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Week 12

Advanced Course in Programming


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Last Week

List comprehension

Filtering items in comprehensions

Dictionary comprehensions


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Problematic if we want to sort something like tuples or our own objects

E.g. tuples are by default sorted based on their first item

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Solution: provide your own value function

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Defining functions inside other functions

A "helper function" that is not needed elsewhere can be defined inside other function

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Creates an anonymous function


lambda <parameters> : <expression>

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For example

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That means that…

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Min and max

Functions min and max also have an optional key parameter

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Function as an argument

In Python, a function can be passed as an argument:

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Sometimes it would be useful to return values from a "series" one at a time without needing to generate the entire list

For this reason, we can use generator functions

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For example

Generator which returns values until maximum

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Generator throws a StopIteration event when there are no more values to fetch

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Generator "comprehension"

An alternative syntax for creating a generator with a single expression

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Functional programming

A programming paradigm where the changes in state are avoided

Lambda and expressions are examples of this

Other paradigms:

  • Imperative
  • Procedural
  • Object-oriented

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Performs the given operation for all items in the sequence

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Return value of map

map does not return a list; instead, it returns a sequence which can be iterated once

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Only selects some of the items in the original sequence based on a condition

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Reduces the iterable sequence into a single value

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Regular Expressions

A "language" for filtering and searching for strings

Own syntax for defining the set of accepted strings

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In Python

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Alternative choices can be defined with a vertical bar

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Rules (2)

A group of accepted characters (or substrings) is given in square brackets

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Rules (3)

Number required:

* zero or more

+ one or more

{m} exactly m

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Other special characters

Dot denotes any character

^ means that the match must be in the beginning

$ means that the match must be in the end

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Next Week

One more lecture.

Game programming with Pygame