# decimals to round to222022333333333333333111
ID_SectorID_CatID_SubCatProcostMeasureNameNameID_UnitID_BldgTypeID_VintageID_other1ID_other2Delivery Mechanism or ProgramID_MechanismApplicationID_ApplicationLost OpportunityLocationID_ClimateZoneIncremental Capital Cost ($/unit)Incremental O&M Costs and Schedule ($/unit)Present Value of Periodic Capital Replacement Cost ($/unit)Measure Life (years)Basis of SavingsID_BasisAnnual Savings @ Site (kWh/yr)Annual Savings @ Busbar (kwh/yr)Bulk Transmission System Coincident FactorSystem Coincident Peak Reduction (KW)Local Distribution System Load FactorLocal Distribution System Peak Load Reduction (kW)Present Value Electric Energy Savings ($/kWh)Present Value of Local Transmission & Distribution System BenefitPresent Value Incremental Capital Cost ($/kWh)Present Value O & M Cost ($/kWh)Present Value of Periodic Capital Replacement Cost ($/kWh)Present Value of Region Act's 10% Conservation Credit ($/kWh)Present Value Non-Electric System Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Environmental Externalities Benefit ($/kWh)Present Value Total Societal Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Regional Costs ($/kWh)Net Present Value of Regional Costs & Benefits ($/kWh)Regional Benefit / Cost RatioLevelized CostCarbon OffSetEnd-user BenefitsSocietal BenefitsRelated Programs/ActivitiesCommentsCredit / Reimbursement ($/unit)RefNoCost Effective?
Measure and Program DataPower System Benefits and CostsTotal Societal Costs and BenefitsProgram Data
SectorCategorySubcategoryProcost Full Measure NameTechnology, Measure or PracticeUnit TypeBuilding TypeVintageOther 1Other 2Delivery Mechanism or ProgramID_MechanismApplicationID_ApplicationLost Opportunity?LocationID_ClimateZoneIncremental Capital Cost ($/unit)Incremental O&M Costs ($/unit)Present Value of Periodic Capital Replacement Cost ($/unit)Measure Life (years)Basis of SavingsID_BasisAnnual Savings @ Site (kwh/yr)Annual Savings @ Generator Busbar (kwh/yr)Power System Transmission System Coincident FactorPower System Coincident Peak Reduction (KW)Distribution System Diversified Load FactorDistribution System Peak Load Reduction (kW)Present Value Electric Energy Savings ($/kWh)Present Value of Transmission & Distribution System Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Incremental Capital Cost ($/kWh)Present Value O & M Cost ($/kWh)Present Value of Periodic Capital Replacement Cost ($/kWh)Present Value of Region Act's 10% Conservation Credit ($/kWh)Present Value Non-Electric System Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Carbon Dioxide Reduction Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Total Societal Benefits ($/kWh)Present Value Total Societal Costs ($/kWh)Net Present Value Societal Cost & Benefits ($/kWh) Total Societal Benefit / Cost Ratio (TRC B/C Ratio)Levelized Cost (mills/kWh)C02 Reduction (tons over expected measure life)End-user BenefitsSocietal BenefitsRelated Programs/ActivitiesCommentsCredit / Reimbursement ($/unit)Reference NumberCost-Effective
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Walls - R-0 to R-11 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WALL R0 - R11per sq.ft. of wall areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionWall InsulationWALL R0 - R11No existing wall insulation. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.97$0$045.0Deemed1.521.660.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.57$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.69$1.633.4 (28.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00081Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R19per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R19Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.87$0$045.0Deemed1.041.130.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.75$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.90$1.412.6 (16.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R30Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$1.37$0$045.0Deemed1.291.410.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.95$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.14$1.172.0 (3.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R19 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.50$0$045.0Deemed0.260.280.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.75$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$2.11$0.201.1 51.6 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00154Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R19 per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R19 Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed1.541.680.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.24$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.29$2.027.9 (50.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R38Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.84$0$045.0Deemed2.112.300.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.36$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.43$1.895.4 (43.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00120Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R49Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$1.08$0$045.0Deemed2.242.440.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.43$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.52$1.804.5 (38.1)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00151Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.160.170.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.00$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.21$1.111.9 0.6 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00003Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.290.320.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.29$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.56$0.761.5 20.1 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-38 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R38 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R38 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R30 and less than or equal to R-38. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.130.140.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.63$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.97$0.351.2 43.2 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R30per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.410.450.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.53$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.64$1.683.6 (31.6)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.570.620.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.66$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.79$1.522.9 (22.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00084Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.66$0$045.0Deemed0.700.770.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.84$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.02$1.302.3 (10.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$21.97$0$045.0Deemed22.7324.790.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.86$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.04$1.282.2 (8.9)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$21.97$0$045.0Deemed13.4114.630.400.000.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.46$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.76$0.551.3 31.8 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$20.61$0$045.0Deemed20.8422.730.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.88$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.06$1.252.2 (7.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$20.61$0$045.0Deemed11.5312.570.400.000.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.60$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.92$0.391.2 40.9 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00132Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL30 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.89$0$045.0Deemed1.281.400.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.62$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.75$1.573.1 (25.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL22 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$2.25$0$045.0Deemed3.173.460.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.63$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.76$1.553.0 (24.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00148Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInfiltration ControlInfiltration Reduction - 0.1 ACHn reduction - Heating Zone 1 (Average Heating System)0.1 air changes per hour (ach) reductionper sq.ft. of conditioned floor areaSingle FamilyExisting Constructionn/an/aChange in air change rate must be verified through pre and post measurement of infilitration/exfiltration using blower door per the protocols described in Appendix T, Part 1 "Field Verification Protocol for Determining Reduction in Infiltration Levels and Mechanical Ventilation Requirements for Site Built and Mobile Homes with Verified Air Sealing." Mechanical ventilation systems must be installed in substantial compliance with Appendix T, Part 2 in all homes for which verified reductions in air infiltration/exfiltration are claimed. Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 1$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.460.510.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.35$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.42$1.895.5 (43.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00145Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Walls - R-0 to R-11 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WALL R0 - R11per sq.ft. of wall areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionWall InsulationWALL R0 - R11No existing wall insulation. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.97$0$045.0Deemed2.122.310.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.41$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.50$1.824.7 (39.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R19per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R19Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.87$0$045.0Deemed1.381.510.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.56$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.67$1.643.4 (29.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R30Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$1.37$0$045.0Deemed1.731.880.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.71$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.85$1.462.7 (19.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R19 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.50$0$045.0Deemed0.340.380.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.30$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.57$0.751.5 21.0 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R19 per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R19 Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed2.142.330.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.18$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.21$2.1011.0 (55.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00082Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R38Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.84$0$045.0Deemed2.933.190.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.26$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.31$2.017.5 (50.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R49Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$1.08$0$045.0Deemed3.113.390.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.31$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.37$1.946.2 (46.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.220.240.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.72$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.87$1.452.7 (18.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00155Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.400.440.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.93$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.12$1.202.1 (4.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-38 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R38 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R38 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R30 and less than or equal to R-38. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.180.200.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.17$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.41$0.901.6 12.2 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00118Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R30per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.570.620.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.38$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.46$1.865.1 (41.6)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00119Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.790.860.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.47$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.57$1.744.1 (35.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00152Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.66$0$045.0Deemed0.981.060.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.61$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.73$1.583.2 (26.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00002Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$21.97$0$045.0Deemed32.0034.890.400.010.210.02$1.12$0.22$0.61$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.74$1.583.1 (25.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$21.97$0$045.0Deemed19.1120.840.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.03$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.24$1.081.9 2.2 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$20.61$0$045.0Deemed29.3432.000.400.010.210.02$1.12$0.22$0.63$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.76$1.563.1 (24.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00085Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$20.61$0$045.0Deemed16.4617.940.400.000.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.12$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.35$0.971.7 8.4 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 30 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL30 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.89$0$045.0Deemed1.791.960.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.44$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.54$1.784.3 (37.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 22 - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL22 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$2.25$0$045.0Deemed4.454.850.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.45$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.55$1.774.2 (36.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInfiltration ControlInfiltration Reduction - 0.1 ACHn reduction - Heating Zone 2 (Average Heating System)0.1 air changes per hour (ach) reductionper sq.ft. of conditioned floor areaSingle FamilyExisting Constructionn/an/aChange in air change rate must be verified through pre and post measurement of infilitration/exfiltration using blower door per the protocols described in Appendix T, Part 1 "Field Verification Protocol for Determining Reduction in Infiltration Levels and Mechanical Ventilation Requirements for Site Built and Mobile Homes with Verified Air Sealing." Mechanical ventilation systems must be installed in substantial compliance with Appendix T, Part 2 in all homes for which verified reductions in air infiltration/exfiltration are claimed. Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 2$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.610.670.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.26$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.32$2.007.3 (49.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Walls - R-0 to R-11 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WALL R0 - R11per sq.ft. of wall areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionWall InsulationWALL R0 - R11No existing wall insulation. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.97$0$045.0Deemed2.592.830.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.34$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.40$1.915.7 (44.6)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00131Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R19per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R19Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.87$0$045.0Deemed1.701.850.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.46$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.55$1.774.2 (36.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R30Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$1.37$0$045.0Deemed2.122.310.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.58$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.69$1.623.3 (28.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00149Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)FLOOR R19 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.50$0$045.0Deemed0.420.460.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.06$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.28$1.041.8 4.4 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00146Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R19 per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R19 Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.42$0$045.0Deemed2.582.820.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.15$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.18$2.1413.2 (57.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-38 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R38Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.84$0$045.0Deemed3.543.860.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.21$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.26$2.069.1 (53.