Research Towers
Name: Nicolette DalanHouse: SouthTopic: Digital Animation
EQ: What is the most important aspect to the creation of a digital animation?
Types The processTechniques/ SkillsBackgroundDrawingPast ExamplesTechnology
source # 4 This mentions the types of animations and how they're used.Source # 3 This talks about the process of an animations as well as its background.Source # 2A It shows the aspects digital animation and techniques used for animations.Source # 1 It explains what digital animation is and how it works.source # 20A This goes over the basics of drawing and tips for drawing.Source # 6A This mentions how Blue Sky Studio creates their animations and what skills they use.Source # 34 The multiplane camera is mention and what it does,
source # 5B This talks about some other types of animation and what they are.source # 4 This mentions the types of animations and how they're used.source # 2C This part explains the use of computers to help with timing and editing.source # 2B It explains what animation is and useful techniques.Source # 20B This suggests learning from techniques and skills of artists from the past by trying to copy some of their works. source # 6B This shows the types of skills need for modeling and rigging in Blue Sky Studios. Source # 35 Disney talks about his invention multiplane camera is mention and what it is used for.
Source # 9 This compares a cartoon with an anime.source # 8 Here, he talked about the process and what he does. source # 5C This chapter discusses some skills animators use when creating an animation. Source # 3 This talks about the process of an animations as well as its background.Source # 20C This mentions 6 was to divide up scenery to draw it more easily. Source # 15 This gave the techniques disney used.Source # 36 Mentions how technology helps create the animations we see.
source # 21 This gives statistics on favorite films/ genres based on gender, age, and race.Source # 10 This source talks about storyboarding and how its done. Source # 14 This is about cel animation- a technique used often in animations.Source # 5A This explains animation in the most simplest way and shows how animations are done. source # 20D This gives the skill of breaking down the picture into basic shapes to make it easier to put the picture together. Source # 24A This gave information on Disney's famous animated character, Mickey Mouse. Source # 37 This mention how animation studios send so much money because of the tech used.
Source # 22 This goes into some of the genres and how popular they were in 2010.Source # 11 This talks about animation and the process it talks. source # 17B This gives techniques and the use of key frames. Source # 7 This explains how animation is used and how it uses illusions and motion. Source # 42 Explains how to sketch anime characters and color. Source # 24B This chapter discussed animation before Disney's time. Source # 38 This compares animation to reality because of how well technology has help it become more realistic.
Source # 23 This list popular movies and their genres.Source # 12 The story/ script to an animation and its importance.Source # 18 This gives multiple techniques used for drawing and sketching. Source # 13 This gave an intro to how films began with magic lanterns.Source # 43A Tips on how to draw clothes for anime characters. Source # 24C This showed Disney's earlier career in animation, before he started working in the industry.
source # 17C This talks about the in-between part of animation and what they are. Source # 19 We discussed the company he works at and their accomplishments in animation. Source # 16 This gave the background on the history of animation.Source # 43B Tips on how to draw hair styles for anime characters. Source # 24D Color, new Disney stars, and new technology make their way into Disney's studio.
Source # 26 This goes over character designs. Source # 27 This talks about important techniques/ rules in animation.Source # 17A Mentions what animation is and how its used entertainment. Source # 43C Tips on how to draw facial expressions for anime characters. Source # 25A Using anatomy for framework as well as creating characters and scenes.
Source # 28 A step-by-step process on each of the parts to creating an animation.Source # 40 Certain techniques and examples of animation. source # 17D The history of animation part one.Source # 43D Tips on how to form the heads in certain directions for anime characters. Source # 25B The use of technology with animation as well as in characters and scenes.
Source # 31 The snowflake method helps writers improve their writing.Source # 44 How to develop anime characters depending on change or situation. Source # 29 This mentions jobs in the field and what you need to know about being an animator. Source # 45 Shows the model sheet of characters and talks about how to draw them in different views. Source # 25C The scenes of Paris in the movie as well as the scoring used is explained.
Source # 32 Tips on writing such as the climax, setting, and characters. Source # 30 How Pixar does their creations of Cars.
Source # 33 More tips and examples on how to write creative stories.
Source # 39 timing and what to take into account when doing it.
Source # 41 How character development is compared to building a character.