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How to Build HUGE Email Lists Quickly

Without Ad Costs*

*Make a profit WHILE collecting them.


Dave “Bluehair” Giovacchini

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How To Build a Huge List of Interested Subscribers WithOUT Having to Pay for them

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Are you ready to get started?

To get slides from this presentation:


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My Intent Today…

  • Show you how to offset or eliminate your email acquisition costs as much as possible in order to remain competitive.

(The #1 biggest hurdle to success).

This allows smaller list owners to prosper and large list owners to spend MORE to acquire LARGER lists...

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WHY? (this is where I am supposed to show you a lamborhini)

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‘cause this industry is FUN!


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  • This industry is awesome!
  • If you are small….You are going to get outspent acquiring customers….
  • We will fix that today.
  • Email is SUPER efficient and inexpensive
  • Even with FB and other platforms emerging with new technologies they STILL see EMAIL as their Main competitor.
  • Gone are the days of ‘spray and pray’.
  • If you can reduce or eliminate your capture cost you can compete with HUGE branding budgets.


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Dave Giovacchini

  • Super Affiliate”
  • ClickFunnels “2 Comma Club Member”
  • Over 11 years doing this!
  • I make my money using my techniques.
  • First 6 figure month in 2010
  • Affiliate Summit Advisory Board Member
  • I Like to travel and float on things

and some people call me “BlueHair Dave”

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The EXACT techniques I am going to show you got me this.

2 Comma Club Award

5 months = 650k Subscribers

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NOTE of Importance

I make almost ALL of my income from actually doing my processes.

I am not pitching software etc.

I decided to apply for this speaking spot because it was something I would want to learn about.

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How does this apply to you?

  • You are probably facing similar problems
  • #1 problem for online and most home based and small Online businesses is AD SPEND for customer acquisition
  • You WILL get outspent…
  • But ..You can get RID of and ELIMINATE this factor
  • SCALE UP QUICKLY and monetize further with emails that YOU own.
  • This ALSO helps you get highly targets lists… making your biz model MORE efficient.
  • ESPs will like you more...

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How does this apply to you?

  • SCALE UP QUICKLY and monetize further with emails that YOU own.
  • This ALSO helps you get highly targets lists… making your biz model MORE efficient.
  • ESPs will like you more… (Email Service Providers)

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Main ‘Pain Points’

  • High cost of acquiring Email Subscribers
    • You are using FB, Google, Youtube etc Ads, Your own offers etc to get subscribers
    • It keeps getting more expensive
  • Your email ‘reputation’ keeps going bad…
    • ESP’s are more affiliate UNfriendly than ever
    • Targeting stinks. Low open rates. GMAIL ugg.. and NOW AOL & Yahoo are unpredictable...
    • domain rep in the toilet using rented lists.

Trouble getting large numbers of subscribers and/or monetizing them..

    • People don’t sign up for your offers
    • They don’t get or open your emails
    • Complaints

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Ways to FIX ‘Pain Points’

  • Lower the COSTS of collecting the subscribers

  • Keep your reputation ‘clean’ with targeted lists…

  • Offer them something in return they want!

  • Make MORE per subscriber by monetizing further...

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The 3 Objectives…

  • Objective #1 – Collect Huge Opt In Email list of Subscribers.
  • Objective #2 – Target exactly the RIGHT subscribers
  • Objective #3 Offset the cost & Get Paid WHILE collecting Emails to eliminate ad costs!

THIS all allows you to CRUSH your competition.

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  • #1 – Collect Huge Opt In Email list of Subscribers.

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Why is Objective #1 important?

(this is worth going over quickly)

  • Emails are a VERY valuable asset
  • You own them and FB or Google Does NOT
  • Gift that keeps on giving
  • You have a large list you have a business. Period. (think brick and mortar.. carpet cleaning)
  • Cost VERY little to Remarket continually

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What we USED to do..

  • When I started online marketing I only did a 1 to 1 transaction with rented lists..
  • Once it is done. No more earnings…
  • Not really a good business model anymore..

Email or Paid Ad

Advertisers Page


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What we do now..

  • Collect email address before sending them on their way to the offer.
  • Remarket to subscribers
  • Offset costs of acquiring subscribers

Email or Paid Ad

Advertisers Page


My Optin Page

Free offer or info

Email Submit Page

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This isn’t NEW of course but a variation...

