第 1 張,共 5 張

Handover checklist for digital partners

第 2 張,共 5 張

Your Catalyst project has come to an end - what happens next?

Phew, well done, it’s a wrap!

As you wrap up the project we want to make sure that the handover is as simple and smooth as possible for all parties involved. So we’ve put together this checklist which will help ensure that:

  • The charity you worked with is in a good position to carry on using, maintaining and developing what you created with them.
  • The Catalyst team has access to the source code, README documentation and other design assets to ensure that the solution you built can easily be reused by other organisations.
  • You’ve met the ‘Definition of Done’ as stated in your contract at the beginning of the project.

Once you’ve gone through the checklist, please could you submit this information either through our handover form or through your own handover document.

Any questions? Send them over to your connector and we’ll reply asap.

第 3 張,共 5 張

Handover checklist - General information

As part of your handover, we’re asking you to confirm the following:

  • You’ve met the Definition of Done as stated in your Catalyst agreement.
  • You’ve created a handover README/documentation/user manual and shared it with your charity and connector
  • You’ve given a final demo of the solution you’ve developed to your charity
  • You’ve trained members of the charity team to maintain/update the solution and/or ensure they can carry on development work
  • You’ve outlined any ongoing costs for your charity to maintain the solution developed
  • You’ve created a roadmap outlining clear next steps for your charity
  • You’ve shared any final design assets (e.g. wireframes, user research personas, click through prototypes) with your charity and Catalyst connector

第 4 張,共 5 張

Handover checklist - Source code repository �Only applicable to projects that that have built a product (e.g. website, app, CRM)

  • You’ve shared the source code repository with your charity and Catalyst connector
  • You’ve taken note of any existing bugs and included them in your handover documentation
  • You’ve shared your QA/Testing scripts with your charity and Catalyst connector
  • You’ve applied an appropriate Open Source license to the source code repository (LGPL preferred)
  • You’ve created clear documentation for spinning the solution up locally/in staging/in production
  • You’ve created a list of current software dependencies
  • You’ve made sure that the repository has no secrets or keys in current or previous commits

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Submitting handover information

Once you’ve gone through the checklist, please could you complete this handover form.�

If you have your own handover document and it covers the points in our checklist, feel free to use that instead.

Any questions? Send them over to your connector and we’ll reply asap.
