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Religious Observances

School of Nursing

Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity

February, 2020

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University policy

  • The School of Nursing complies with and supports University policies regarding the observance of religious holidays

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U of M policy: Makeup Work for Legitimate Absences

  • University policy recognizes that there are a variety of legitimate circumstances in which students will miss coursework, and that accommodations for makeup work will be made.
  • This policy applies to all course requirements, including final examination.
  • Students are responsible for planning their schedules to avoid excessive conflicts with course requirements.
    • 1. Instructors may not penalize students for absence during the academic term due to the following unavoidable or legitimate circumstances:
      • Religious observances;
      • Students must notify their instructors of circumstances leading to a request for makeup work as soon as possible and provide information to explain the absence.

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University policies on attendance�

  • Mandatory Attendance at First Class Session with the following exception:
  • Absence from the first class session that falls during a recognized religious holiday does not require instructor approval, but the student must notify the instructor in advance regarding the absence and the reason for the absence.

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Students are expected to notify faculty in advance that they plan to observe a religious holiday, and if they will be absent from class.

Email to faculty is preferred

In person or telephone communication is less preferred due to potential miscommunication

Faculty are expected to confirm knowledge that the student will be absent.

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It is not the student’s responsibility to educate faculty about their religious holiday

As faculty committed to inclusion of a diverse student population, it is faculty responsibility to become educated to the needs and accommodations required for religious observance.

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Contacts who can address questions �and concerns

  • Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity directors and committee chair