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10/24 DECA Meeting

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  • Coordinator Announcement
  • Dues
  • Upcoming Events
  • Trick or Can
  • Reminders/Housekeeping

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DECA Coordinators 2022-2023

  • Competition - Sean Samels
  • Community Outreach - Tucker Matrisch
  • Finance - Jack Steck
  • Marketing - Siera Bellue
  • Member Relations - Bailey Jenness
  • Professional Development - Mitchell Salentine

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Dues/ Finances

  • $65
  • Due Tonight! → Venmo (@DECA_UW) or cash
  • Please speak with us if you have any concerns or need an extension
  • Must be paid to compete at Regionals
  • Goes towards national/state DECA fees, t-shirts, etc.

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Upcoming Events

  • Trash Pick-Up → Sundays, November 6th at 1pm
    • Help clean up Brittingham Park
  • Northwestern Mutual Interview Skills Workshop → Monday, November 7th
    • Network with and learn from NWM
    • Improve skills for competition
    • Please fill out RSVP form here by Tuesday, November 1st
  • Regionals Competition → Saturday, November 19th in Madison
    • Low stakes opportunity to get competition practice and see how you are doing
    • Fewer events than state, but still good options and practice
    • More information to come
    • Competition prep meeting on Monday, November 14th

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Trick or Can

If you didn’t bring any items, feel free to Venmo us @DECA_UW and we will purchase them for you.

Go to gimkit.com/live

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Follow Us on Social Media!

UW Madison Collegiate DECA




if you aren’t following the instagram account, take out your phone and do it right now! - syd :-)

DECA Month coming up soon!

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Reminders/Upcoming Events

  • NEXT WEEK: No Meeting, Happy Halloween!
  • Upcoming Community Service: Trash Pick up at Brittingham Park
    • Sunday, November 6th at 1pm
  • Next Meeting: Northwestern Mutual Workshop
    • Monday, November 7th at 6pm RSVP here!
  • Regionals Competition on Saturday, November 19th
  • November is DECA month! Keep up with social media for updates
  • Check email for updates!
  • Check out our website for meeting links, competition prep, contact information, and more!!