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-49 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R49Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$1.08$0$045.0Deemed3.764.100.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.26$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.31$2.017.5 (49.9)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-38 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.260.290.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.60$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.72$1.603.2 (26.9)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-49 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.490.530.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.77$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.93$1.392.5 (15.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00083Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-38 to R-49 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R38 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R38 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R30 and less than or equal to R-38. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.220.240.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.97$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.17$1.152.0 (1.6)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R30per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.690.750.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.31$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.38$1.946.1 (46.1)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00084Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-38 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.961.040.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.39$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.47$1.844.9 (40.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-49 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.66$0$045.0Deemed1.181.290.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.50$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.60$1.713.8 (33.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00156Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$21.97$0$045.0Deemed39.5043.080.400.010.210.02$1.12$0.22$0.50$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.60$1.723.9 (33.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$21.97$0$045.0Deemed23.8626.020.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.82$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.99$1.322.3 (11.6)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00121Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$20.61$0$045.0Deemed36.2339.500.400.010.210.02$1.12$0.22$0.51$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.61$1.703.8 (32.9)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00153Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$20.61$0$045.0Deemed20.5822.450.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.89$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.08$1.242.1 (6.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00001Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 30 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL30 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.89$0$045.0Deemed2.212.410.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.36$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.44$1.885.3 (42.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 22 - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL22 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$2.25$0$045.0Deemed5.485.980.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.37$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.44$1.875.2 (42.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInfiltration ControlInfiltration Reduction - 0.1 ACHn reduction - Heating Zone 3 (Average Heating System)0.1 air changes per hour (ach) reductionper sq.ft. of conditioned floor areaSingle FamilyExisting Constructionn/an/aChange in air change rate must be verified through pre and post measurement of infilitration/exfiltration using blower door per the protocols described in Appendix T, Part 1 "Field Verification Protocol for Determining Reduction in Infiltration Levels and Mechanical Ventilation Requirements for Site Built and Mobile Homes with Verified Air Sealing." Mechanical ventilation systems must be installed in substantial compliance with Appendix T, Part 2 in all homes for which verified reductions in air infiltration/exfiltration are claimed. Single Family Dwelling with Electric Heat NoHeating Zone 3$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.740.800.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.22$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.27$2.058.7 (52.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00086Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Walls - R-0 to R-11 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WALL R0 - R11per sq.ft. of wall areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionWall InsulationWALL R0 - R11No existing wall insulation. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.97$0$045.0Deemed1.601.740.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.55$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.66$1.663.5 (30.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R19per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R19Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.87$0$045.0Deemed1.171.280.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.66$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.80$1.522.9 (22.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R30Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$1.37$0$045.0Deemed1.461.590.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.84$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.01$1.302.3 (10.5)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R19 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.50$0$045.0Deemed0.290.310.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.56$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.88$0.441.2 38.3 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R19 per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R19 Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed1.591.730.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.24$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.29$2.038.1 (51.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00130Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R38Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.84$0$045.0Deemed2.172.370.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.34$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.42$1.905.6 (44.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R49Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$1.08$0$045.0Deemed2.312.520.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.42$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.50$1.814.6 (39.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00REE00150Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.160.180.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.97$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.17$1.152.0 (1.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.$0.00New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.300.330.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.24$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.50$0.821.5 17.0 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.#N/ANew MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-38 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R38 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R38 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R30 and less than or equal to R-38. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.140.150.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.57$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.89$0.421.2 39.2 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.#N/AREE00147Yes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R30per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.430.460.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.51$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.61$1.703.8 (32.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.#N/ANew MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-38 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.590.640.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.64$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.77$1.553.0 (24.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.#N/ANew MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-49 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.66$0$045.0Deemed0.730.790.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.81$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.98$1.332.4 (12.2)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$21.97$0$045.0Deemed23.2325.330.