KeywordsOrganization NameWebsiteMission/DescriptionPopulation FocusTime CommitmentCostLanguages/CoursesAddressCityStateZipLocationsLeadership/ContactTitleEmailPhone NumberWhen Founded
Youth learning, in-person, workshops, apprenticeship, programming, summer, entrepreneurship, web development, Black male founder<thisKidCanCode><thisKidCanCode> seeks to change lives by providing computer programming apprenticeships and workshops, which will provide exposure to and remove barriers associated with: college, careers, and entrepreneurship. They have three offerings: Apprenticeship program - flagship program which provides a deep dive and mastery of coding (Computer Programming); College Jump Start - a summer program for graduating HS students wanting to master first year of college computer science concepts before college; Workshops - one to five day sessions on a given subject (e.g. HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery). <thisKidCanCode> will establish relationships with local corporations, non-profits, and churches to offer IT jobs and internships to qualified apprenticeship participants.YouthVariesHTML, CSS3, jQuery, PHP, JavaScript, Java66 S Main Suite 305MemphisTN38103Memphis, TNinfo@thiskidcancode.com2013
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, mentors, Israel10x is an intensive 12-week course program focusing on Python in Israel. It includes personal mentoring, targeting immediate employment. No prior programming knowledge required. 10X is focused on educating and mentoring excellent software developers.Adults12 weeksNIS 12,
Adult learning, in-person, web development, corporate, eveningAcademyX provides hands-on, instructor-led computer training at its branches across California. They offer public enrollment classes; customized group and 1-on-1 training at your site, our facilities, or online; 3-month evening courses in Web Design and Web Marketing, and PHP/MySQL; and fun "pop-up" classes like the Bitcoin Workshop.Various skill levelsVariesFee per courseHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Dreamweaver601 Montgomery St. #409San FranciscoCA94111San Francisco, CA; Sacramento, CA; San Jose, CA; Los Angeles, CA; San Diego, 716-43242000
Youth learning, coding, high school, school-based, internships, mentorsAcademy for Software Engineering for Software Engineering is a new high school in New York focused on school for software engineering, design and development. Innovative curriculum and workshops in a school created by talented educators and leaders in software development, put you on a course to becoming a member of New York City's technology and entrepreneurial community.High schoolSchool yearComputing courses focused on programming, advanced computer science, web design, user experience, entrepreneurship, and mobile application development40 Irving PlaceNew YorkNY10003New York, 253-3299
Adult learning, in-person, underrepresentedAccess Code Code was piloted in 2013 and a project of Coalition for Queens. Access Code focuses on practical, hands-on learning. Students worked in a pair programming environment and teamed up together to build applications. The course started and ended with weekend coding marathons, with students hacking away for 16 hours over two days. We wanted a program where students could learn from each other in a collaborative environment. We are extremely proud to say that our inaugural class is 57% female, 52% underrepresented minorities, and 40% immigrants. To find the most promising students from a range of backgrounds, we partnered with local community institutions such as Upwardly Global, Chhaya, Queens College, and the CUNY Macaulay Honors Program.AdultsQueens, NYJukay
Adult learning, women, apprenticeshipsAda Developers Academy Developers Academy (Ada) is an intensive software developer training school for women. It combines six months of classroom instruction in cutting-edge web technologies with up to six month of apprenticeship at a Puget Sound-area tech business.

In the 24 week intensive class, students will be immersed in software development and learn the most up-to-date web skills from leading regional and national experts. Afterward, during a six month apprenticeship, students will learn what it’s like to be part of a software team delivering production code for real applications.

Ada Developers Academy is a project of the Technology Alliance. The Technology Alliance is a statewide not-for-profit organization of leaders from Washington's technology-based businesses and research institutions united by our vision of a vibrant innovation economy that benefits all of our state's citizens.
Adult women1 yearFree, eligibility for $1,000 monthly living stipendRuby, Rails, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript, agile development, scrum1301 5th Ave #1500SeattleWA98101Seattle, WAcontact@adadevelopersacademy.org2013
Youth learning, summer, camps, forensics, robotics, web developmentAdventures in Computer Science (Purdue University) in Computer Science is a camp that helps kids explore and learn all about Computer Science using an age-appropriate, forensic-themed scenario. Campers will use computer science tools and become investigators working toward solving a crime while in this immersion-based camp. The camp will take an in-depth look at computer science
concepts such as programming, cryptography, and robotics, and how they are used every day to make a difference in our world. Using programs such as Python, Alice, and Web design software, students will explore hands-on applications. Students will also participate in a PicoCricket design studio
Youth entering grades 6, 7, or 8 $450-$475Python, Alice, etc.Computer Science, 305 N. University StreetWest LafayetteIN47907West Lafayette, 494-7802
Youth learning, school-based, platform, game developmentAgentSheets, Inc., Inc. was launched in 1996, the culmination of more than a decade of research conducted and directed by founder Dr. Alexander Repenning at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Their producs reflect years of research in human-computer interaction, end-user programming, and simulation tools.

The org's mission is to foster K-12 student participation in STEM fields through motivational applications based on AgentSheets technology. They provide a broad swath of students with revolutionary instruction in computational thinking and design that motivate them to explore computer science education and careers.

They work with schools and school districts locally, nationally, and internationally to teach programming skills through game and simulation design. AgentSheets provides customer support, custom simulations, content and training, as well as agent-based application solutions.

