1 of 5

WALT: understand the meaning of =, < and >.

2 of 5

Getting started

Koko went flying again. This time, he went flying over the city.

Koko noticed that there were many tall and short buildings, but also some that had the same amount of floors.

Looking at the buildings, what do you think 4 = 4 means?

3 of 5

Is it greater than, equal to or less than?


5 + 4



7 + 3





10 + 10

4 x 2


6 + 2

4 + 3


5 - 2

8 + 6


7 + 4

5 + 9


6 + 10

17- 6


3 x 4

45 - 9


5 x 4

Write T next to the True statements and F next to the False statements.

4 of 5

What does the symbol represent?

Koko saw these birds on his flight.

Which of <, > or = goes in the middle box?

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird

The number of bird and bird

The number of bird and bird

The number of bird and bird

The number of bird and bird

The number of bird and bird

5 of 5

Formulated Sheets

Choose one of the sheets from this page here. Screenshot the sheet and paste it here. Insert your answers in the box.

Insert screenshot of Formulated Sheets here

Write your answers here: