13:42:43The Google maps was easy to use at times, but sometimes I would get a shield over my place. It was easy to look up and find my place and the information was easy to find. Flickr was cool because of all of the photos it had but it was limiting. More instruction on what to do. We were sort of told quickly in one block and then shipped out to do it our selves. Google maps was easy to use for the most part. At first though, you weren't able to see my writing you could only see my words. I eventually got help from the class, but that was the only trouble I had with Google maps. Flickr didn't really have a lot of images under my topic with the creative commons license on and it was very hard to find one that I was ok with. Kayla Gordon 7If I were responsible I would focus on places that famous people are from. Mostly Justin Bieber though (he is from Canada). I would also focus on places that were not heavily populated and research if there were a specific reason that certain place wasn't that populated. I think I did ok describing my place. I had a little trouble. I'm not sure if I presented what they really wanted to hear. Whenever I looked something up they talked about the airport. The airport was what most of the pictures that came with Iqaluit. A++Iqaluit is the capital of Nunavut and it was also home to a airbase for refueling during the war with Europe. That is why I believe it is a significant place.We could search up places in the region we are studying and look around since it has the tool to go into the place and see what it is like. There are probably a lot of options of what you could do with Google maps.
1/6/2012 13:42:44What was good was that we all could fallow along with the assignment. Such as if anyone had a problem Mr.S could help us with anything that we needed helping on. The only thing was the faults from the websites. The loggin passwords and the google maps, having blocking from the government. Sometimes when people presented the google maps would pause and the images would mess up. Alecia Faulkingham 7I would choose, Niagara Falls, and Quebec City because with Quebec being one of the biggest cities in Canada, theres a lot to learn about it. Its large and filled with many old buildings. With Quebec City being right on the water was a great place for it to be located because back when large transportation and shipping evolved, they used the water ways to go from place to place. Niagara Falls because its known for being one of 8 wonder's of the world. It is the biggest waterfalls and its just amazing to look at. It would be interesting to see what the history has been about these places!In my area there was a bug suburban area, there was nothing about the Niagara Falls, what so ever. There as a bunch of houses all smushed together, there was some cemeteries and some baseball fields, etc. Yes the maps helped out alot. They really showed how the land was. The maps were a big conclusion for this. We should use google maps for anything that has to do with geography. Then we could use it to find spots. Also we could use it for the different subjects, such as if we are telling us about it.