Name: Briana ArreagaHouse: WestTopic: Animal Adoption
Three Column Logic Chart
StatementsReasonsVerification (Source #, Author/Title)
TopicAnimal AdoptionGivenGiven
Foundationa)Promote: to enlongate the progress of a cause or aim; to give support or to encourge.a)Promotion is need to help not only the shelter but the animals that reside as well.a)
b)Animal adoption process varies from shelter to shelter.b)In some cases shelters require a check after a certain time to see how the animal is faring in its new home. Also some shelters ask questions of how the animals will be treated. Sometimes the match is rejected for the well being of the adopter or animal.b)#36 the shelter pet project
c)The appearance of the animal shelter can also affect the rate of animal adoptions.c)When a shelter looks run down and does not smell clean it will have potential adopters running away. Cleanessly is a factor that helps with adoptions because people will be more willing to refer that particular shelter when they have a good experience in it.c)Interview #3, Olar V.
d)Many shelters are non-profit shelters and do not have many staff workers and rely on volunteers to help the shelter resulting in a low budjet.d)The best way does not always mean the most expensive method. For animal shelters it is necessary to keep in mind the little money that is able to spend in order to advertise for the shelter and their animals.d)#38, article
EQEQ: How can animal shelters best promote animal adoption?GivenGiven
Answer 1a)Bios are written to give information about the choosen animal.a)Potential adopters would like to know more information about an animal they like before they choose to adopt it.a)#34 article
b)Bios are not another form of an essay.b)Even though the more information is better potential adopters do not want to stand reading an overwhelming amount of information on an animal.b)#32 Bestfriends article
c)Writing as if the animal was speaking is a good way to captivate a potential adopter's attention.c)It is an interesting to write as if the animal was speaking to the reader and this method needs to be written with great care. Sometimes writting in the animals persepective may become odd and unappealing. c)#32 Bestfriends article
d)Answer 1: The best way for animal shelters to promote animal adoption is by writing an effective bio through the animals perspective, complete honesty and no longer than eight sentences.d)I believe in order to help promote dogs better is to start within the shelter itself. These bios will help attract adopters as well as helping them to get to know the animal that is on the other side of the door.d)
Answer 2a)Events are a great method to not only help animals get adopted but also so people can get to know the shelters available to them.a)Events have the potential to attract a vast amount of people and with the more people there are the more likely animals will be adopted and the greater the possibility will be that people will return to a shelter they saw at an event.a)#42, Animal sheltering magazine;
b)Advertising methods must be known.b)By knowing the best resulting advertising methods will help to broadcast the planned event with more efficiency.b)#40, article
c)Events do not have a time period in which they must be held in.c)Events do not have to be held only when a holiday is approaching or in a certain time span. It can be held when ever the shelter chooses therefore resulting in a year round ability to promote animal adoptions at a particular shelter.c)#32 Bestfriends article
d)Answer 2: Animal shelters can best promote animal adoption through special animal adoption events because it attracts a lot of people, it's easy to broadcast, and is not limited to any time frame.d)Once the inside is fixed then promotion can begin to spread to farther reaches of the city. Events attract many people even if they are not looking to adopt they go to see all of the animals and there they are able to obtain information on the shelters that are attending if it is a large event. Sometimes events can be held for only one shelter. d)
Answer 3a)Flyers are an affordable promotion as well as a resourcful way to promote for a shelter.a)Flyers are easy to create and to hand out to people or even to put them on a windsheild wiper of all of the cars in a parking lot. With this form of advertisement the people are able to obtain a feel towards the business itself and or product.a)#44 Advertising Flyers, article
b)Using ads on the internet, such as social medias, is being put more into practice because there are now more people spending time on the internet and the ads can appear in a variety of forms such as an audio element to a video ad.b)Since there are more people spending their time on the internet it is a great option to consider when wanting to advertise. Also with these ads a company/business are able to custome their ad to create a target audience and ther is a retargeting technology that locate the people who have bought items from their website before. With these additional help for internet ad it optimizess the chances for the company/business.b)#43 How Online Display Advertising Can Help Your Business, article 
c)Word of Mouth is the most credible form to advertise because people who make the recommendation are putting their own reputation on the line in order to share that product, in this case animal shelter, with other people.c)Word of mouth is a one of the best forms of advertisement because usually when people recommend a place or a product to others they are friends or family relatives and there is immediately a trust in the place or product. However in order to acheive word or mouth the company/business must astonish the people, they must go above and beyond for the people who visit them.c)#47 Word-of-Mouth Advertising, article
d)Answer 3: Animal shelters can best promote animal adoptions by reaching out to the public through flyers, internet media and word of mouth.d)These three forms of promotion are the ones that are commonly used and can help spread the awarness of what the company/business is focusing on. With the correct focus, these three methods can help exploit the chances of a shelter to make people aware of animal adoption.d)
Best AnswerIf: If my three answers are by writing an effective bio through the animals perspective, complete honesty and no longer than eight sentences, special animal adoption events because it attracts a lot of people, it's easy to broadcast, and is not limited to any time frame, and by reaching out to the public through flyers, internet media and word of mouth.
Then: Then my best answer is Animal shelters can best promote animal adoptions by reaching out to the public through flyers, internet media and word of mouth.
Because: (ESA) A Cleveland Clinc started a YouTube channel in 2009, and in its first year 70 videos were posted and the channel received 60,000 views. Now the channel includes more than 800 videos and has received 700,000 views. Proving that social media is able to raise awareness to the public and to let them know about their business.