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.84$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.02$1.302.3 (10.1)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL22 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$21.97$0$045.0Deemed13.3414.540.400.000.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.47$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.77$0.541.3 32.3 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Single Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Single Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowSingle Pane BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be single glazed with wood or metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$20.61$0$045.0Deemed21.2823.210.400.010.210.01$1.12$0.22$0.86$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.04$1.272.2 (8.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Double Pane to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL30 Prime Window Replacement of Double Pane Baseper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowDouble Pane Metal Frame BaseWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower. Existing window must be double glazed with metal frame.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$20.61$0$045.0Deemed11.3912.420.400.000.210.01$1.12$0.22$1.61$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.95$0.371.2 42.1 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 30 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL30 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 30 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.35 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.89$0$045.0Deemed1.341.460.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.60$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.72$1.603.2 (26.9)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingPrime Window or Patio Door ReplacementWindows - Class 35 to Class 22 - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)WINDOW CL35 to CL22 Upgradeper sq.ft. of window areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionClass 22 WindowU-Factor UpgradeWindow and Door installations shall be in substantial compliance with the RTF Weatherization Specifications. Prime windows must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.22 or lower. Patio doors must have an NFRC rated U-factor of 0.30 or lower.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$2.25$0$045.0Deemed3.293.580.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.61$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.74$1.583.1 (25.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInfiltration ControlInfiltration Reduction - 0.1 ACHn reduction - Heating Zone 1 (Zonal Heating System)0.1 air changes per hour (ach) reductionper sq.ft. of conditioned floor areaSingle FamilyExisting Constructionn/an/aChange in air change rate must be verified through pre and post measurement of infilitration/exfiltration using blower door per the protocols described in Appendix T, Part 1 "Field Verification Protocol for Determining Reduction in Infiltration Levels and Mechanical Ventilation Requirements for Site Built and Mobile Homes with Verified Air Sealing." Mechanical ventilation systems must be installed in substantial compliance with Appendix T, Part 2 in all homes for which verified reductions in air infiltration/exfiltration are claimed. Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 1$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.490.540.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.33$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.40$1.925.9 (45.1)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Walls - R-0 to R-11 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)WALL R0 - R11per sq.ft. of wall areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionWall InsulationWALL R0 - R11No existing wall insulation. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.97$0$045.0Deemed2.132.330.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.41$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.49$1.824.7 (39.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R19per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R19Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.87$0$045.0Deemed1.531.670.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.51$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.61$1.713.8 (33.1)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-0 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R0 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R0 - R30Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$1.37$0$045.0Deemed1.912.080.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.64$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.77$1.543.0 (24.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Floors - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)FLOOR R19 - R30per sq.ft. of floor areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionFloor InsulationFLOOR R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.50$0$045.0Deemed0.380.410.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.18$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.43$0.891.6 12.8 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-19 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R19 per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R19 Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed2.132.320.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.18$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.21$2.1010.9 (55.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R38Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.84$0$045.0Deemed2.923.190.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.26$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.31$2.017.5 (50.0)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-0 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R0 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R0 - R49Existing insulation must be less than R-11. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$1.08$0$045.0Deemed3.113.390.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.31$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.38$1.946.2 (46.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.18$0$045.0Deemed0.220.240.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.72$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.86$1.452.7 (18.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-30 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R30 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R30 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R-19 or less than or equal to R-29. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.410.440.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.92$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.11$1.202.1 (4.8)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-38 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R38 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R38 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than R30 and less than or equal to R-38. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.190.200.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$1.16$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$1.40$0.911.6 11.6 0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-30 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R30per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R30Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.24$0$045.0Deemed0.570.630.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.38$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.46$1.865.1 (41.7)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-38 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R38per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R38Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.42$0$045.0Deemed0.790.870.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.47$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.57$1.754.1 (35.3)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes
ResidentialEnvelope - ExistingInsulationSingle Family Weatherization - Insulate Attic - R-19 to R-49 - Heating Zone 2 (Zonal Heating System)ATTIC R19 - R49per sq.ft. of attic areaSingle FamilyExisting ConstructionAttic InsulationATTIC R19 - R49Existing insulation must be greater than or equal to R11 and less than or equal to R-19. Insulation must be installed in substantial compliance with the RTF's weatherization specifications for site built homes.Single Family Dwelling with Zonal Electric Heating System NoHeating Zone 2$0.66$0$045.0Deemed0.981.070.400.000.210.00$1.12$0.22$0.60$0.00$0.00$0.21$0.00$0.00$2.31$0.73$1.593.2 (26.4)0.0 Increased comfort, reduced noiseReduced environmental impacts from electricity generationSavings assume that program is operated in accordance with existing Bonneville Power Administration Weatherization program (WeatherWise) specifications, including home qualification and quality assurance process.New MeasureYes