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Homeroom Meeting

Student Handbook

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Objectives for training today:

  • Become familiar with the CHS Student Handbook
  • Understand school policies and procedures
  • Receive required forms and documents to be returned this Friday.

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Student Handbook – �Review in Homeroom:

  • Daily Bell Schedule (p. 7)
  • Excused / Unexcused Policy (pg. 16)
  • Attendance and Parent Notes (pg. 16-17)
  • Tardy Policy (pg. 17)
  • College Visitation Guidance (p. 11)
  • Check-In and Check-Out (pg. 8)
  • Hall Pass Procedures (pg. 8)

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Student Handbook – �Review in Homeroom:

  • Sanctions for Incomplete Coursework (p. 13)
  • Academic Integrity (p. 14)
  • Student Behavior Expectations (p. 17 - 20)
    • Cell Phone Use Guidelines
    • Dress Code
    • Drugs, Tobacco, & Weapons infractions will incur significant sanctions

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Student Handbook – �Review in Homeroom:

  • CCS Code of Conduct (pg. 27)
    • Jurisdiction of CCS (pg. 29)
    • Responsibilities of students (pg. 29-31)
    • Class I, II, and III Violations and Consequences (pg. 36-41)
    • Harassment Policy (pg. 42)
    • Harassment Report Form (pg. 43)
    • Organizational Chart for Communicating Concerns (pg. 44)

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Review in Homeroom –�Possible Disciplinary Sanctions:

    • Removal from Class
    • Detention
    • Extended Detention
    • Saturday School
    • Extended Saturday School

    • In-School Suspension
    • Out of School Suspension
    • Turning Point
    • Expulsion
    • Restitution for Vandalism

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Freshmen and New Students Only

Review Document:�Cullman City School Drug Screening Policy

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Make sure INow contact information is complete on demographic sheets.

Homeroom Teachers observe all students logging in to INow to see how to check grades and attendance.

Teachers email a list of students who do not know how to login to Stephanie Knight.

*Freshmen received their passwords yesterday.

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Next Steps:

  • Review Forms
  • Return “Family Acknowledgement of School Information” Form Friday
  • Return Drug Screening Form Friday
  • Return Student Health Assessment Record Friday
  • Return Updated School Demographics and Release of Liability
  • Return “Early Dismissal Permission” Form Friday
  • Complete Free and Reduced Lunch Application Online