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Tensorflow Intro

B03901048 EE3 Ching-Lun Tai

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1) Building neural networks 2) Visualization

- About Tensorflow - Result visualization

- Session - Tensorboard

- Variables & Scope 3) Appendix

- Placeholder - Activation functions & Optimizers

- Define add_layer - Reference

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Building NN

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Find toolkit? Tensorflow!

Q: What is Tensorflow?

A: A python-based toolkit for neural networks developed by Google.

Q: Advantages?

A: Open source, visualizable, and many metaframeworks for use!

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Processing structure

-data-flow graph based

(method of visualization will be discussed later)

-node: mathematical operation

-line: data between nodes, represented by tensors.

0-dim: scalars

1-dim: vectors

2↑-dim: matrices

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General Principle

To build a neural network with Tensorflow, you can follow the steps below:

1) Import the modules you need.

2) Define an add_layer function to construct layers.

3) Define the variables and initialize them.

4) Create a session to perform the operation.

5) Build the NN, and send data with placeholders and feed_dict.

6) Train and test the NN, and observe the results with Tensorboard.

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Importing module


-result visualization (will be discussed later)

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Session (1)

To control the operation of our program, we have to create a session.

There are two ways to create a session.

Ex: A simple matrix multiplication

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Session (2)

-method 1: create a variable for a session

-method 2: use with to create a session

→Remember to capitalize the S!

→Remember to close the session if using this method!

→If you choose to use with, you don’t have to close the session explicitly.

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Variables & Scope (1)

There are two kinds of scopes and two methods of creating variables.

I. tf.name_scope()

Note: Tensorflow adopts the data type float32 only! (neglect few exceptions)

Remember to define the data type!

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Variables & Scope (2)

Result of I.

tf.get_variable→no effect!!

tf.Variable→names will change!!

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Variables & Scope (3)

II. tf.variable_scope()→to reuse the variables

If you want to reuse some variables, remember to add the following line:


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Variables & Scope (4)

Result of II.

tf.get_variable→can be reused!!

tf.Variable→names will change!!

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Variables & Scope (5)

1) If you define any variable, remember to initialize with the following lines:

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

So important that we repeat 3 times !!

2) Activate the initialization with session using the following line:


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Placeholder (1)

If we want to send the “outside” data into our neural networks, we have to use placeholder as a container.

1) Define the data type of the placeholder

Note: Tensorflow adopts the data type float32 only! (neglect few exceptions)

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Placeholder (2)

2) Use session to perform the “sending”, and we employ feed_dict={} to designate the variables that will be sent in.

Note: It method 2 of creating a session is used, we don’t need to close it explicitly!

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Define add_layer

We can define a function add_layer for further additions of layers in our neural networks.

Note: The value of biases are suggested not to be zero and can be adjusted.

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Example: building a simple neural network

After we introduce the basic use of Tensorflow, you can try building your own neural network!

If you are a newcomer to Tensorflow, you can run the following example found on the Internet:


It will definitely help you grasp the concept of building a neural network with Tensorflow!

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Result visualization (1)

For intuitive visulaization of our results, we can generate some plots.

1) Import the module

2) plt.figure()add_subplot()plt.show()

ax.scatter→scattering plot


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Result visualization (2)

3) For continuous display, add the following line:



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Tensorboard (1)

Tensorflow features Tensorboard, which can help us analyze our neural networks.

Note: It is better to use Google Chrome to browse Tensorboard.

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Tensorboard (2)


1) Define the names (inputs, weights ,biases, loss, ...)

Ex: Inputs

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Tensorboard (3)

2) Create a session and use tf.summary.FileWriter() to restore the graph

3) Go back to your terminal and enter the following command line:

tensorboard --logdir='logs/'

4) Copy the website address displayed on your terminal to the web browser and you can see the Tensorboard!

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Tensorboard (4)

There are two kinds of summary diagrams.

I. tf.scalar_summary()→loss

II. tf.histogram_summary()→others(weights, biases, outputs, ...)


(1) These two kinds of summary diagrams must be used together, otherwise there may be some bugs!

(2) The diagrams will dynamically change when the program is running!

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Activation functions & Optimizers

I. Activation functions


II. Optimizers


Basic: GradientDescentOptimizer

Advanced: MomentumOptimizer & AdamOptimizer

Alphago (a.k.a. master): RMSPropOptimizer

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