AgentSheets is an international leader in educational technology, innovative educational solutions, and measurable results.
K-12Prices vary for Lab, School and District Licenses6560 Gunpark Dr., Suite DBoulderCO80301Boulder, 530-17731996
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, web developmentAIT Learning Learning provides 8 to 12 week intensive bootcamps where students are immersed in course material which is directly relevant to the job they are going to perform.Various skill levels8-12 weeks$3500 before first day + $6000 after finding jobRuby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3, Coffeescript, jQuery, AJAX,SQL, JSon, Agile, Git, Waterfall, JSP, responsive web design, etc. 14801 Murdock St, Suite 155ChantillyVA20151Washington, 403-17052013
Youth learning, summer, camps, robotics, mobile, competitionAlabama Computer Science Camps Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama hosts a multi-week series of Computer Science summer camps. Students are taught multiple topics of Computer Science while learning to program a computer in several exciting contexts (robotics control and smartphone apps). The Computer Science camps are taught in a manner that encourages self-exploration across multiple projects.Middle school, high schoolCommuting Students: $250 per week (includes lunch), Dorm Students: $500 per week (5 nights lodging, 3 meals/day), limited tuition assistancerobotics, Scratch, Java, App InventorUniversity of Alabama
Box 870290
TuscaloosaAL35487Tuscaloosa, ALJeff GrayAssociate 348-2847
Youth learning, software/app, game development, animationAlice, (nonprofit) is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a freely available teaching tool designed to be a student's first exposure to object-oriented programming. It allows students to learn fundamental programming concepts in the context of creating animated movies and simple video games. In Alice, 3-D objects (e.g., people, animals, and vehicles) populate a virtual world and students create a program to animate the objects.Middle school, high schoolSelf-pacedFreebeginning programming with 3D objects in a virtual world5000 Forbes Avenue, Carnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburghPA15143N/AWanda Dann, Carnegie Mellonwpdann@andrew.cmu.eduAlice 2 - 1999; Alice 3 - 2008
Youth learning, programming, entrepreneurship, mentoring, black males, beta, black female founderAll Star Code Star Code is a new non-profit initiative that seeks to attract, prepare, and place high-potential, qualified young black men in the tech-career pipeline and help them achieve full-time employment at technology companies early in their careers. ASC will offer a six-week Summer Intensive Program in 2014, which will include a rigorous programming course and a comprehensive curriculum of entrepreneurial “soft skills” (leadership, innovation, team-work, etc.). The All Stars will also receive ongoing mentorship and networking with leading technology companies over the course of 4-5 years.Black male high school juniors, ages 14-17601 West 26th Street, Suite 325-215New YorkNY10001New York, NYChristina Lewis HalpernFounderteam@allstarcode.org2013
Adult learning, bootcamps, in-personAnyone Can Learn to Code Can Learn To Code, based in Chicago, can turn you into a web developer in 12 weeks- and you don't even have to quit your job. Graduates of this program will master Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Git. In addition to these technologies, Anyone Can Learn to Code will focus on Agile, Test Driven Development, and Service Oriented Architecture (APIs). Students will also get help with the job search process, building a portfolio of projects for job interviews and being connected to recruiters and businesses. Offering a "zero to sixty" transformation, students are not required to have any previous programming experience, but applicants must demonstrate dedication and the ability to work hard.Anyone12 weeks$11,500Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, GitChicago, IL; San Francisco,
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, web developmentApp Academy Academy is an intensive, full-time, 9-week web development class in San Francisco and New York City. Over twelve weeks, you'll learn all the skills needed to begin a career as a web developer. Through hands-on projects, you are trained to build modern Ruby on Rails and JavaScript web applications.

Programming experience isn't required.
No experience necessary9 weeks, 80-100 hours/week$13,000 upfront tuition or $15,000 through a payment plan. All others only pay if get a job as a developer after the program. That fee is 18% of your first year salary, payable over the first 6 months after you start working. $5,000 refund through job placement program.Ruby on Rails, JavaScriptSan Francisco, CA; New York, NYNed RuggeriFounder, 935-34082012
Youth learning, girls, camps, mobileApp Camp For Girls Camp For Girls is a place where girls can put their creative power to work concepting and building apps while learning more about the business of software and being inspired by women who are professional software developers. The inaugural program opened in August, 2013, in Portland, Oregon. The program has a current Indiegogo campaign to see if they can expand beyond Portland in 2014.Girls 8-161 weekCamp tuition not yet finalized. Estimate it will be between $300 and $350 for the week.Portland, ORJean 2012
Youth learning, in-person, mobileApp City provides a place where young people can learn to code, collaborate, and publish their apps. We are now accepting applications to join our next class which starts October 15, 2013 from 4-6:30pm in El Segundo.Ages 11-152221 Park PlaceEl SegundoCA90245El Segundo, CAapp@appcity.us2012
Adult learning, online, tool, mobile, teacher resources, K-12App Inventor Inventor provides the fastest way to build apps for Android phones and tablets. Even with no prior experience, you can learn to build apps within hours. Here, you'll learn from USF Professor David Wolber, who has been teaching beginners programming with App Inventor since its inception in 2009. With an online book and step-by-step video screencasts, Wolber starts with the basics then leads you through the development of successively more complex apps, teaching you programming concepts as you go.No experience necessary, K-12FreeAndroid app developmentDavid Wolberwolber@usfca.edu2009
Adult learning, in-person, apprenticeship, mentor, workshops,, a program of provides designers and developers with a top-notch apprenticeship and connects them with leading employers. Apprentices will work alongside designers and developers at Thoughtbot on real projects and will be assigned a mentor who is their primary instructor. Apprentices can take any of the thoughtbot workshops and bocoup training classes, at no charge. They will also work on special projects designed to give them additional time and training in the areas they most need.Experience required. A qualified design apprentice will have experience with graphical design for the web or iOS as well as HTML and CSS. The well-qualified developer candidate will be at an intermediate level with Ruby on Rails.3 monthsFree w/$500/week stipendRuby on Rails, jQuery, Backbone.js, HTML5, SCSS, Git, Unix, and Agile software developmentSan Francisco, CA; Boston,
Youth learning, girls, competitions, mobileApps to Empower to Empower is a contest that seeks to discover and showcase innovative tablet applications that help young women and girls become leaders, resolve conflicts, be mentored, find work, become entrepreneurs and realize their full potential through education.Ages 18+Android 2.2
Adult learning, underresented, open source, pilotAscend Project Project will be an open-source bootcamp that specifically targets participants who come from underemployed, LGBTQ, Latin@, and African American populations – aka: people who are terribly underrepresented in tech but also very much more so in Open Source. The program will launch its pilot in Portland in September, 2014. Following Portland they’ll be reviewing, updating, improving, and then taking the next pilot to New Orleans in January of 2015.participants who come from underemployed, LGBTQ, Latin@, and African American populations6 weeksAttendees in the Ascend Project will benefit from taking this course in the following ways, which are intended to remove many barriers to participation in Open Source:

a $50 per day honorarium will be provided to encourage regular attendance and help ensure participants can afford to focus on being present to learn & develop
laptops will be provided to use during the course and upon completion, graduates will get to keep theirs
food (breakfast and lunch) will be provided every day
where needed, childcare stipends are available to participants who need additional care in order to put in the time this course will request of them
transit passes for the whole 6 weeks
Portland, ORLukas Blakk2014
Youth learning, girls, middle school, in-person, residential, robotics, AspireITAspire IT: Bulldog Bytes Bytes is a four day residential program for young women who are enrolled in grades 7-9. The overall theme of the camp will be the risks of identity theft to teenagers. Girls will be introduced to technology through Scratch programming and use of the Finch robots. This will enable them to see the power of technology and its application. Techniques employed by persons who conduct identify theft will be discussed. Campers will brainstorm ways that teens expose themselves to identify theft and ways that they can protect themselves. Working in teams, participants will develop a communication tool for educating teens about identity theft risks and what they can do to prevent it.Girls in grades 7-94 daysApplication Fee: $40Scratch, roboticsMississippi State, MSDr. Sarah B. LeeMississippi State 325-2756
Youth learning, girls, middle school, pilotAspireIT Middle School (NCWIT) Outreach Program AspireIT middle school outreach program is a pilot initiative that matches Aspirations in Computing award recipients with participating Academic Alliance or K-12 Alliance members to create and run computing-related outreach programs for middle school girls — such as after-school programs, summer camps, clubs, or weekend conferences. The AspireIT program has awarded $102,491 to 24 pilot programs in its inaugural round! These programs will run in 15 states at more than 25 sites, reaching a diverse community of nearly 800 middle school girls with 25,000 hours of instruction in computing and technology. Each program brings together an Aspirations in Computing recipient (currently high school or college aged young women) and a K-12 or Academic Alliance member.Middle school girlsN/A. Award provided to Aspirations in Computing winners to run pilot programs.NationalCarol Bowar; Ruthe FarmerAspire IT Middle School Outreach Program Manager; Director of Strategic,
Youth learning, girls, middle school, in-person, workshops, mentors, robotics, AspireITAspiring Women Exploring Science, Math, and Engineering (AWESOME) Women Exploring Science, Math, and Engineering (AWESOME) is a series of Saturday adventure workshops focused on applying programming skills to design, construct, and program LEGO Mindstorm robots for underwater applications. Glenbrook South High School will use high school mentors from its STEM Learning Community to encourage middle school girls to stay involved in STEM beyond their school-aged years. The program will culminate with a Women in STEM Breakfast where mentors in STEM fields will provide inspiration. Middle school girlsDes Plaines, ILGloria Liu; Roxann MarshburnOakton Community; 635-1738
Adult learning, college-basedBarnard Codes students will be trained to develop websites and mobile apps, in order to provide these services, for hire, to the community.

Once successfully through Phase I of our custom web design & development training (4 weeks), students will have the opportunity to join Barnard Codes, an agency that connects local businesses and organizations with students to help build or maintain their web sites.
Barnard Codes will be a student-run business, advised and funded through Entrepreneurs@Athena, a project of the Athena Center for Leadership Studies.
Because of the overwhelming response to this program, students interested in going through the training and joining the agency will be invited to apply (more info on this coming soon).
Positions on a student advisory board will also be open, for those students who would like to get involved in advising and helping provide creative input into the future of Barnard Codes.
NO CODING EXPERIENCE or computer science background will be required for participation and applications will be open to ALL Barnard students.
Barnard College students
Youth learning, in-person, campsBay Area Summer Enrichment (BASE) Camp Camp is a summer program for youth to design, program, and play their own computer games! The curriculum takes advantage of the visual and interactive nature of making games so that students learn by experimenting. Students in their classes learn programming fundamentals in Python – a powerful but easy to learn language. Middle school2 weeks$1,450Python562 North Britton AvenueSunnyvaleCA94085Sunnyvale,
Youth learning, in-person, high school, summer, camps, teacher developmentBeowulf Boot Camp Beowulf Boot Camp course offers students and teachers a unique opportunity to work with advanced research technology not usually available in a typical classroom setting. Students will work hands-on with a number of LSU professors as they learn how to build and use supercomputers. The program is open to Louisiana high school students, Baton Rouge Community College students, and Louisiana teachers.Louisiana high school students, Baton Rouge Community College students, Louisiana teachersFreePythonBaton RougeLABaton Rouge, 578-0595
Youth learning, adult resources, curriculumBerkeley Foundation for Opportunities in Information Technology (BFOIT) Introduction to Computer Programming provides a website for parents and teachers, and some students. It is a walk-through of the basic concepts behind writing computer programs, with an emphasis on graphics and games.Self-pacedFreejLogo, JavaBerkeley,
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, project-based, CanadaBitmaker Labshttp://bitmakerlabs.comBitmaker Labs is a 9-week intensive training program in Toronto, Canada, that teaches classes in a modern lab setting. They take absolute beginners and teach them the skills necessary to be creative computer programmers.No programming experience necessary.9 weeks, 40+ hours/week$9,000 Ruby on Rails, Full-stack20 Duncan StreetTorontoOntario M5H 3G6 CANADAToronto, CanadaMatt GrayCEO, Co-Foundercontact@bitmakerlabs.com2012
Youth learning, summer, camps, workshops, web development, game development, chapter-based, Black founder, underrepresentedBlackGirlsCode community outreach programs such as workshops and after school programs, Black Girls Code (nonprofit pending) introduces underprivileged girls to basic programming skills in languages like Scratch and Ruby on Rails. Their goal io increase the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology. They do Summer of CODE workshops in 7 cities currently.Girls of color, ages 7-17Scratch, basic HTML and CSS; Robotics, web development, mobile app development, game development, design principles, entrepreneurshipPrimary locations (chapter-based): San Francisco, CA; Atlanta, GA. Trying to expand to Memphis, TN; Washington, DC; Detroit, MI; Chicago, IL; New Orleans, LA; Denver, CO; St. Louis, MO; New York, NY; Miami, FLKimberly Bryantfuture@blackgirlscode.com2011
Adult learning, online, apprenticeship, web development, mentorsBloc is a project and exercise oriented online web developer apprenticeship. Students have a personal mentor and a small-group cohort. You'll learn how to set up your own web development environment and learn the fundamentals of programming by learning the Ruby language. You'll learn the basics of Ruby on Rails and front end development by making a real project. Your final project will be your own Ruby on Rails web app.Various skill levels12 weeks$4,999Ruby on Rails, Environment setup, Command Line & Git, Wireframing, HTML, CSS Layout & Styling, Sinatra, ActiveRecord, MVC, CRUD & REST, Rails, Deployment, JavaScript & AJAXN/A10x@bloc.io2012
Youth learning, curriculum, school-based, game development, standards-basedBootstrapwww.BootstrapWorld.orgBootstrap (nonprofit) is a FREE curriculum for students ages 12-16, which teaches them to program their own videogames using purely algebraic and geometric concepts. Their mission is to use students' excitement and confidence around gaming to directly apply algebra to create something cool.

Bootstrap works with schools, districts and tech-educational programs across the country, reaching hundreds of students each semester. Bootstrap has been integrated into math and technology classrooms across the country, reaching thousands of students since 2006.
Middle school, high school, ages 12-16Self-pacedFreeAlgebra, mathematics, CTE, computer science, programmingNationalEmmanuel Schanzerschanzer@bootstrapworld.org2006
Youth learning, software/app, video is an educational puzzle game that challenges kids and adults to tackle complex logic problems while teaching valuable programming concepts. Using simple commands (and eventually code), players program their bots to navigate through progressively challenging mazes. As their skills improve, players earn rewards by using the fewest number of commands and go head-to-head with friends in programming tournaments.Youthself-pacedFree2013
Adult learning, in-personBrainStation is a progressive technology school in Toronto that offers education for the next generation of creators. Their innovative platform is designed for individuals of all skill levels. They facilitate small class sizes through hands-on, project-based learning. BrainStation is an accelerated apprenticeship rather than traditional education. Their curriculum is created and taught by industry professionals that are passionate about education, technology, and empowering creative thinkers. BrainStation emphasizes four pillars of innovative education: blended learning, a flex model, an adaptive curriculum, and a flipped classroom. BrainStation is currently offering courses in Front-End Web Development, Back-End Web Development, Mobile Development, and has courses in Data Science and Digital Marketing coming soon.$3,500Toronto,
Youth learning, mentors, afterschoolBreakout Mentors Mentors teaches computer programming to young Bay Area students, with a focus on making it fun. The organization offers a variety of services, all centered around providing a project-based, personalized education for students ages 8 to 17. Breakout Mentors pairs each student to work 1-on-1 with an experienced mentor – the student is behind the mouse and keyboard at all times. The mentor is able to move at the student’s own pace, introducing new concepts as he or she is ready. It also allows room for the student’s individual creativity – the mentor helps bring the student’s ideas to life. The result is an engaged student that is having fun! The mentor typically meets in the student’s home for an hour and a half session once or twice a week. Breakout Mentors occasionally sets up small classes for groups of friends that are interested in learning together. Breakout Mentors teaches several after-school enrichment programs at Bay Area schools.Bay Area students ages 8 to 17PO BOX 60921Palo AltoCA94306Palo Alto, CABrian 669-8789
Youth learning, girls, high school, in-person, campsC-Tech2 (Computers & technology at Virginia Tech) Tech’s College of Engineering offers C-Tech2 - Computers and Technology at Virginia Tech. A primary focus of the program is to help develop and sustain the interests of women in engineering and the sciences. The program allows you to explore applications of engineering, math, and science in a way that is fun and exciting.Rising junior and senior high school girls2 weeks$1,000 Blacksburg, VASusan Arnold 231-3973
Youth learning, In-person, camps, competitions, afterschool, game development, animation, web development, entrepreneurship, workshops, eventsCamp Tech, Inc. Tech aims to prepare its students to excel as young leaders of tomorrow by combining an exclusive game-based curriculum tailored specifically for children. They offer advanced technology programs, after-school programs, summer tech camps, and creative activities such as game-based learning and development, graphic arts, and web design, filmmaking, digital media, 3D Animation, Cyber Exploration, Young Entrepreneurship, Investing and S.T.E.M based fieldtrips and curriculum.YouthAme-based learning and development, graphic arts, and web design, filmmaking, diGital media, 3D Animation, Cyber Exploration, Young Entrepreneurship, InvestingStreetsboroOH44241Streetsboro, OHCandace; 323-34662002
Youth learning, pilot, middle school, underrepresentedCampCode (Level Playing Field Institute) is LPFI's computer science initiative in partnership with the YMCA (taking place at the West Oakland Middle School). This is a 2-week pilot program with 11 middle school scholars. Middle school students from underrepresented communities2 weeksOakland, CASumaiya TalukdarDirector of Strategic 946-30302013
Youth learning, in-person, entrepreneurship, underrepresented, camps, web development, mobileCampInteractive’s year-round programs introduce inner-city, at-risk youth to the creative power of technology. They use cutting-edge tech education tools to provide students with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed, and instill the leadership qualities necessary to achieve their potentials. Inner city, at-risk youthCSS, HTML, JavaScript, Mobile Apps (Android), Mobile Apps (iOS)2876 Claflin AveBronxNY10468Bronx, 708-4852
Youth learning, software/app, video gameCargoBot (iPad) is an intro to programming game.Ages 8+Self-pacedCargoBotN/A2012
Youth learning, in-person, summer, open sourceCatalyst Open Source Academy Catalyst Open Source Academy gives secondary school students a taste of real open source development through a combination of classroom sessions and hands-on project work. The aim is to get Academy students quickly to the point where they can usefully contribute to a real open source project. For example, previous Academy participants wrote unit tests for the Koha project, contributing to the overall quality of the popular open source library management system.Secondary school studentsFreeOpen sourceNew
Adult learning, youth learning, girls, women, network, events, workshops, mentors, internships, robotics, game development, web development, mobileChickTech (nonprofit pending) is a multi-generational community of women and girls helping each other to become technology creators. ChickTech is dedicated to retaining women in the technology workforce and increasing the number of women and girls pursuing technology-based careers. Programs include ChickTech: High School, ChickTech: Career, Joint Program with CodeScouts, ChickTech: Mentors, and ChickTech: Internships. Currently fiscally sponsored by TechStart Education Foundation.High school and adult womenVariousPortlandORPortland, ORinfo@chicktech.org2012
Youth learning, in-person, camps, game designChildren's Creativity Museum: Game Design with Scratch Programming Camp Children's Creativity Museum's Game Design with Scratch Programming Campers will learn fundamental programming concepts while creating their own simple video games using Scratch, a kid-friendly programming language developed by M.I.T.Ages 9-121 week$350/weekScratch221 Fourth StreetSan FranciscoCA94103San Francisco, 820-3320
Youth learning, in-person, camps, game design, animationChildren's Creativity Museum: Tynker Programming Camp Children's Creativity Museum's Tynker Program Camps are one-week camps that teach kids (grades 3-8) how to create their very own computer games and animated stories, which they can share with their friends and family! Grades 3 - 81 week$600/weekTynker221 Fourth StreetSan FranciscoCA94103San Francisco, 820-3320
Adult learning, in-person, bootcampsClaim Academyhttp://claimacademystl.comA 12-week boot camp in Java and .NET that take you from novice to entry-level professional in 12 weeks. Expect to spend 60 hours per week getting through our intense courses.12 weeks; 60 hours per week$8,000Java and .NET. Classes in Javascript and Quality Engineering coming soon.515 Olive St #600St. LouisMO63101St. Louis, (314) 499-58882015
Youth learning, in-person, summer, camps, robotics, game design, computer programming, LEGO, chapter-basedClassroom Antics Antics seeks to inspire, excite, and enrich the lives of children in today’s technology world. They deliver educational hands-on programs that promote creativity and teamwork in the safest environment possible. Their camps include: Jr LEGO Robotics camp, Jr Video Game Design Camp, LEGO Robotics Camp, Computer Programming Camp, Stop Motion Animation Camp, and Video Game Design Camp.Ages 7 - 131 week$199+Robotics, game design, animation, computer programmingCincinnati, OH; Columbus, OH; Cleveland/Akron, OHToby 595-37762007
Adult learning, in-person, workshops, events, advocacy, network, entrepreneurship, underrpresentedCoalition for Queens for Queens (nonprofit pending) fosters a tech entrepreneurial ecosystem in the borough of Queens through education, events, and advocacy. The group also informs the Queens and broader communities about the tech industry and the growing opportunities it presents. Their classes and workshops focus on expanding access to tech, increasing opportunity, and growing the talent pool in NYC, seeking to empower communities that are underserved in the tech sector. Tech events include gatherings like hackathons and conferences, that foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and networking.

