air datetitle (linked to video)memorable forsecondslengthlocationactorswriterdirector
2/28/2013This is me (an Introduction) - Ep: 1LBD-inspired vlog starring Alysson Hall as a modern-day Jane Eyre. Originally titled, "The Autobiography of Jane Eyre - Teaser Trailer". "This is my cat. It's not real, which makes it superior to most cats." "...because I think she's [Lizzie Bennet's] brave, and I don't think she even knows it." "I'm 21, and just graduated this winter with a degree in nursing. I could have been a doctor, but let's be honest; I like people too much." "The world is wide, full of hopes, of fears, of sensations, and excitements, of adventure -- if you have the courage to go after it. My name is Jane Eyre. Here goes nothing."1730:02:53various outdoor scenes, jane's (nursing school?) bedroom.janeAlysson Hall and Nessa ArefNessa Aref
4/3/2013Beginnings - Ep: 2"I have to say: Lizzie always had trouble with endings, but this beginning stuff is way harder." Jane is awkward talking to the camera in her bedroom. Craigslist job as a live-in tutor. Response from Grace Poole. Tutoring their little girl, salary 3X what she's making now. Looking for something else, other than nursing. For background check, got in touch with "Mrs. Reed, my step-aunt." Snarky email from Mrs. Reed, "John has been accepted to McGill Law." John's Facebook photo of his crashed BMW. "Tht Tree cam outt a NoWhere!!!!!"2540:04:14jane's bedroomjaneNessa ArefNessa Aref
4/10/2013Mistake - Ep:3Jane waits at the bus stop, discovers that she's lost her phone, gets scared. "I'm starting to feel like maybe this is a mistake."3060:05:06bus stop, outdoors at nightjaneCourtney ChristensenNessa Aref
4/17/2013Ep 4 - Grace PoolJane's close-up. Is excited about her new room. Bounces on the bed; is interrupted by Grace Poole's torso.1640:02:44jane's room at mr. rochester'sjane, graceNessa ArefNessa Aref
4/24/2013Critical Examinations of Art - Ep 5Adele's way-precocious crayon drawings in the style of different artists, including two of Rochester.2380:03:58jane's room at mr. rochester'sjaneNessa ArefNessa Aref
5/1/2013Ep 6 - Bad DescriptionsJane plays with different versinos of her hair. On-camera Grace! Who... happens to have a bright light in her hand? "Blink for me." "So... it's like a self-preservation thing. Is it staying on?" Jane lies: "It's off." "I'd say... he is... a man..." Awkward shoulder pat by Grace. "Tweet me if you have any questions." "Wait: I don't have a twitter."2420:04:02jane's room at mr. rochester'sjane, graceAlysson HallNessa Aref
5/8/2013Big Houses - Ep: 7Jane talks about getting on Twitter. "Grace seems to know what she's doing. She's on Twitter every day." She demonstrates fun things she can do in the big empty house, including a socks slide with ukulele. Dany does stupid dancing with earbuds in, and suzanna walks in, heh. "No quiero saber; no quiero saber." Opposite view of the bookcase, includng (I'm pretty sure) The Fault in Our Stars to the right of the abridged classics. Time to pick up Adele from "Advanced Marine Zoology".2310:03:51jane's room (with new view!)jane, suzanna-mariaAlysson HallNessa Aref
5/15/2013Duck Pond - Ep: 8Jane goes on a walk to a duck pond (with mallards and a great blue heron), then takes a shot of a distant nighttime city skyline. On returning, she talks about Helen, who died of cancer, and who taught Jane about photography. Video notes mention that Jane will be uploading some of the photos she took to the eyrequotes tumblr.3220:05:22jane's room, duck pond, nighttime hill overlooking cityjaneChristina BialikNessa Aref
5/22/2013Q&A #1question from clavisa about whether she's teaching adele. rosieramblings on tumblr and -- adele interruption! with French. :-) Adele sings Tosca. Adele knows Anderson's The Little Mermaid, but not the Disney version. "Your friends have weird names." "Yes, they do."2690:04:29jane's roomjane, adeleNessa ArefNessa Aref
5/29/2013Phlegm - Ep: 9Aw; Jane's sick. "The house keeps making weird noises." "I kind of feel like I made a mistake in coming here... I kind of wish I had someone my own age to talk to." "I hate this. I just want to go home. Except that... I don't know where that is."2000:03:20jane's bedjaneShaan RahmanNessa Aref
6/5/2013Escalation - Ep: 10jane walks to town, and narrowly avoids being rundown by mr. rochester and pilot. haha: rochester's socks! jane checks his ankle. "what's your pain level right now?" "It's fine. I don't feel anything anymore." jane's emotional reaction seems really strong, given the circumstances. "it's not like i'm ever going to see him again, anyways." jane sees pilot being whistled into the house by rochester.2420:04:02jane's room, outdoors walk to post officejane, rochester, pilotNessa ArefNessa Aref
