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How High can it go?


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The Purpose of this experiment is to test different rocket engines with the same rocket

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If Model Rocket “A” (H: 29.0 inches W: 3.20 Oz) is tested using two different Rocket Engines B6-4, C6-5 then the Rocket would fly higher with the more powerful engine due to C6-5 having more fuel.

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1. Assemble the Model Rockets A.

2. Select the Rocket launch site. Examples Commons park, Wellington Park or any other public park.

3. Prepare the Rocket Launchpad

4. Insert the Altimeter, and the parachute into the rocket.

5. Insert the Engine B6-4 or C6-5 into the rocket

6. Slide the Model Rocket onto the launch rod

7. Connect the igniter on the model rocket to the launch controller

8. Do a quick safety check

9. Get the cameras ready

10. Countdown from 10

10. Launch the Rocket!

11. Recover the Rocket

12. Get the data from the altimeter and repeat from step 3 (3 times with each rocket engine)

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Data Tables

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Based on my findings, rocket A flew a higher distance with the C6-5 solid fuel rocket engine and I can conclude, that there's a difference between the different levels of rocket engines.

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Real world connection

The weight of a rocket is the force that opposes motion and thrust. A heavier rocket requires more thrust to reach space, which ultimately increases the overall cost of the Rocket. Engineers try to find ways to increase the output of thrust from their engines making them more efficient to lift more weight.

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Final Pictures,Videos,and Links!

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Final Pictures,Videos,and Links!

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Final Pictures,Videos,and Links!

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Final Pictures,Videos,and Links!
