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  • BA from Aurora University: Physical Education major, Health & Drivers Ed minor
  • MA from Concordia Chicago: Teacher Leadership
  • I’ve been at MCHS since 2012
  • I am married and have two children (Brooklyn who is 4 and Ben who is 1)

Mrs. Centella

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My Schedule & Contact Info

Schoology will have everything you need: (calendar, assignments, grades, updates, etc.)

Check your school email daily - in case I need to contact you directly

Period 1

Girls Locker Room

Period 2

Strength (weight room)

Period 3

Team Sports (Buckner or Main Gym)

Period 4

Adapted PE (Bucker or Main Gym)

Period 5


Period 6

Fitness for Life (fit/dance area)

Period 7

Fitness for Life (fit/dance area)

Period 8

Plan Period

Mrs. Centella

My Email: centellaanna@dist156.org

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  • An appreciation for lifelong physical activity, health and wellness
  • Learn proper form & safety with a variety of exercises
  • Learn to create and execute your own workout
  • Understand the importance of your heart rate in relation to exercise
  • Gain self confidence
  • Have fun and actually enjoy working out

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  • Strength Training
  • Cardio on the Cardio Machines
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Circuit Training
  • Meditation/Yoga/Mind & Body
  • You will create your own workout and execute it in class

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MONDAY - Upper Body

TUESDAY - Cardio Day (bikes)

WEDNESDAY - High Intensity

THURSDAY - Lower Body

FRIDAY - Choice Day

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It is expected that you dress in the proper PE uniform everyday.

We have a rental system in each locker room. If you forget your PE uniform or shoes, you can rent for .25 cents a piece, otherwise you take a no-dress.

Proper PE Uniform:

  • PE shirt and shorts ($10 each)

- no jeans underneath PE shorts or it is a no-dress

- sweatpants and leggings under your PE shorts are acceptable

- sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts under your PE shirt are acceptable

  • Gym shoes

Phones are not allowed during class, keep locked in locker.

Tuesday you can bring your phone when on bikes.

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If you come to class not dressed in your proper PE uniform, you will get a no-dress.

A no-dress means you will sit out and lose your points for the day, which you cannot makeup, followed by the consequence below.

Step 1- Teacher Detention- Parent contact by teacher

Step 2- Teacher Detention- Parent contact by teacher

Step 3- Referral to Assistant Principal / Dean of Students

Step 4- Referral to Assistant Principal / Dean of Students

Step 5- Parent meeting and Administrative Review

  • Failing grade and dropped from PE
  • Repeating of the class is mandatory and at the same grade level they were removed

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If you miss a PE class, you lose your points for the day (10 points).

From here, you have 2 choices:

  • Lose your points for the class you missed (results in a lower grade)
  • Make up a PE class (you get your points back for the day you missed)

How do you make-up a PE Class?

  • You have 1 week from your absence to complete a makeup
  • Show evidence to your teacher of at least a 20 minute workout you did on your own. Ex.) data from fitbit or apple watch with date & time, Screenshot of map my run with date & time
  • Come in during AIM and complete a workout

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Grading Policy

Daily Points:

  • 10 per day
  • Based on proper PE uniform, actively participating, attitude, & cooperation

Semester Grade Calculation:

Unit Activity 54% - Daily workouts

Fitness 27% - fitness testing, time in target heart rate zone

Cognitive 9% - Assessments and assignments

Percentage Scale:

A 90 - 100

B 80 - 89

C 70 - 79

D 60 - 69

F 0 - 59

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Locks & Locker Room

Students will be issued a school lock and locker the first day of school during PE class.

Students will return their issued school lock at the end of the year. If they lose the lock, $5 will be charged to their account.

Do NOT give your combination to anyone and keep all personal belongings locked up. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Report any problems to your teacher immediately.

Come on time to the locker room. Doors will be locked when the bell rings.

Remain in the locker room until the bell rings or receive a “class cut” consequence.

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Medical Excuses

Must have a Doctor’s note prior to being excused - take note directly to nurse.

Doctor could fax note over to nurse: 866-904-9953

Students are not penalized while on a medically excused reason.

It is the student’s responsibility to return to class when your medical ends.

Parent note for illness for up to 2 days – may make up the class during A.I.M.

Please let your PE teacher know if you have a medical condition that they should know about.

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Tips for Success

Come to class on time, dressed in your proper PE uniform and ready to actively participate.

Take ownership of your health by completing the workout of the day honestly. Always communicate respectfully with me about any concerns or questions you have.

Be positive with yourself and others. Take pride in yourself and your accomplishments each day.

Show Up!

Take Ownership

Positive Mindset

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Use for extra support in this class! Chat with a tutor if you get stuck on an assignment or submit an essay for extra feedback.

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Use for extra support in this class! Chat with a tutor if you get stuck on homework, or if you would like support or extra practice with a

specific math


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McHenry Community High School

District Make-up Policy

Students are required to contact their teachers, immediately upon their return to school, regarding make-up work (activities, classroom assignments, assessments,etc.). Student and teacher should determine an agreed upon due date for submitting work. All missing work should be submitted within no more than 7 school days (from original absence). It should be understood that some work, such as labs, oral presentations, class discussions, cannot be replicated. After seven days it will be up to the teacher’s discretion on allowing make-up work.

For truancy and class cuts, students will not be permitted to earn points for any work completed in or out of class that falls in the behavioral/compliance categories. They may, however, earn points for any missed academic assessments/assignments.

Retakes/Missing Work Timeline

All Retakes should be done in a timely manner for the relearning of identified skills. Students should communicate with teachers to arrange retakes within a maximum of seven school days from the time of the assessment, paper, or project. All missing work should be submitted to teachers no later than 7 school days after due.

Grading Policy Updates

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McHenry Community High School

Student Responsibilities in Learning

Attend each class and arrive in class on time. School Attendance is the most important factor related to your success! Data shows that 90% is the minimum standard for school success.

If an absence occurs that is not school-related, follow these procedures:

a) Have your parent/guardian call the attendance office before 10:00 a.m. each day you are absent.

b) If a parent/guardian does not call or a signed note is not presented to the attendance office within 1 school day after the absence, it will be marked as truant.

c) Students are required to contact their teachers regarding makeup work (activities, classroom assignments, assessments, etc.) and determine an agreed due date. Makeup work should be submitted within no more than 7 school days of the original absence. After seven days it will be up to the discretion of the teacher.