6/12/2013An Interview?Opens on a table/torso shot of Jane and Mr. Rochester. Jane's saying, "...and now it's off." (Except it's not.) Rochester examines her photos. "Are you happy when you do these?" "Yea, I love photography." Forearm porn -- with tattoo. They geek out over GoT! Haha. "Jane: I'd like to see you again tomorrow night" (pause) "to discuss Adele's programming further." Hands-almost-not-quite-touching porn!1430:02:23Indoor with table. Rochester's study?jane, rochesterAlysson HallNessa Aref
6/19/2013Dinner - Ep: 12Adele sets up the camera in the dining room before dinner, and is trying to guess what her present from Mr. Rochester is. No one else realizes the camera is there, apparently. Grace explains that they do a formal family dinner every other Sunday when Mr. Rochester is in town. Grace takes Adele out of the room to wash off the paint from fingerpainting. Rochester asks Jane to sit. (Note: I wonder if there were ever discussions about whether or not Allyson was "plain" enough to play a believable Jane.) The painting on the wall, with its abstract human form(s) in a (slightly) suggestive position really adds to the sexual tension, especially with how it's partially obscured until the two of them are alone in the room. "It's not polite to stare, Jane... Do you find me attractive?" "Seeing is not the same as being." "What are you being then?" The two of them spar verbally. Jane doesn't drink. "I find it's easier to drink than to regret." "You're full of contradictions." "Truthfully, I don't understand you at all." Adele opens her present at the end, but we don't see it. She exclaims something that sounds positive in French, though. Hopefully someone will translate...2500:04:10Rochester's dining room tablejane, rochester, grace, adeleChristina Bialik, Alysson Hall and Nessa ArefNessa Aref
6/26/2013Crash - Ep: 13Jane is having trouble sleeping, recording late at night in her room. Paranormal Activity-esque static... Her door opens for no reason; she checks, sees no one there, closes it. She hears a crash (breaking vase?) outside, and runs out to check. While she's out, spooky shadows of someone just outside the room play on the door. Eventually Jane returns with Rochester, who has some shards of something in his arm. (Rochester face. In boxers and a tshirt. With paper-airplane tattoo, and a couple more peaking out from the sleeves. Jane removes the shards and bandages R's arm. R. asks, "You didn't see anything, did you?" "What?" "When you entered the room?" Rochester asks for a glass of water. While Jane is out he phones Grace: "Grace. Stop. This can't happen again." He snoops around the room a bit (not noticing the camera), pulls out a book, replaces it. Jane returns, dorky repressed-sexuality awkwardness. Rochester leaves. Jane (to camera): "Trust me. I... don't even."4250:07:05Jane's roomjane, rochester, spooky shadowAlysson HallNessa Aref
7/3/2013Interrogation - Ep: 14grace is being awful. "Can we hurry up? I barely have time to urinate today, much less coddle the nanny person." grace is throwing (mean) cold water on jane's speculation about what happened in the middle of the night. "you were right mother. I'm not funny." Jane ends with realizing that Adele (presumably) might know something, or might be able to find out something.1210:02:01Jane's roomjane, graceShaan RahmanNessa Aref
7/10/2013Things I Didn't Know - Ep: 15Jane has Adele describe the various people in the story. "Grace takes care of my dad." Discussion of Blanche Ingram. Jane seems disturbed by word of this potential rival.1790:02:59Jane's roomjane, adeleNessa ArefNessa Aref
7/17/2013Blanche Ingram - Ep: 16Jane reminisces about Brocklehurst, draws herself without looking, then google's Blanche Ingram. "She... is... really... something." "I can see why Adele likes her so much. I can see why Grace likes her so much. And apparently she used to do PR for Thornfield."2600:04:20Jane's roomjaneNessa ArefNessa Aref
7/24/2013Q&A #2Jane answers questions about books: her all-time favorite is The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. worst writing: Twilight. She has a problem with the main relationship in the book. best plot in Fire & Ice: A Clash of Kings. recommends 419: A Novel. Claims not to be musical. Doesn't play an instrument or sing. Suzanna walks in, and Jane asks her to sit down and talks really bad Spanish to her to apologize. Suzanna speaks perfect English, but always talks to Grace in Spanish. "They're not bad people. It's just that their lives aren't really... Just be careful there." "Listen: Just don't get involved. Just stay out of it."2880:04:48Jane's roomjane, suzanna-mariaNessa ArefNessa Aref
7/31/2013Everything is not fine - Ep: 17"Apparently Mr. Rochester could be gone for a year." Jane is pissed at him for leaving without saying goodby to Adele. Aside: I think this might be my favorite episode yet.1810:03:01Jane's roomjaneChristina BialikNessa Aref
