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How we made the Membership Guide

Hacks/Hackers London

Oct. 21, 2020


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The Membership Guide







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The Membership Guide

A tactical, practical guide to implementing membership, including best practices, step-by-step advice, and case studies

Produced by the Membership Guide team. Published by the Membership Puzzle Project and the Lenfest Institute for Journalism, with support from Google News Initiative.


@MembershipPzzle @lenfestinst

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  • We needed to turn 3+ years of global research into a useful tool.
  • Membership had gained a lot of traction, but establishment of best practices was still nascent and U.S.-centric.
  • Our field scan revealed that:
    • There was little implementation-focused membership research out there
    • Case studies rarely followed a “try” long enough to see if it worked, and rarely dug into process enough for others to try it at home.
  • And then there was the pandemic.

The Membership Guide challenge

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  • Avoid abstractions. Focus on real-world insight and applicable knowledge for DOING membership.
  • Clearly differentiate membership strategies from donation and subscription strategies.
  • Address diversity, equity, inclusion, and privacy throughout, not as a standalone section.
  • Emphasize changes in editorial orientation required for creating robust membership programs.
  • Widen definitions of how members can contribute resources beyond money.

Guiding Principles prior to user research

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  • Six categories of users with distinct needs, constraints, and opportunities
    • Independent regional and single-subject nonprofit newsrooms
    • Small local newsrooms, likely digital native
    • Public media organizations (largely local NPR and APM affiliates)
    • Legacy metro dailies
    • BIPOC-run and focused newsrooms
    • Newsrooms with membership outside U.S. and Western Europe

User research process

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  • What does the word “membership” mean to you and to your organization?
  • What’s your role, and who held it before you?
  • Where does your role fit in the organizational structure?
  • How is membership performance measured?
  • What do you and your organization find most challenging about implementing membership?

We asked them questions such as…

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As publisher, [name] wants to know how to assess whether a “try” will be worth the investment before launching so that they can make smarter decisions about how to invest resources. They are looking for support in predictive analytics and user research.

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A few user research findings

  • They want to know the “right” way to staff their membership efforts.
  • They want to know what metrics to pay attention to. They understand there are few definitive answers, but hope to make more educated guesses.
  • They feel a tension between their commitment to equity and defining “member” as only those who pay.
  • They want to know if their media market need to be a certain size or have a certain average income level for membership to be viable.
  • They want to know how to frame membership in countries where being a member is a political/anti-government statement.

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Review Committee recommendations

  • Clear advice on adaptation for single-person newsrooms
  • A more expansive definition of member
  • Deeper probing between the exclusiveness of membership and a commitment to inclusion and equity
  • Simpler advice on tech and benchmarks
  • A detailed, practical look at what it means to be a member-owner (a case study of cooperative ownership)

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  • Goals: What is the value proposition of MPP? What problem are you trying to solve? What is your primary goal? What is your secondary goal? What will success look like?
  • Competitors: What do you like about their work? What don’t you like?
  • Inspirations: What do you like about these inspirations?
  • Creative directions: What will this handbook offer? How do you want them to feel? What should this look like?

Design discovery process

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  • Problem to solve: Membership research and best practices remain piecemeal, disjointed, and scattered across the internet. This handbook will bring essential knowledge into one container, designed approachably enough so newsrooms can educate themselves.
  • Primary goal: Create a modular membership handbook that allows users to chart their own journey. It should be an interactive tool rather than a static report, and it should help newsrooms feel empowered to lead their own membership discovery and implementation, without a consultant.

Design discovery process

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Organizing content by stages

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Glossary terms

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Structured search results

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Editorial tone and voice

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Trustworthy branding

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Case study filters

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Case study quick view

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Abandoned features

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