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My New School St Raphael’s

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St Raphael’s is my Primary School.

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When I go to school I will

wear a uniform. This uniform

shows I belong to St Raphael’s.

I will also have a smart new

school bag and a sun hat.

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When I get to school, I will walk inside the Foundation Learning Space through this door.

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My teachers Ms Slattery and Ms Uzunovski will greet me at the door. If I am sad or I need help, they will look after me.

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I will find my locker and I will put my bag in it.

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Now I will be able to play. I can play in lots of Investigation areas with my new friends.

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If I need to go to the toilet, I have to tell a teacher. At school we always walk to the toilet with a partner. After we go to the toilet, we always wash our hands. We always go back to our learning space together.

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At 11am we eat our lunch. At 2pm, we eat our snack. If the weather is good, we eat outside at the picnic tables.

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During recess, we get to play outside. We can play on the playground, in the sandpit, on Grass land or on Green land. Our buddies will help look after us when we are outside.

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This is our School Principal. His name is Mr Howard. When we try our best and do good work, we get to visit him in his office. He gives us cool stickers and tells us how proud of us he is.

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At 3:30pm, it’s time to go home. Our teachers will walk outside with us and we will meet whoever is picking us up in the school yard. We never go outside our school by ourselves.

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School is a great place. I can’t wait to learn new things, meet new friends and have lots of fun!