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SAP Plant Maintenance


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BS22 (as of to-date) is still not available in Standard IMG menu,

only via Command Box Navigation by typing BS22

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Purpose 1 of BS22

To change the System Status Text

for Login Language

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For example, the Short Text to be changed to “Order Released”

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New Short Text for REL

“Order Released”

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MO is Released

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Bear in mind this change

  • Require Transport
  • System wide and NOT Plant NOR Order Type Specific

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Purpose 2 of BS22

Not show in application

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Currently System Status “ESTC” is displayed in the MO if Estimated Cost was Entered in the Order

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Enter Estimated Cost in the MO then Release the MO

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“No Display” Not set, so it is NOT Switched Off

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Now Lets Switch it OFF (Not to be Displayed in the Application)

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Enter Estimated Cost in the MO then Release the MO

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Note System Status “ESTC” no longer shown in the application despite Estimate Cost was entered in the MO

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Purpose 3 of BS22

Determine which business activity influences the setting of the System Status.

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Use this ICON to check which business activity influences the setting of the System Status “CNF”

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Business Activities that is affected by the “CNF”

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Double-click to check the list of business activities for the System Status

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Purpose 4 of BS22

Change the INFLENCEs of the Business Activities

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SORT this list based on Status Code instead of Status number.

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Now the list is SORTED by Status Code,



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After TECO,

Goods Movement still allowed.

(Delivered by SAP)


however is for SD

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Currently MO 816046

is now TECOed

now the MO is w/o goods movement

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Perform GI to the already TECOed


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GMPS is Material Posted

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to Forbidden

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A new MO created with TECO, next MIGO to this MO should be Forbidden

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Business Activity “RMWA” Forbidden

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RMWA is to control goods movement generally in MIGO

SDGI is control goods movement for SD

Careful to select the right

Business Activity as this config affects Order Types

System Wide

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When making changes here:

  • Beware that the right Business Activity (Business Trx) is selected.
  • Ensure it is TESTed thoroughly before release for Production.
  • Note the Configuration affects ALL Order Types at the CLIENT level.
  • Some of the Business Activity may affect multiple modules using different Order Types.
  • Some of the INFLUENCING factors are delivered by SAP as Allowed, Warning or Forbidden because it is a LOGICAL business design. Becareful when changing it and make sure all parties understand its impact. Therefore, thorough testing is required.