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Engineering Readiness Writing�Seniors, S2

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Create reflection and evidence files for

  • Reflection Name and Title: If these are not in place, faculty may not score your reflection.
  • First and last name is in the upper left hand corner.
  • Title of Readiness Writing Reflection is centered at the top, and must include the year, the semester, reflection area, and name in this format 19-20 –s2-engineering-reflection-lastname 
  • File is named correctly. Example: 19-20-s2-engineering-lastname
  • Evidence Name and Title: If these are not in place, faculty may not score your reflection.
  • The evidence file must include the student's name, voice, or image of the student working on the project.
  • Title of Readiness Writing Evidence is centered at the top of each evidence document, and must include the year, the semester, reflection area, and name in this format 19-20-s2-engineering-evidence-lastname

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Evidence: Follow this model as you write your evidence paragraph. You will use a picture from the Internet or your job shadow, with internet research if needed, to explain what the person is designing or building and the problem it is solving or the need that it is fulfilling. Include the source of your information and its URL.

  • Students include a claim that answers the question what did you design or build to solve a problem or fulfill someone’s need?  
  • When you design something, you plan how it will be built; therefore, your evidence will be the plan, sketch, drawing, that you created  before you began to build. When you discuss how you designed something, you need to give details about why you designed it  for each part of the design.
  • When you build something, you use a plan to construct by putting parts or material together over a period of time. When you write your steps, you must include details about HOW you built it.
  • State what you designed or built and why you designed or built it


Chiropractors design treatment plans using a form, digital or paper. According to SPINE-health, https://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/chiropractic-treatment-program-guidelines, a common treatment plan would include “advice on how to avoid future problems by evaluating lifestyle activities, ergonomics, posture, orthotics, and/or diet. Proactive recommendations include exercises and stretches; ergonomic tools like back supports, belts, or pillows; home rehabilitation tools like foam roller, elastic bands; orthotics; and/or dietary support.

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  • Students include a claim that answers the question what did you design or build to solve a problem or fulfill someone’s need?  
  • When you design something, you plan how it will be built; therefore, your evidence will be the plan, sketch, drawing, that you created  before you began to build. When you discuss how you designed something, you need to give details about why you designed it  for each part of the design.
  • When you build something, you use a plan to construct by putting parts or material together over a period of time. When you write your steps, you must include details about HOW you built it.
  • State what you designed or built and why you designed or built it.


  • Chiropractors design treatment plans using a form to solve the problem that their patient has and to direct the chiropractor’s treatment of the problem.

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Evidence and Description

  • Describe in detail what you have designed or built. Tell us what the project looks like and what it is made out of. 
    • When you design something, you plan how it will be built; therefore, your evidence will be the plan, sketch, drawing, that you created  before you began to build.
    • When you build something, you use a plan to construct by putting parts or material together over a period of time. Your evidence will be the building process and project.
  • In your evidence, we need to see you doing what you describe in your claim. 
    • Please create a Google Document that includes 3-5 images of you working on the project. The images should show you working at different points in the process. 
    • Each image must have a caption that describes what you are doing at each point.
    • If you do not have this type of evidence, we will need to see a picture of you with the project and a detailed paragraph describing everything that you did to design or build the project.
  • If you talk about building a slide show or something similar using presentation software, you must talk about HOW you made the slides, NOT what is on them. There also must be evidence that the slide show is yours. Put your name on the first slide.

  • Describe in detail what someone working in this field would design or build. Tell us what this project looks like and what it is made out of. (This can be copied from your evidence and placed in the reflection.)


Chiropractors design treatment plans using a form, digital or paper. According to SPINE-health, https://www.spine-health.com/treatment/chiropractic/chiropractic-treatment-program-guidelines, a common treatment plan would include “advice on how to avoid future problems by evaluating lifestyle activities, ergonomics, posture, orthotics, and/or diet. Proactive recommendations include exercises and stretches; ergonomic tools like back supports, belts, or pillows; home rehabilitation tools like foam roller, elastic bands; orthotics; and/or dietary support.

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Step by Step

  • Take us step by step through the process of how you designed or built your project so that we could design or build the project ourselves by simply following your directions.
  • DESIGNING: When you discuss how you designed something, you need to give details about why you designed it  for each part of the design.
  • BUILDING: When you write your steps, you must include details about HOW you built it.
  • The steps must match your evidence and must also be written in your reflection.

Please use the internet to research this. Give the source and its URL.

Take us through the steps that a person in that career would follow to design or build what you names in the claim. State the source that you used for the information.

  • Example:

According to the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society, Inc., and their website http://www.masschiro.org/your-first-chiropractic-visit/, The chiropractor would first get a patient’s history, then he would perform a physical examination that would include orthopedic and neurological tests. After that, the chiropractor would use any diagnostic studies that the chiropractor felt were essential such as x-rays, MRIs, and laboratory tests. The combination of the first three allow the chiropractor to make a diagnosis. Based on that evidence, a treatment plan would be designed that may include chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, ice and heat, traction, soft-tissue massage, and rehabilitative exercises.

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  • Describe a project that you have designed or built in the past that is similar to this project in some way. 
  • What is different about the design process you used for this project, OR what is different about the building process you used for this project?

What have you done in the past that has something in common with this? How is this different?


I have set goals and created the steps that would help me reach those goals, like when I wrote a research paper. The treatment plan is different from that because the goals are based on the progress that is being made and what the chiropractor learns about the injury as work with the patient continues.

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  • Students explain how designing or building was complex (complicated/in-depth). (Projects are complex when they involve more steps or there are more factors that need to be considered.) 
  • Based on the past project that you have just mentioned, what additional steps did you need to take, or what additional factors did you need to consider as you designed or built the project stated in your claim? 
  • Please list a minimum of 2 to 3 SPECIFIC details.

Why is the project that you listed in the claim complex? What are the factors that had to be considered.


As a chiropractor works with a patient, previous injuries are important to consider because they can impact the healing. This makes the treatment plan more complex because injuries differ greatly. The treatment plan is also more complex than goal setting because it relies on the patient to exercise. When I worked on my paper, I controlled when I worked. A chiropractor can’t control what a patient does when that patient is at home.

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Use in Lives Now

  • Tell how what you have learned about designing or building can be used in your life now.
  • Give a specific example.

Again, you can’t really use this in your life now—except to remember it and use it as you begin your training.


Since I cannot use this knowledge now—except to build my future on it—I will try to remember how to build a treatment plan and apply this knowledge as I start my training. I will remember that I need to get each patients’ medical history, conduct a physical examination, and use other diagnostic studies.

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Career and Example

  • Tell how what you have learned about designing or building might be used in a career. 
  • Name a specific career other than teaching.
  • Give an example of how you could use what you have learned in the career that you have named. 
  • If you need to, you can use the Internet to research the career and list a specific example.

  • This will be used in my career as a ______ because I will be building (or designing) ________. I will use this each time that I ______.
  • Example:
  • This will be used in my career as a chiropractor because I will be designing treatment plans. Each time that I design a treatment plan, I will have to get each patient’s medical history, give a physical examination, and whatever diagnostic studies would give me the information that I needed to make a diagnosis.

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Capitalization, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Document Setup

You know how to do this part.