Coalition for Queens works closely with community groups, elected officials, and other stakeholders to raise awareness about the growing tech community in Queens.
Underrepresented populations, immigrantsAccess Code (iOS app development) bootcamp - 8 weeks, weekend classesAccess Code - $950; Full scholarships available for students from underrepresented communities42-65 Kissena Blvd #223FlushingNY11355Queens, NYJukay Hsu; David YangFounder;; david@coalitionforqueens.org2011
Youth learning, online, in-person, camps, school-based, platform, web development, game development, mobile, teacher resourcesCode Avengers online courses that teach the basics of web development and computer programming, in a way that makes learning fun and effective. If you want to learn HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript: Code Avengers is for you!Ages 8-182-5 day coding camp; Self-pacedSchool program: level 1 Free; Levels 2-3, $5 per student; Camp: $120HTML5, CSS3; JavaScriptAny school; camp in New Zealand & Moreno Valley, CAquestion@codeavengers.com2011
Youth learning, in-person, underrepresented, camps, summer, web development, game developmentCode Camp Camp empowers kids to build with web-technologies, starting with HTML, CSS and Javascript. We'll then teach them to use powerful frameworks like Meteor to build whatever they're passionate about. Code Camp will also cover CS fundamentals including data-structures and algorithms to prepare students for solving challenging problems. This will ready students for the types of questions that they'll encounter when interviewing for CS jobs.High school4-week summer programming boot camp freeHTML, CSS, Javascript, Frameworks like Meteor and Processing.jsEast Palo Alto, CAShadi
Adult learning, workshops, in-personCode Chicago Chicago offers a series of 12-week programming courses at Chicago's innovation center, Blue1647. At the end of Code Chicago courses, students will have strong understandings of basic programming syntax and structures as well as have designed, implemented, and deployed functional web and/or mobile applications. Code Chicago courses are structured to emphasize group collaboration and foster inspirational thinking. Ideal for working professionals eager to expand their skillset, courses are offered from 12:00 - 3:00 pm on Saturdays. Current course offerings are: Mobile HTML/CSS/Javascript, Intro to Java and Android Mobile, Intro to Graphic Design, Intro to Web Design, Game Design 101 3D Modeling: using Maya, Intro to Ruby on Rails, and Digital Analytics & Marketing. Course Chicago also offers monthly, part-time workshops designed by industry practicioners that are members of Chicago's vibrant and entrepreneurial tech community.Adults12 weeks$1500 per courseMobile development, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Java, Android, Graphic design, Web design, Game design, Ruby on Rails, etc.1647 South Blue IslandChicagoIL60608Chicago, 624-96552013
Adult learning, online, mobileCode Coalition Coalition offers a three month, comprehensive and immersive online course that starts from the beginning and teaches the tools needed to be an iOS developer. Students will receive short and easy to digest videos daily and will be able to immediately apply concepts learned on assigned projects. Although everything can be learned individually, learning to code is much easier with a supportive environment. Students will be able to interact, ask questions, and even collaborate on projects in our online community.Adults3 months$125Objective-C, iOS7, Xcode 5, Storyboards, Git, Parse, API Integrations, Core Data, AnalyticsNew YorkNYN/Ahelp@codecoalition.com2013
Adult learning, online, resources, guideCode Conquest Conquest – a FREE online guide to computer programming for beginners.You can introduce yourself to coding, take free code tutorials, compare and select programming training, become informed at the coding knowledge center and even learn how to start a career in computer programming. The website doesn't provide training itself. It provides links to other training resources like online courses and books.BeginnersSelf-pacedN/
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, workshops, weekendsCode Fellows Fellows' bootcamps are intense, 8 week-long, hands-on learning experiences. You will be trained by industry practitioners and experts in the field. Participants receive daily instruction from top-tier teachers and classroom learning is augmented with peer-to-peer learning and projects with real-world applications. Code Fellows also provides evening & weekend classes. The evening classes offer the same high-quality instruction, real-world projects, and small class sizes as the bootcamps. These classes are intended for beginners and/or students who are not able to schedule time to attend a bootcamp.Various skill levels8 weeks (4 weeks silver, 4 weeks gold)Eight-week bootcamps are $9k total (USD): $4k for Silver and $5k for Gold. Evening classes are $3k total. Workshop tuitions vary. If do not have a job offer of at least $60k within nine months of completing the Gold bootcamp, refund your tuition.Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Python, iOS511 Boren Ave. N.SeattleWASeattle, WAAndy Sack; Will LittleCo-Founder; Co-Founder/CEOhello@codefellows.org2013
Youth learning, game, onlineCode Kingdoms Kingdoms wants to inspire kids to learn one of the essential creative skills of the 21st Century - coding.

In Code Kingdoms, kids build and protect their own worlds and share them with friends. Code Kingdoms allows kids aged 6 to 13 to learn computational thinking alongside a real coding language, whilst promoting soft skills like problem-solving, teamwork and time management. It encourages kids to experiment with code knowing that it won't always work - breaking things is OK! Getting stuck, debugging and further problem solving are all part of how programming works in the real world.
Adult learning, in-person, underrepresentedCode for Progress for Progress is looking for applicants from communities historically excluded from the process of developing technologies for the social justice movement – low-income people, LGBTQ folks, people of color, and women. We believe that people who can bring their communities’ experience into building the tools we use in the movement are the people who will carry us past roadblocks to building power.

Our year-long program starts with a 16-week residency in Washington DC, where participants learn to code and navigate the professional social justice environment. All participants receive a monthly stipend and housing allowance during their time in DC. Then, we facilitate their transition into jobs at social justice organizations where they can use their skills and experience to enhance organizational capacity. Code for Progress supports our participants post-residency with a vibrant alumni community and professional mentorship team.
Folks historically underrepresented in technologyOne year (4-month residency program, 8-month post-residency program)Receive housing and living stipends that allow them to live in DC and focus on learning1220 L Street NW, Suite 100-513WashingtonDC20005Washington, 817-26332013
Youth learning, in-person, camps, workshops; afterschool programs, web development, mobile, game developmentCode in the Schools in the Schools (non-profit) partners with local schools and rec centers to provide computer programming classes for students in an after-school setting. Students will create original games, apps, and websites, while learning skills that prepare them for tomorrow's workforce.YouthAfter schoolWeb development, mobile, game development203 Bolton PlBaltimoreMD21217Baltimore, MDMike LeGrand; Gretchen LeGrandFounder; 974-83762013
Youth learning, online, tutorialCode Maven (by Geeky Ventures) Maven is a tutorial that helps you learn JavaScript by creating with shapes and colors.BeginnersSelf-pacedFreeJavaScriptN/
Youth learning, online, tutorialCode Monster (by Geeky Ventures) Monster is a tutorial that helps you learn JavaScript by creating with shapes and colors.BeginnersSelf-pacedFreeJavaScriptN/
Youth learning, game, web developmentCode Racer Racer is a multi-player live coding game that teaches newbies how to code a basic website using HTML and CSS, and tests intermediate and advanced users on their coding speed and agility. Players race against each other and the clock to complete coding challenges, unlocking weapons and rewards along the way.

