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Nature Photography

A guide to pictures by Mrs. Wang

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What you need

  • A camera- it can be on your phone, tablet or any device!
  • Look for a subject, it can be outside or inside
  • Make sure you have good lighting (the sun coming in through a window or outside will work just fine!)
  • Have your computer or chromebook ready so you can share your pictures!

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Find a subject

It can be anything!

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Find an object that doesn’t move. I took a picture of my gazing ball. When the light reflects off of the gazing ball it creates neat shadows. This picture was taken from above the gazing ball looking down at it.

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Straight On

This picture was taken straight on, looking directly at the gazing ball. The way the light was hitting the ball created litte light sparkles on the fence. For this picture, the sun was coming from the right.

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Looking Up

For this picture I got down on the ground and aimed my camera up at the gazing ball. This gives me a different perspective on the same object.

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Photo Bursts

Pets can be hard to photograph. For my dog Luna, I use a toy or treat to get her attention. You can also use the photo burst option on your phone or tablet. Hold down the shutter button (the one you use to take a picture) until you hear multiple clicks. Then you can select your favorite picture from the burst!

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Photo Game

If you can’t get outside, or don’t have a device to take a picture with, you can check out the game below! Pick different habitats and take pictures of the animals that live in them! Try the game here!

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One More Game!

For this game, you have to focus the camera on the animal.