TypeDenial ReasonClarificationActionsResources (if applicable)
CodingNon-covered procedureProcedure not eligible for paymentCall the insurance and ask why and if you can bill the patient. If you are allowed to bill the patient, transfer responsibility to the patient. If the insurance tells you that there was a problem with the claim, address that problem and resubmit for paymentCheck Medicare's web site for valuable information about procedure coverage guidelines. This information can be found in the local coverage determinations section. Although you may receive this error from insurances other than Medicare, their guidelines are still a helpful resource.
CodingMissing / invalid CPTProcedure code is wrongCheck the codes in CPT to make sure that they are valid for the current year. correct the invalid code based on the information found in the CPT look up and resubmit claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingCPT invalid for patient's ageCPT code is age specific and the patient's age is outside of the rangeLook up the CPT code and compare the patient's age to this age range listed as applicable. Search for a similar code that is appropriate for the patient’s   age. This is a common denial for routine / well visits (codes 99381-99387 and   99391-99397). These codes are listed in age order. change the CPT code and resubmit the claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingCPT invalid for patient's sexCPT code is sex specific and patient doesn't match sex requirementsCheck the patient’s sex in the chart and if it is clearly wrong change it. Make necessary corrections to patient's sex and resubmit the claim. If the patient's sex is correct tell the doctor about the discrepancy and ask for a corrected CPT code. correct CPT code and resubmit the claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingDiagnosis invalid for patients sexICD-9 code is sex specific and patient doesn't match sex requirementsCheck the patient’s sex in the chart and if it is clearly wrong change it. Make necessary corrections to patient's sex and resubmit the claim. If the patient's sex is correct tell the doctor about the discrepancy and ask for a corrected ICD 9 code. correct diagnosis code and resubmit the claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingMissing / incomplete invalid diagnosis codeThe ICD 9 is wrongCheck the diagnosis codes to be sure they are valid for the current year. Make the necessary corrections and resubmit the claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingMissing  / invalid incomplete procedure codeThe CPT is wrongCheck the procedure codes to be sure they are valid for the current year. Make the necessary corrections and resubmit the claimAlways make sure that you have the current year CPT and ICD-9 book available. Codes change annually.
CodingMissing invalid HCPCS modifierThe modifier is not correctReview the modifiers on each charge and be sure that they are applicable. Remember that some are applicable to evaluation and management and others work only on procedures. Make the appropriate correction and resubmit the claimModifiers can be found in the CPT book.
CodingAdd-on code cannot be billed by itself.Some codes, identified in CPT by a + sign, must be billed in conjunction with another code. These are called add on services and compliment a "main procedure"Check in CPT to verify the codes. CPT will indicate the main procedure. Verify with your doctor that the "main procedure" wan in fact preformed, if so   add it to the claim and resubmitThe complete list of add on codes can be found in CPT
CodingProcedure not payable for diagnosisThe diagnosis code does not justify the procedure billedCheck on Medicare's web site to review the Medicare coverage determinations for applicable diagnosis. Review the list of diagnosis with the doctor and ask them to advise which diagnosis is most correctCheck Medicare's web site for valuable information about procedure coverage guidelines. This information can be found in the local coverage determinations section. Although you may receive this error from insurances other than Medicare, their guidelines are still a helpful resource.
CodingServices have been rebundledBundling editThis may be an indication that you have billed codes that cannot be billed separately (in other words, they are bundled according to CCI). Check CCI   first and if appropriate according to the CCI rules and documentation I the patient’s chart, review the claim for appropriate modifier. Append modifier as necessary and resubmit the claim.CCI edits can be reviewed in a spread sheet format. This will help you to determine if a modifier will be acceptable. Check out the edits on CMS web site at :
CodingAccording to CCI this service is not separately payablebundling editThis may be an indication that you have billed codes that cannot be billed separately (in other words, they are bundled according to CCI). Check CCI   first and if appropriate according to the CCI rules and documentation I the patient’s chart, review the claim for appropriate modifier. Append modifier as necessary and resubmit the claim.CCI edits can be reviewed in a spread sheet format. This will help you to determine if a modifier will be acceptable. Check out the edits on CMS web site at :
DemographicPatient not found in systemPatient's name, id or insurance is invalid.Review a copy of the insurance card. Be sure that the patient's name and ID is entered exactly as it is on the insurance card. Fix the patient's information and resubmit all claims in this patient's account.Try checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
DemographicMissing/incomplete patient namePatient's name is wrongReview a copy of the insurance card. Be sure that the patient's name is entered exactly as it is on the insurance card. Fix the patient's information and resubmit all claims in this patient's accountTry checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
DemographicMissing/incomplete HICNPatient's insurance id or name is wrongReview a copy of the insurance card. Be sure that the patient's name is entered exactly as it is on the insurance card. Fix the patient's information and resubmit all claims in this patient's accountTry checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
DemographicMember not foundPatient's insurance id or name is wrongReview a copy of the insurance card. Be sure that the patient's name and insurance id is entered exactly as it is on the insurance card. Fix the paitent's information and resubmit all claims in this patient's accountTry checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
DemographicMaybe covered by another primary insuranceAnother insurance may be primaryContact the patient for better insurance information then resubmit the claims with the corrected information
DemographicPatient covered by HMOAnother insurance may be primaryContact the patient for better insurance information then resubmit the claims with the corrected information
DemographicMissing/incomplete/invalid patient birth datePatient's birth date is wrongContact the patient for better insurance information then resubmit the claims with the corrected information
EligibilityPatient not eligible on date of servicePatient's insurance is expired.Contact the patient for better insurance information.Try checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
EligibilityCoverage not in effect on date of servicePatient's insurance is expired.Contact the patient for better insurance information.Try checking the patient's eligibility by social security number search or name search on the insurance's web site.
EligibilityPatient not covered on this policyPatient's insurance is not validContact the patient for better insurance information.
PracticeRendering physician ID or NPI missing / invalidThe Doctor's provider number is wrong or missingCheck in your practice management system to see if it is entered. Call the insurance company prepared with the provider tax id. Explain to them that we may have an invalid provider number, but we have the tax id. Ask them to check the number for us and/or provide the correct number. Remember a provider may have an individual number and a group number, ask about both. It is possible not have a group number but ASK anyway. Get the correct information and enter it in to your practice management system. Once you have corrected the provider numbers resubmit ALL claims out to this insurance. (you should run a complete AR report by insurance and send ALL claims out to this insurance in the entire account)
PracticeMissing / incomplete invalid UPIN or NPI for the ordering providerReferring doctor's ID number is invalidCheck the CPT code. For diagnostic tests, the rendering doctor may refer to themselves. If is it a consult (99241-99245 or 99251-99255) an outside doctor is required. Look through the patient's medical record to determine who requested the consult. Add the referring doctor’s name, UPIN and NPI and resubmit a corrected claim.Both UPIN and NPI have on-line registries to obtain this information. To check a   UPIN go to: or to check an NPI go to:
PracticeClaim lacks CLIA certification numberCLIA number is missing. this is applicable to cpt codes in the 80,000 series only (lab tests)Look in your practice management system to see if the CLIA is listed. If it is not   add the number. The number can be obtained on your practice's CLIA certificate. Remember that most doctors’ offices perform many CLIA waived tests. Check the CPT code to see if a QW modifier is required. Resubmit the claim with the CLIA number and modifier as necessary.You can view the complete list of CLIA waived tests to determine if the QW modifiers necessary on the FDA web site at:
SubmissionUntimely filingThe claim was not filed within the insurance's allowed time frameAsk the insurance what timely limits are? Review EDI submissions reports within the timely filing date range; look for a clean claim submission. Print the edit report containing a clean claim submission and attach it to a paper claim. Write on the paper claim "Proof of timely filing attached"
SubmissionService not authorizedThere is no precertification is recorded in the insurance's systemSee if there is an applicable note or authorization listed in the patient's chart. If there is an authorization number listed, call the insurance back,   provide that authorization number and ask that the claim be reprocessed. If there is no authorization at all, call the insurance and ask if they allow   retroactive precertification, if yes, please precertify. If no the claim may need to be written off.
SubmissionClaim not on fileThe insurance can't find the claimCall and ask the insurance to verify their address and ask for the "Payor ID" number. Ask the insurance representative if you can have a fax number to fax the claim. check your EDI reports to see if the claim rejected electronically. If you find an error, fix it and resubmit the claim. If no error is found check that we are sending to the correct payor ID,You can obtain most payor id numbers from the insurance's EDI department. You can also see a complete list of payor ID numbers on Emdeon's web site at:
CodingProcedure not paid separatelybundling editReview the claim for appropriate modifier. Append modifier as necessary and resubmit the claim.CCI edits can be reviewed in a spread sheet format. This will help you to determine if a modifier will be acceptable. Check out the edits on CMS web site at :
SubmissionDuplicateThe exact same claim was received more than onceLook in the patient's account to see if the claim has been processed successfully. If it has not, call the insurance to find out what happened to the first claim. Make corrections based on the original denial reason and resubmit the corrected claims
SubmissionPaid in capitationPayment method for primary care physicians and some physical therapy servicesIf your doctor is a primary care physician check that the patient is listed on your monthly capitation roster. If they have been paid under capitation, write off the capitated codes. If the doctor is NOT a primary care physician or the patient is not on the capitation roster, call the insurance to dispute the denial and ask them to reprocess the claim correctly.
SubmissionPreviously paidClaim was already processedCall insurance and ask for payment detail including check number, check date, payment amount, patient responsible amount and if the check cleared. Also ask   for a duplicate EOB and copy of the cancelled check. Once you have received the cancelled check copy, verify that your practice cashed it and if so post the payment. If the check was not cashed you may have to assume that the   payment was lost in the mail and ask the insurance to reissue the check.
SubmissionInformation submitted does not support frequency or level of serviceProcedure done too oftenAsk the doctor if there was a reason why the procedure was necessary more often. If the doctor has a legitimate reason for the frequency, appeal the claim   with medical notes and a cover letter.  if the doctor has no reason, please let them know that the claim will not be paid and may need to be written offCheck Medicare's web site for valuable information about procedure coverage guidelines. This information can be found in the local coverage determinations section. Although you may receive this error from insurances other than Medicare, their guidelines are still a helpful resource.
SubmissionNeeds more informationNeeds more informationCall the insurance and ask what information do they need and from whom? Also ask where the information needs to be sent (address, fax). If they need information from the patient, contact the patient. if they need information   form the doctor, prepare a paper claim, attach the necessary documentation and resend the claim
SubmissionService not covered in this place of serviceCPT does not correspond with the place in which it was billedLook up the CPT code to see if the CPT code wording indicates that the procedure is specific to a particular place of service. (For example 99232, specifically says in-patient). Confirm the location where the services were preformed with the doctor first. Make any necessary corrections to the facility attached to the claim.CMS website has a complete list of place of service codes. You can find the information at:
SubmissionInvalid "to" date of servicethe ending date of service is wrongReview the charges and correct the date. The mistake is usually obvious such as the dates may be reversed. Correct the date and resubmit the claim
SubmissionInvalid  "from" date of servicethe ending date of service is wrongReview the charges and correct the date. The mistake is usually obvious such as the dates may be reversed. Correct the date and resubmit the claim
SubmissionInvalid place of serviceCPT does not correspond with the place in which it was billedLook up the CPT code to see if the wording indicates that the procedure is   specific to a particular place of service. Confirm the location where the services were preformed with the doctor first. Make any necessary corrections to the facility attached to the claim.CMS website has a complete list of place of service codes. You can find the information at:
SubmissionMissing incomplete national drug codeThis is a drug reference code required by some insurances for claim submissionCheck first with the insurance to see if they also require dose and administration route information in addition to the drug code. Add the NDC code to the claim. Your practice management system usually will have a specific location   for that information.The FDA maintains the NCD (national drug code) list. You can view the list and search for drug numbers on the FDA web site located at:
SubmissionMissing/incomplete/invalid admission date.Services rendered in the hospital will require the date of hospital admissionCheck the patient's chart to locate the admission date on the hospital forms, add this date to your claim and resubmit
SubmissionInvalid missing provider number or NPIThe Doctor's provider number is wrong or missingCheck in your practice management system to see if it is entered. Call the insurance company prepared with the provider tax id. Explain to them that we may have an invalid provider number, but we have the tax id. Ask them to check the number for you and/or provide the correct number. Remember a provider may have an individual number and a group number, ask about both. It is possible not have a group number but ASK anyway. Get the correct information and enter it in to your practice management system. Once you have corrected the provider numbers resubmit ALL claims out to this insurance. (you should run a complete AR report by insurance and send ALL claims out to this insurance in the entire account)