This file was made for anyone wanting to run a Play By Forum game of Resistance. I do not own the rights to the game "Resistance", and this document is free to use for anyone etc.. Please do not sell or attempt to make money from this document.
As you cannot edit this spreadsheet, you will need to create a copy (obviously I am fine with you doing this). If you are logged in to google, you should be able to do this easily. If you aren't, you can download the file into e.g. Excel.
The rest of this sheet contains instructions for use. If you still have any queries, the best place to ask is at http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/813895/a-resistance-pbf-spreadsheet-resource
General Notes on use:
Cells with light gray backgrounds are ones which you will not need to edit. Empty cells you can of course use for whatever, but cells with formulae in are probably best left alone.
There are four sheets in the spreadsheet. 1) Notes, this sheet, which just gives you instructions on how to use the document. 2) Game Setup, which lets you set certain choices for use in the game and includes the Plot Thickens expansion data. 3) Player Data, which records players, allegiance and votes and decisions on missions. 4) Results, which tabulates all the votes and mission choices into nice, easily posted chunks.
The spreadsheet currently contains mock data to give an example of use and outputs.
Game Setup notes:
Update Cell B1 with the number of players in game (5-10 players supported with the official rules)
Update Cell B2 with "Yes" or "No" depending on if you're using the Mission Targeting expansion.
If you are using The Plot Thickens, shuffle the Plot Thickens deck by selecting cells A4-C10/18 (depending on players) and sorting by Column C. I suggest treating cards as though they will be drawn from the top down, and use row B to record who each card was given to and/or if it has been used and discarded.
Player Data notes:
Put player names in cells A3-A12. Randomising this player order (for the Leader passing on) can be done as follows: In column B by each player, enter the function "=rand()" (no quote marks). Then select A3-B7-12 (depending on players) and sort by column B.
To randomly determine spies, if you have used the above method to determine player order, scan the list of random numbers (by eye) and find the smallest such number - replace that cell with "Spy". Repeat this until you've made enough players spies, and then make everyone else Resistance.
Update Cell B1 with the current mission number, in the format demonstrated in the example. This is important - the cell is referenced by the Results page to make your posts nice and organised!
The rest of this page is used to record mission proposals and player votes. Each Mission proposal (listed as e.g. Prop 1.1) should be recorded by placing an "X" by each chosen person (as shown currently on the sheet). This will be read by the Results page to make posts.
Each Vote on a proposal (listed as e.g. Vote 1.1) should be recorded as a simple "Yes" or "No" ("yes" and "no" also work, at least in Google Docs).
Each Mission result (listed as e.g. Mission 1) should be used only for the successful vote preceeding that mission, and recorded as any of "Sabotage", "Sab", "Co-operate", "Cooperate" or "Help" (again, capital letter less forms also work).
Record which player made each mission proposal in row 13. This should be in the Proposal column (e.g. column F), not the vote column. You will probably have randomised the player order so the first leader is at the top of the list, and moves through in order, so this should be easy to work out at each step.
If playing with the Mission Targeting variant, row 14 records which mission was chosen. Record this as simply the mission number (it's read directly in the results sheet).
Results notes:
This sheet gives you two useful post outputs: Vote results, and Mission results. If you enter data correctly on the other sheets, the only thing you need to update on this page is the current score. Everything else should all be generated automatically.
Keep track of the number of missions the Resistance and Spies have succeeded on in cells A2 and A4 respectively.
As the sheet has example data currently, you can see a mission result and vote result output example on that sheet.