8/7/2013Cleaning House - Ep: 18hyperbole and a half reference: "if you will excuse me, I will now clean all the things." with jane out of the room, suzanna lets maid #2 know about things she's overheard about grace pool "hiding something".2500:04:10Jane's roomjane, grace, suzanna, maid #2Christine ParkNessa Aref
8/14/2013They're Here - Ep: 19Jane in her room listens to the returned Rochester's party downstairs, and agonizes over hiding in her room like a kid. Interesting audio of Grace's, Rochester's, and Blanche's (presumably) voices. Video ends as Jane is trying to screw up the courage to go mingle.1910:03:11Jane's room janeChristine ParkNessa Aref
8/21/2013Confession - Ep: 20Jane talks about how she was bullied in school, and how Helen helped her, and showed her The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Jane talks about religion, and about being forgiving. "The Bible says love others as you love yourself." "I struggle with this, but it helps to have something external to remind me to be forgiving." "Everyone has a story if you take the time to understand it." "Both reading and religion encourage me to think of others, to imagine them as fully human as I am. It's my goal to always be true to that." (As she pulls out and displays a cross necklace she's wearing.)2470:04:07Jane's roomjaneChirstina BialikNessa Aref
8/28/2013Hijacked - Ep: 21Jane leaves her camera on the table at a party, and it picks up Blanche talking to "Warren Danton", then to Rochester, and then Blanche leaves and Rochester talks (briefly) to Jane. Lots of cool obstructed/semi-cropped-out views of people from the accidentally placed camera.2720:04:32Table at Rochester's partyjane, warren, blanche, rochesterAlysson HallNessa Aref
9/4/2013Charades - Ep: 22Rochester's party, with charades. Rochester acts out "bride" with Blanche while Jane films. Later, Rochester and Jane talk while others continue to play. And... socks. (And Jane in the description lets us know she was pretty sure it was "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".)1950:03:15Rochester's living roomjane, warren, blance, rochester, socialites 1 through 5Ryan BrightNessa Aref
9/11/2013Consequences - Ep: 24Rochester and Jane talk on-camera (at Rochester's insistence) about her videos. Jane apologizes, tries to resign, Rochester stops her. Jane calls Rochester "sir" a lot.2140:03:34Jane's roomjane, rochesterAlysson HallNessa Aref
9/14/2013Blood - Ep: 25Jane in her room at night, hears a scary (male) shout. It is explained as Grace having a nightmare. Jane goes to check on Adele. Then Jane kills time in her room. Rochester comes in and says he needs her. "You don't have a problem with blood, do you?" Later, overheard from the hallway: Rochester: "I trust Jane." Grace: "Why don't you fire me, then?" Jane comes back with very bloody surgical gloves, and sighs at the camera.2050:03:25Jane's roomjane, rochesterAlysson HallNessa Aref
9/18/2013Mr. Mason - Ep: 26"One of Mr. Rochester's guests -- Mr. Mason -- injured himself quite badly. He lost a lot of blood. Grace drove him to the hospital." Sounds like Jane thinks Mr. Mason injured himself.1460:02:26Jane's roomjaneChristina BialikNessa Aref
9/21/2013A Walk - Ep: 27Jane shows more of what happened on that fateful night. Rochester and Jane are going for a walk at night; he encourages her to bring her camera. They look at a nighttime cityscape. They sit on a bench and Rochester tells her a story. "I have another chance now. I can marry a beautiful woman. Is it so wrong to have someone to share the morning with?" They're talking about his marrying Blanche (thinks Jane). "I don't know. I might."2760:04:36Jane's roomjane, rochesterChirstina BialikNessa Aref
9/25/2013Stepmother - Ep: 28Rochester yells at Jane about her having told Adele that Blance was going to be her new stepmother. Jane thought she knew. Rochester says he should have told her. "No; it's fine. People should be reminded of how smart you are." (re: Jane not deleting the video)1520:02:32Jane's roomjane, rochesterCourtney ChristensenNessa Aref
9/28/2013Babies - Ep: 29Jane's been having recurring dreams for 7 nights in a row. List of what they haven't been... "It's not like... I order a large herbal tea from a cafe, and I try it, and it's definitely not herbal, so then I tell the woman who made it but she insists it is herbal, so then I drink it anyway even though I know it's not what I ordered, and then I realize I forgot to put clothes on." Dreams have actually been about babies. Amy Astor in second grade got chicken pox after a baby dream. Jane gets a phonecall... Her cousin Joanna. "My aunt was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. And John... no one can find him." Jane's going to go see them.2350:03:55Jane's roomjaneRyan BrightNessa Aref