Even if someone has zero experience with building websites, they'll be able to watch a video tutorial and complete the code challenges that will give them the basic skills to launch a web site.
YouthFreeThe backend to the game uses Facebook Connect, Node, CoffeeScript, and Spine. The frontend uses HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.N/ARyan CarsonFounder
Adult learning, newCode Ramphttp://coderamp.orgCode Ramp is a mobile software development and design instructional studio at the heart of NYC's tech scene in DUMBO, Brooklyn. The group has not done any programming as of August, 2013.Not yet determinedNot yet determinednot yet determinedNot yet determinediOS DevelopmentNew York, NYJeff Soto, Isaac
Youth learning, game, newCode Romantic Romantic is a Computer Science puzzle game powered by a science fiction love story to teach basic programming concepts.Youth, beginnersBasic codingN/A
Youth learning, in-person, events, advocacy, resources, blog, underrepresentedCode Savvy Savvy is a new, not-for-profit organization dedicated to inspiring and enabling kids, teens and adults to become code-savvy, that is, to understand the kind of creative thinking that goes into coding, and to try out programming computers and devices. They want to bring more gender and ethnic diversity to the coding profession and to computer science, because creative problem-solving relies on diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. Code Savvy's first priority is to bring some awesome coding programs to Minnesota and help them grow. Youth, underrepresented populations,
Adult learning, online, web development, mobileCode School School is a web-based platform which uses professional video screen casts, live coding in the browser, and gamification to educate developers in new technologies to stay competitive in their chosen profession.Various skill levelsSelf-paced$25/month - access to all classesRuby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, iOS, Backbone.js, Git, Sass, jQueryN/Ainfo@codeschool.com2011
Adult learning, women, network, software development, open sourceCode Scouts Scouts (nonprofit) is an Oregon Nonprofit startup with the mission to empower women to become software developers. They build local communities of aspiring developers who create customized learning plans with mentors, using existing learning resources like Treehouse to hone their skills alongside other learners.WomenVariousPortland, ORMichelle RowleyExecutive Directoradventure@codescouts.org2012
Adult learning, online, web developmentCode Summer+ (Codecademy program) in partnership with The White House's Summer Jobs + initiative, Codecademy's upcoming Code Summer+ program teaches kids how to build fun games and apps.BeginnersSelf-pacedFreeHTML/CSS fundamentalsN/A
Foundation, advocacyCode to Learn Foundation Code-To-Learn Foundation (nonprofit) promotes computational fluency for everyone. The Foundation supports projects that engage young people in learning through coding, enabling them to develop as creative thinkers, designers, and innovators. The Code-To-Learn Foundation is currently supporting projects to further the development and dissemination of
Foundation, advocacy, campaign, teacher developmentCode.org is a non-profit foundation whose goal is to add Computer Science into the “core” of US education. They aim to make CS education available to all US students by bringing CS to all US K-12 public schools by 2020. To accomplish this, they've developed a three-pronged approach:

(1) Educate: Bringing CS into schools through offering professional development for teachers, developing K-12 computer science curriculum, and promoting existing models of quality CS education.
(2) Advocate: Changing policies in states so CS courses can satisfy a core graduation credit.
(3) Celebrate: Inspiring students, parents, and schools through high-level marketing (videos, events, and celebrities)
All youthFreeExploring Computer Science curriculum, AP Computer Science Principles curriculumNational
Adult learning, in-person, college, fellowship, internship, summer, underrepresented, Black, Latino, software development, entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley, paidCode2040 (nonprofit) brings high performing Black and Latino computer engineering students to Silicon Valley for a comprehensive summer fellowship program which consists of an internship with a top startup, mentoring, a speaker series, company visits, interactive workshops, executive coaching, and more.High-performing Black and Latino computer engineering students8-12 weeksFellows are paid competitive wages directly from the company with which they are matched over the course of the summer. Support with housing and/or relocation costs for fellows are not guaranteed, but may be provided by the program on a need-based case-by-case basis.VariousSan FranciscoCA94104San Francisco bay area, CALaura Weidman PowersCo-Founder, Executive Director2012
Youth learning, software/appCodea for iPad lets you create games and simulations — or just about any visual idea you have. Turn your thoughts into interactive creations that make use of iPad features like Multi-Touch and the accelerometer. Codea is built on the Lua programming language. A simple, elegant language that doesn't rely too much on symbols — a perfect match for iPad.$9.99Luasimeon@twolivesleft.com2011
Adult learning, youth learning, online, school-based, curriculumCodecademy is an education company that helps participants learn to code interactively, for free. They also provide a tool kit for schools that want to use Codecademy to develop after school computer science programming.Various skill levelsSelf-pacedFreejQuery, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, etc.670 BroadwayNew YorkNY10012New York, NYZach Sims; Ryan BubinskiCo-founderscontact@codecademy.com2011
Adult learning, in-person, bootcampsCodeCore Bootcamp is Western Canada's first developer school. Based in Vancouver, CodeCore Bootcamp recruits the best and brightest applicants and immerses students in an intensive, 8-week developer bootcamp. The program is taught by seasoned industry experts, and the program culminates in a hiring day attended by Vancouver's top technology companies. CodeCore is designed for novice programmers and is ideal for entrepreneurs without a "technical co-founder", designers who want to expand their skill set, and professionals looking to transition into a web development career. CodeCore students will master HTML5 & CSS, JavaScript and jQuery, software architecture and object oriented development, Ruby on Rails, popular APIs, design and user experience, and development methodologies. After graduation, CodeCore provides ongoing career resources and networking opportunities exposing graduates to Vancouver's top recruiters and technology companies.Various skill levels8 weeks$9600 w/0 down (Canadians only); $8600 w/$4K down; $7600 w/100% down; discount for women & Canadian militaryHTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, etc.#2035 - 88 West Pender StreetVancouverBCV6B 6N9Vancouver, (778) 994-87752008
Youth learning, event, high school, college, hackathonCodeDay by StudentRNDhttps://studentrnd.orgDesigned for high school and college students, CodeDay engages passionate, motivated students and gets them to work on tech projects in their spare time. CodeDays are 24-hour events where high school and college students of all experience levels get together, make something cool, and become better programmers. The format of CodeDay is such that attendees get the skills, confidence, and connections necessary to become a professional programmer.

