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Oct. 16, 2018 Tuesday --Welcome!!

  • Questions/review/discussion Ch. 1-3 Hand back ch. 1 quiz.
  • Ch. 1-3 Quiz--when finished work on writing.
  • Writing Workshop--drafting 20 min. I will check for ch 2 questions, ch 1-3 quotes, and yesterday’s response to reading--either venn diagram, character thought bubble, t chart, or questions from back of slang sheet.
  • Characterization notes sheet--STEAL
  • Review character observations and inferences sheet/ check off
  • Partner Character trait and evidence chart and paragraph in reading journal.
  • Chapter 4 reading, quotes, finish by tomorrow.
  • Circle and Reading/Reading Conferences--read aloud a paragraph from Outsiders. Have a question ready if you want to discuss with me.

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Writing Workshop

  • Foreshadowing: consider using foreshadowing in your story or writing. This builds a mood of suspense. Consider using in your own writing today.
  • 20 minutes writing time on your own projects. Remember you can be creating a parallel story or poems along with the book, or be writing your own story or poems or essays, etc.
  • Other topic ideas can be found on the back of your character observation/inferences sheet. The themes in the book are all story starters for other ideas as well.

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Characterization and Author’s Craft

Read over and discuss hand out. Tape into Reading notebook.

Speech: What does the character say? How do they speak?

Thoughts--What is revealed by their inner thinking?

Effect (on others) -- How do others react or interact with the character?

Actions-what does the character do and how do they do it?

Looks--how do the words hint at personality?

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Character Analysis Paragraph structure

  • Topic sentence--main idea, title and author
  • Introduce quote/evidence--what is happening in the story? Give context.
  • State quote with page number
  • Explain quote--why is it important and how does it support the topic sentence?
  • Conclusion; restate the topic sentence and explain the significance/why it is important to the story’s development.

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Character Analysis Paragraph Example

In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the main character of Ponyboy is conflicted. While he is in advanced classes at school, he is part of the Greasers group who are usually not successful at school. One day in Biology class he pulls out a switchblade to cut the worm for an experiment without thinking. The other kids were shocked and called him a “hood”, or basically a bad kid. “‘They are right. You are a hood.’” (p. 15) Ponyboy is conflicted because he is living in two separate worlds. He is in advanced classes at school with the other kids and Socs, but at home his brothers and friends are Greasers and looked down upon by the other kids. Ponyboy feels bad and is conflicted, torn between his academic ability, which might provide a path out of the Greaser way of life and poverty, and the people he loves, all Greasers.

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Character Analysis Paragraph Writing

  • Look over the Character Analysis directions and example sheet in google classroom.
  • Write a paragraph based on the model with your own quote. You may work with a group of 2-4 people. . Be sure to put all your names on the paragraph. When finished, turn in.
  • When finished, begin reading chapter 4. Remember to fill in the quotes sheet either as you read or afterwards. Be ready to discuss tomorrow and take a quiz Thursday.

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Paragraph with Author analysis

In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the main character or Ponyboy is conflicted. While he is in advanced classes at school, he is part of the Greasers group who are usually not successful at school. The author, through flashback, describes and shows what happens one day in Biology class when Ponyboy pulls out a switchblade to cut the worm for an experiment without thinking. The other kids are shocked and call him a “hood”, or basically a bad kid. “‘They are right. You are a hood.’” (p. 15) Hinton shows Ponyboy is conflicted because he is living in two separate worlds. When the girl in the yellow sweater says this to Ponyboy, he realizes that he is still judged by his friends. Hinton uses dialogue and description to show how while Ponyboy is in advanced classes at school with the other kids and Socs, at home his brothers and friends are Greasers and looked down upon by the other kids. Ponyboy feels bad and is conflicted, torn between his academic ability, which might provide a path out of the Greaser way of life and poverty, and the people he loves, the Greasers.

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  • FInish paragraph and turn in with group
  • Yellow sheet signature
  • Read ch 4 and write ½-1 page in your journal to orgnaize your thinking about the chapter:
    • Answer a question on the back of the slang sheet
    • Story board the main events
    • Write a summary--detailed
    • Draw a cartoon depicting the chapter
    • Other? It is your choice. Be ready to share tomorrow for partner discussions