  • Once I started to Collect emails I could remarket to the same people. Without the list diluting rapidly because 100 other mailers were hitting them.
  • Increasing My ROI over 1000%
  • Zillow, Redfin, Co-Reg sites, Groupon, DailyDeals etc. (most affiliate offers), Survey sites..
  • Just take a look at the offers at your favorite affiliate network.. a HUGE amount of them exist to get emails and offset costs..
  • Scaling up and you have a hugely profitable Business model with minimal sized team.

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The Point Is…….

To survive you need to get emails for LESS and Make MORE on each email you get….

You can USE this to capture your OWN emails WHILE getting PAID by the same Advertisers trying to compete with you.

Match offers to the list you want to capture

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But DAVE!........

“Don’t my conversions go down?”

Yes, but NOT AS MUCH as you think.. and the traffic that Does stay is MORE likely to fill out the advertisers offer….

HIGHER conversions on my campaigns asking for email first!

Only 2-5% of visitors convert on the Offer Page

(keep ‘giving them another shot’ via email…)

In many cases, my funnels act as a pre-sale page… i.e. use a quick survey to remind them of their pain points.

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Objective #2 – Target exactly the RIGHT subscribers

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#2 Targeting The Right People

  • Collect your emails IN FRONT of the advertiser…
  • You essentially get ‘FIRST DIBS’ on them.
  • You know EXACTLY what they are interested in. THEY ASKED to get the info..

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You may have noticed A LOT of this revolves around a “Lead Magnet”

  • Offer something ‘related’ to what you eventually want to sell them.
  • You will get your subscribers for MUCH CHEAPER than directly advertising your product to them.
  • Most of my Campaigns do BETTER with my own email optin than if I were advertising my final offer directly!

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Lead Magnet Techniques

  • Hit them sideways:
    • Selling Home repair services? Offer up a Free List of Common Mistakes and how to avoid them for DIY or a list of Top 10 tax breaks or loopholes to write off home repairs..
  • CURATE for them: You don’t need to spend money on your lead magnet or that much time. Find things online and put the links into a PDF so they have all the info in one place. You can even further monetize by sending them to a listicle page with more affiliate offers!
  • The lead magnet offers incentive to OPEN your emails and you get the lead MUCH cheaper.. offering them value for free…. before you offer them a paid service.

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This guy is paying your ad costs!

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Reverse these headlines

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#2 When you OWN your lists it opens up more monetization possibilities.

  • Now you can sell the lists
  • You can collect phone numbers
  • You can utilize ‘call centers’ and ‘SMS’
  • You know EXACTLY what they are interested in. THEY ASKED to get the info..You control the legal disclaimers.
  • This can skyrocket your ROI and open up more possibilities.

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FB ads

Email Opt In Page


Affiliate Offer Landing Page or Pages




Sell data or revshare call centers

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  • Objective #3 – Get Paid WHILE collecting Emails to Eliminate Ad Costs!

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This guy is paying your ad costs!

**Caution on using CBD on FB Ads.

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A Little Case Study…

  • Did a sample for this master class
  • 2 page SIMPLE funnel
  • Made a profit while collecting email list!

See the results!

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Another set of campaigns in Facebook:

.86 per new email subscriber cost

EPC of about $1.80

(around 100% profit after exit offer)

50% Optin Rate

Over 34,000 new subscribers/customers

This is good on its own merits but…

I made substantial ROI collecting these with the right ‘exit offer’ related to my ‘lead magnet’

I can’t share the exact amount for obvious reasons 😃😁😁

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Approx 50% conversion rate

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My small test just for an example with small scaling would net over 30k email in 4 weeks….

  • What kind of power does 30k HIGHLY TARGETED emails daily give you?
  • What about after 3 months? 90k HIGHLY TARGETED emails?

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If you are interested in building HUGE lists and monetizing them.

I have a huge discount for Mailcon Attendees.



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Doesn’t need to be complicated

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Sometimes a ‘survey’ or ‘active user’ funnel works best..

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Advertisers Page

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FB ads

Email Opt In Page


Affiliate Offer Landing Page or Pages




Sell data or revshare call centers

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  • Page is about solution

  • Quiz or survey or FREE something

  • Domain advertises FREE and

  • product that might be banned.

  • ‘Trial’ and ‘Info’

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If you are interested in building HUGE lists and monetizing them.

I have a huge discount for Mailcon Attendees.