High school and college studentsSelf-pacedNational, USChris EngelbrechtNational CodeDay 382-23772009
Youth learning, girls, middle school, computer science, low-income, underrepresentedCodeEd (nonprofit) teaches computer science to girls from underserved communities, starting in middle-school. They partner with schools and programs serving low-income girls and provide them with volunteer teachers, computer science course offerings, and computers.Middle school girls, 9-12 year oldsHTML and CSS, and are developing JavaScript and Python modules26 Maple Ave. #1 CambridgeMA02139San Francisco, CA; Boston, MA; New York, NYAngie Schiavoni (Sep Kamvar, Joanne Pons, Ben Statz)Executive Director &; info@codeed.org2010
Youth learning, school-based, home-based, online, tutors, teacher developmentCodeHS is a site which will introduce you to programming and computer science principles. It is built for complete beginners, and you learn by watching videos, working in the browser, and then getting help and feedback from real people who know this material. The goal of CodeHS is to spread the knowledge of computer science by offering well crafted instructional materials supported continuously by the quality, personal attention of their enthusiastic tutors. There are school-based packages, but individuals can also purchase memberships.High school students, teachers interested in learning how to teach CSSelf-pacedFree to try; Basic membership $25/month; Premium membership $75/month; quotes for schools to adopt systemJavaScript, Karel the dogSan FranciscoCANational, GlobalZach Galant; Jeremy;; team@codehs.com2012
Adult learning, onlineCodeLesson courses in a variety of languages: Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Ruby, Python and more. Classes are online and instructor-led, and students must be able to download the programming environments to their computers.AnyoneSelf-paced200+ per lessonJavascript, HTML5, CSS, Ruby, Python and more
Adult learningCodeMontage is how coders improve their skills while improving the world. They help developers build meaningful experience through contributions to open source, social good projects. CodeMontage coders receive projects with causes and technologies they care about, challenges that build their skills and move the project forward, and code reviews and feedback on the quality and structure of their code.hello@codemontage.com2012
Youth learning, in-person, workshops, high school, summer, fellowship, underrepresentedCodeNow is a nonprofit that teaches foundational skills in computer programming to underserved high school students. They partner with community organizations to hold free, extracurricular, off-campus trainings for high school students.Underrepresented high schoolers; ages 14-18Phase One: 40 hours in-person training, 10 hours homework; Phase Two: 20+ hours in-person training, 10 hours homeworkFreeBasics in programming with an emphasis on RubySan Francisco, CA; Washington, DC; New York, NYRyan 621-69602011
Adult learning, in-person, online, bootcamps, workshops, mentors, resourcesCodePath provides online training, in-person workshops, and virtual TA support. They have an open curriculum that is available for download. CodePath also has a 6-week, in-person, free bootcamp for android mobile development and another for iOS mobile development.Various skill levelsAndroid & iOS bootcamps: 6-week, 90 min sessions (MW) 7-8:30pmFreeJava, Android, iOS, Objective-C
CambridgeMassachusetts2142San Francisco, CATimothy
Adult learning, online, web developmentCodePupil CodePupil, you can learn how to code through fun games & exercises! The organization believes that everyone has potential to learn any skill they want. They create a fun learning environment to nurture that potential. Not much seems to have happened with this site since its Beta launch.AnyoneHTML, CSSN/Ainfo@codepupil.com2011
Adult learning, youth learning, onlineCodeQuizzes helps users learn and retain computer science concepts for the long-run through drilling programming practice questions.Various skill levelsSelf-pacedFreeRuby, Rails, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Unix/Bash, HTML, CSS, Git, etc.N/A
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, web development, mobileCoderCamps Camps are 9-week bootcamps where people learn how to program using the latest technologies in order to start a new career or their own company.Various skill levels9 weeksAs low as $9900, but it varies based on location.HTML/CSS, JavaScript & jQuery, Android, MVC, .NET, Objective-C, iOS11200 Broadway Street, Suite 2701PearlandTX77584Houston, TX; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA; Washington, 755-22672013
Youth learning, in-person, clubs, web development, mobile, game development, mentors, conference, chapter-basedCoderDojo is a global collaboration providing free and open learning to young people, especially in programming technology. They run not-for-profit coding clubs where young people learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and more. Dojos organize tours of technology companies, bring in guest speakers to talk about their career and what they do, and organize events. In addition to learning to code, members meet like minded people, show off what they’ve been working on and so on. Dojos are set up, run by, and taught by volunteers, and there are over 200 chapters in 22 countries.Ages 7-17VariesFreeWeb development, app development, game development, Scratch, Python35 Barrow StreetDublin 4IrelandGlobalOriginal Ireland co-founders James Whelton, Bill Liao; Rebecca Garcia - US rebecca@hwf.ioFoundersenquiries@coderdojo.com2011
Adult learning, in-person, .NetCoder Foundry Foundry is a training program that teaches three-month courses to a variety of skill levels and assists with finding students their dream jobs. Choose between the Apprentice Class and the Master Class. The Apprentice Class caters to beginners, and no experience is necessary. For students who already know how to program but want to strengthen their skills and get a promotion, the Master Class will teach the skills needed to be an expert. Students at Coder Foundry will learn the .NET stack, HTML5, and AngularJS. Students will also be mentored by current IT professionals.12-week daytime or 24-week night time courseThe 12-week day option costs $9,900, and the 24-week night option costs $7,800 per session ($15,600 total), with financing options available.Microsoft, .Net1231 Shields Road Suite 5KernersvilleNC27284Kernersville, 231-8632
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, web developmentCodeup in 2013, Codeup's first course is currently recruiting for their first class scheduled to begin in February 2014. Codeup is a 9-week, in-person web programming bootcamp taught by top instructors at Geekdom in downtown San Antonio, TX. Codeup strives to transform non-techies into web programmer and guarantees all graduates a job offer of at least $40k within six months of graduation or students will receive back 50% of their tuition costs. The curriculum for their first bootcamp will focus on PHP and Javascript.Various skill levels9 weeks$7985-$9875; scholarships to women; partial tuition reimbursement through job-placement programLinux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Java Enterprise, 473-94632013
Adult learning, in-person, bootcamps, certificationCoding Dojo Dojo runs a 9-week, full-time bootcamp. Students learn to code, spend some time outside in the California sun, attend coding meetups, and hear from prominent guest speakers, CTOs, and other cool developers. The program also provides lunch, dinner, and healthy snacks each day. Each coding topic is passed off through a qualifying exam, incrementally preparing you to build web applications from scratch. You'll participate in code reviews and, like any great Dojo, you'll earn your belts.Various skill levels9 weeks$8,750 HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, Ruby, MySQL, database design, OOP, Git, MVC, CodeIgniter, Ruby on Rails, and more.465 Fairchild Dr.Mountain ViewCA94043Mountain View, CAMichael 691-50122012
Adult learning, online, job placement, competitionCoding for Good for GOOD is an effort to bridge the skills gap through real-world application and complements Apollo Group’s The Virtual Apprentice ℠. To participate, you will need to complete sixteen coding lessons and submit a final project. Participants with the top three submissions will then be flown out to Los Angeles to participate in a hack-a-thon, and the best of the three hack-a-thon participants may be offered a job at GOOD to work alongside our team of talented coders. Various skill levelsSelf-pacedFreeHTML, CSS, JavaScript, animation, API, etc.N/
Youth learning, onlineCoding Hawks is a website for young coders who want to learn programming, sharpen data structure and algorithm design skills, gain coding and problem solving experience, and become more prepared for programming competitions!Young beginnersJavaN/