10/2/2013Wages - Ep: 30Jane and Rochester talk. Jane wants to ask for a week or two leave of absence. "Mrs. Reed is sick. My aunt." "She has a brain tumor." "I haven't been paid... yet..." Rochester writes her a check for "almost four times the amount." Jane refuses, he writes her a check for less than he owes, so she'll have to come back. More flirting... They mock-fight over him attempting to get the check back. They discuss her moving on after he's married. They make a deal: if he doesn't send Adele away, she'll stay for a year. They shake on it, and he manipulates her hand into hand-kissing/proposing position. "Is that it?" (...and kiss! sigh... nope. they both are clearly thinking it.) They reference the Sound of Music "goodbye" song.4500:07:30Jane's roomjane, rochesterAlysson HallNessa Aref
10/5/2013So Far - Ep: 31Jane is back at her childhood home, visiting her brain-cancer-stricken aunt. She talks about chess, and being back here.2470:04:07Jane's childhood homejaneChris CouttsNessa Aref
10/9/2013Draw My Life - Ep: 32Jane gives a whiteboard presentation about her life to-date. Which has mostly sucked.2530:04:13whiteboard at the Reed's(?)janeChristine Park and Kathryn HallNessa Aref
10/12/2013The Reeds - Ep: 33Jane talks about how awful the Reed sisters have been. And then... we get an example.2180:03:38Jane's room at the Reedsjane, joanna, lizChirstine ParkNessa Aref
10/16/2013Communication - Ep: 34Jane has Joanna and Liz talk about their feelings to the camera.2160:03:36Jane's room at the Reedsjane, joanna, lizKathryn HallNessa Aref
10/19/2013Raisins - Ep: 35Joanna and Liz make their own vlogs.2900:04:50Sofa at the Reed's with John's photo on an altar behindjoanna, lizChris CouttsNessa Aref
10/23/2013Revelations - Ep: 36Mrs. Reed has died. Jane talks about her feelings for her, and how badly Mrs. Reed treated her as a child. "There's something else." Jane talks a letter out of a box of papers, in which her uncle invites Mrs. Reed to have Jane visit him in Melbourne and to consider her living with him. How he wants his sister's daughter to have a family. And Mrs. Reed convinced him that Jane was not mentally stable enough to move or travel, and if he wanted to have contact with her he'd have to contact a custody lawyer. Which he apparently did, but lost out due to the law's bias."I can't... I won't hate her for this." Also, serious forearm freckles. "At least now I know I have an uncle. Hopefully, anyways. And I already have a home. It's not perfect, but I've worked hard for it. And now I'm just waiting to get back." (And then a smoulder-y look at the camera. Or maybe I'm just vicariously imagining Rochester watching the video and seeing it that way.)3240:05:24Jane's room at the Reeds?janeChris CouttsNessa Aref
10/26/2013Happy Rainbow Baking Show - Ep: 37Joanna shows Jane her idea for a newly updated vlog channel: a happy baking show. Kind of amazing. Discussion of Joanna's online boyfriend in London. Joanna asks Jane to stay forever. They make burned icing muffins (cupcakes).5310:08:51the Reeds' kitchenjane, joannaRyan BrightRyan Bright
10/30/2013Sigh - Ep: 38Jane is getting ready to leave the Reeds'. Background screaming over killing Colin, a spider. Jane talks about the psychology of Joanna and Liz. Liz made Jane a playlist (that we saw posted recently on Tumblr). "I can't judge anyone for the things they've been through. And I certainly wouldn't want anyone to judge me for my past." Jane tries to eat Joanna's horrible cookie.3000:05:00Jane's room at the Reeds?janeAlina Wilson, Alysson HallNessa Aref
11/2/2013Je Ne Regrette Rien - Ep: 39Liz says goodbye to Jane, announcing on-camera that she's moving to Paris. Much discussion of music and French.1820:03:02Jane's room at the Reeds?jane, lizChris CouttsNessa Aref
11/6/2013The Red Room - Ep: 40Jane, by herself now that her cousins have left, describes when she was a child and saw Mr. Reed have a stroke (which proved fatal) in "the red room". She goes on to talk about John's abuse, and Mrs. Reed's complicity in it. Concludes with her describing having hit him in self-defense, and Mrs. Reed's forcing her to be shut in the Red Room.4250:07:05Red Room at the Reed'sjaneChristina BialikNessa Aref
11/9/2013Travel - Ep: 41Montage of walking-around footage in a wintry/fall outdoor setting while Jane, in voiceover, talks about John Reed's having been located and being in the hospital after drinking depressively too much, or something. Screenshot of an email from Grace mentioning that the house will be mostly empty, and that Rochester has bought a wedding ring. Then Jane travels back to Thornfield by plane.208various outdoor scenes, airport, jane's airplane flightjaneKathryn Hall, Nessa Aref, Alysson Hall(none listed)