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Creating Your Own Personal LOGO

please get out folder or paper & something to write with!

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Text & Fonts

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Things that you CANNOT do…

NO! NO! NO!�

  • Copywriting Logos
  • Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Mushrooms

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How the project will be GRADED�Create YOUR Own LOGO

Product (Contents):

  • 4 sketch designs before you begin…each one needs to be at least ½ sheet of paper in size

  • Your logo ideas/designs MUST tell about YOU and stand for your personal identity (use your list of passions & things about you to help guide you)

  • After your sketches are complete, conference with Anna and decide on a FINAL Design

  • Create ONE final finished LOGO design, that is clean, clear, graphic, simple, original, and colored (1-3) on Bristol Board

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�Process (Craftsmanship):�

  • Take your time… Keep your work neat!

  • Must be on Bristol Board, colored and finished showing high graphic quality & design

  • NO sketches or scribble designs

  • Must be clean, clear and original

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�Studio time:�

  • Stayed on task
  • Supplies MUST be put away where they go!
  • Worked continuously throughout the class period
  • Must participate in clean up & put materials AWAY
  • Make up any missed days: That means excused or unexcused, 3 tardies = 1 absence

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