Adult learning, in-person, bootcampsCoding House Coding House is the world's first live, eat and code software developer training program. Live in a house with 10 other like-minded developers, sharing in the experience of coding boot camp, eliminating all the distractions that can get in your way. You won’t worry about: finding a place to live, traffic, cooking and cleaning. Over the course of 2 months you will learn HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, Coffee Script, Jquery, PHP, Ruby on Rails, agile development, MVC and much more.Junior developers2 months$14,400HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, Coffee Script, Jquery, PHP, Ruby on Rails, agile development, MVC, and more2995 Woodside Rd Suite 400WoodsideCA94062Woodside,
Adult learning, fellowship, web development, black, underrepresentedCoding While Blackhttps://codingwhileblack.comCoding While Black is a Chicago-based network that "believe(s) in building community and creating opportunity for blacks in technology. Our members are developers, designers, and other individuals passionate about supporting blacks in technology." The CWB Fellows program is a nine week apprenticeship program that teaches web development skills to adult men and woman. The program is open to all adults regardless of income, race, gender, or cultural background. That being said, our curriculum and program structure is specifically designed to meet the needs of those who come from underrepresented and/or underserved communities.Adults9 weeks1501 S KilbournChicagoIL60623Chicago, ILDominic M. Liddell
Adult learning, in-person, womenCollege Code Camp developed College Code Camp, a four-day immersion program developed to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of women in technology. Participates win a trip to Square's San Francisco headquarters to participate in the program, where they'll attend coding workshops, leadership sessions, and tour Silicon Valley—all while surrounded by top women engineers from across the U.S. and Canada.Women, 18 years or older, who are enrolled full-time at a U.S. or Canadian university.
Pursuing a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical major.
4 daysFreeSan Francisco, CAcodecamp@squareup.com2013
Youth learning, appCommander Crayon Crayon is a graphical educational programming language which teaches users the basic concepts of programming. In Commander Crayon, users push buttons (or manually type) to build a program that draws a picture. Very complicated and intricate pictures can be created with a few lines of code.$1.99 in iTunesN/AEric 705-18192012
Youth learning, girls, middle school, in-person, mentors, AspireITComputer Science and Animation STEM Camp Computer Science and Animation STEM Camp will use Alice/Storytelling Alice as its curriculum to teach the girls how to use computer programs like Alice to develop video animations and create animated stories. The young women of this camp will work with Embry-Riddle faculty and students to learn computing concepts that will prepare them for later success in programming studies. The program will also engage Embry Riddle University upperclasswomen to mentor freshwomen as a way to provide additional support and visibility for the university’s women in computing. Girls ages 12-14$275AliceDaytona Beach, FLHiranya Mir; Dr. Tim WilsonEmbry Riddle; 226-7945; (386) 871-9911
Adult learning, in-person, advocacy, computer science, new, middle school, high school, courses, internships, summer, teacher development, mentors, curriculumComputer Science and Technology for Urban Youth (CSTUY) is a new organization dedicated to bringing computer science and technology related educational opportunities to high school and middle school students. They will provide classes, internships, lectures, summer programs, teacher training and professional development, mentoring, online content, curriculum, etc. CSTUY also offers Hacking Sessions on Saturdays for NYC high school students. With these sessions, students will learn advanced coding techniques and build amazing projects.Middle and high schoolHacking sessions Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noonFree hacking sessions for youthJavaScript, Python, MongoDB, etc.New York,
Advocacy, computer science, underrepresented, collaborationsComputer Science Collaboration (CSC) Project Project aims to efficiently increase participation of underrepresented groups in computer science opportunities and activities by effectively building collaborations between K-12, community-based organizations, higher education, and industry. The organization seeks to connect the various alliances and K-12 outreach organizations that are part of the Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) community, specifically focusing on outreach to and collaboration with persons with disabilities, African Americans, Hispanics, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and women.19020 33rd Avenue NE, Suite 210LynwoodWA98036NationalEnrico 977-47502010
Adult learning, teacher development, K-12Computer Science for High School (CS4HS) (Computer Science for High School) is an initiative sponsored by Google to promote Computer Science and Computational Thinking in high school and middle school curriculum. With a gift from Google's Education Group, universities develop 2-3 day workshops for local high school and middle school CS teachers. These workshops incorporate informational talks by industry leaders and discussions on new and emerging CS curricula at the high school and middle school level. Now, CS4HS has expanded to include K-12 teachers in all subjects, pre-service teachers, principals, and counselors. Google provides funding to universities to develop the workshop and is committed to having local employees participate in workshop sessions whenever possible.Any university, community college, or technical school in the US, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, China, Australia, and New Zealand is welcome to apply. Grants are provided to universities to provide workshops.United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, China, Australia and New
Youth learning, in-person, summer, camps, competitions, robotics, animination, game developmentComputer Science Outreach at UT Dallas, Science Outreach at UT Dallas introduces Computer Science & Programming to Dallas area kids in enjoyable/appealing ways (Drawings, Animation, Robotics, Music, Images, Games, etc) and encourages them to consider it for future careers. CS department in Erik Jonsson School of UT Dallas conducts several FREE workshops & courses in various programming languages (Java, JavaScript, Alice, ...) throughout the year for school students. Additionally, they conduct programming competitions and CHAMPS Summer Camp as well.YouthFree, fee per course, summer camp - $200-$250Java, JavaScript, Alice, Scratch, etc.Dallas,
Adult learning, youth learning, online, teacher resourcesComputer Science Unplugged Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. CS Unplugged is suitable for people of all ages, from elementary school to seniors, and from many countries and backgrounds. Unplugged has been used around the world for over fifteen years, in classrooms, science centers, and homes.All agesSelf-pacedFreeComputer scienceN/A
Youth learning, online, curriculum, activities, computer science, teacher resourcesComputer Science Unplugged Science Unplugged is a collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. The activities introduce students to underlying concepts such as binary numbers, algorithms and data compression, separated from the distractions and technical details we usually see with computers.

CS Unplugged is suitable for people of all ages, from elementary school to seniors, and from many countries and backgrounds. Unplugged has been used around the world for over fifteen years, in classrooms, science centers, homes, and even for holiday events in a park!
Primarily five to twelve year-oldsSelf-pacedFreeN/A
Youth learning, in-person, animation, game development, summer, campsComputerMagix is a group of parents and professionals tired of hunting for great technology summer camps for their kids. So they decided to take some time off their work in the summer to create high quality and affordable technology camps for their kids to learn and enjoy digital technology and for families who have similar needs.K-121 week$399/week to $599/weekAlice, Arduino, Java, JavaScript, Kodu, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scratch1600 Saratoga Ave, Suite 427San JoseCA95129San Jose,
Campaign, advocacy, counselor development, underrepresentedCounselors for Computing (C4C) [NCWIT] for Computing (C4C) is a four-year campaign through which thousands of students -- especially girls -- are introduced to computing and encouraged to pursue education and careers in IT. The C4C campaign informs and equips school counselors with up-to-date information and resources they can use to effectively encourage underrepresented groups to pursue education and careers in computing and IT.NationalJane KraussProgram